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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?

28 (90.3%)
3 (9.7%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Voting closed: August 31, 2004, 05:23:30 pm

Author Topic: Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?  (Read 3496 times)


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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2004, 01:07:40 pm »
I think that the captains should most definitely have meetings so that our leadership is all on the same page and they can get us information that needs to get to us.  So far as ship meetings go I think those should be upon request, if a captain of a ship feels like there should be a meeting to discuss something, just call one and have the ship meet up.  As far as whole clan meetings, we could always have "club nights" where we find a club in game and just chill there for the night.  Have a good time, you know.


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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2004, 04:53:33 pm »
Definitely, now that we know there are vomit emotes.


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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2004, 05:00:41 pm »
Vomit emotes? Heh, but seriously meetings are a good idea, and anyone who might not be able to make it could hopefully at least be on AIM. Also a meeting might be a better idea on a weekend, because some people might have to attend at midday due to time zones.


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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2004, 07:09:47 pm »
I am loving the way you are so all in to this, but to this point the only captain to see it is oronos. i am hoping that the other captains and of course our fantasic leader tbone will take a look and comment on this perticular topic. Also on a complete detour from the the topic, could you all please checkout my bio and vote in my poll, i will be using the results to decide wheather i will make my idea in my bio a reality. Thank you for joining in this topic and plaese contiue to enjoy it.

p.s. Sorry for any brown noseing that has occured in this post, i hope it has not offended anyone.

Offline Broin

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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2004, 07:53:27 pm »
I think captain meetings and ship meetings are great ideas....  Of course there will be people who won't be able to make it for one reason or another and posting the basic consensus of the meetings here for each ships crew (as previously mentioned) would be good as well.  Of course no captain should ever go out and about in the game alone, so having some muscle for a back up would be a must.  hint hint hint... As in I'd volunteer for that tour of duty

Has anyone thought about having ship meeting before the game releases?


Go ahead, make my day.


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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2004, 01:16:57 am »
I think it should be weekly, just to get everyone together and seeing how ships are doing, what they've come up against, and just random discussion over all :D


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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2004, 08:03:53 am »
In the second film all of the ships captains and thier crews met together, but it was considered a very risky operation, and, if you have played EtM, they were attacked. So I think it would probably be best to do it over aim, or 'cellphones' if you want to be technical. I think the reason they did not do that in teh film was because the line could be hacked, but I don't know how they could incorperate that into the game.


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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2004, 10:03:19 am »
Good point Ajax.

I don't see much added value in everyone being in the same room.  It's just a useless risk.


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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2004, 03:19:30 pm »
Ajax, not only could they very likely not do it, but it would be illegal. IM's are private information. Providing a venue for a third party to view said information without the knowledge of the first and second isn't legal.

They could join the AIM Chatroom, though =P

Club nights sound a little fun, though. Informal meeting to let loose some steam, and blast the crap out of anyone who ruins our fun.
And steal their wallet.


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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2004, 03:48:27 pm »
About saftey durring meetings - are there "no player killing" zones in MxO, and if so, do they afford any privacy?

I agree that schedualed meetings are an excellent idea (one which would be much more interesting if done in game, with voice), but location and security will obviously be an issue.

Perhaps if we changed the meeting location every week - for example, there could be a sticky thread on the boards here which would give the minutes of the last meeting and the location of the next.

I also agree that, with the possibilities of spies, that meetings be "Captians Only", followed by debriefing to the crew, is the most viable option.

Two Cents.


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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2004, 12:38:50 pm »
i thought i would bring back this tread. so what do you think, should the FA have  meeetings time in the game?

//hacked by gillette. Check your pm box.


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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2004, 12:58:56 pm »
Meetings in game would be more for roleplaying.Make the game more of a reality, less of a game where we run around and do missions that really in the end don't make much of a difference if they are done or not.These meetings would definately add more interest, and could partake in planned player events.

I know myself, if we were to raid a faction meeting, I would have lots of fun.Especially if there were special skills needed that only certain people in the faction have.Each person would have a job to do, for example, one spy will have to break into locked rooms, while another takes out security camera's and such.When the first spy completes his mission to open a locked door, a hacker will move into the unlocked room to hack a pc.

Not only would we have fun, we would also gain experience as a team.

If we do decide to have meetings in game, it would be good.Even if we were the ones being raided.We could have people working on security, guarding "important" people, etc.

Hopefully meetings in game will be accepted.If they are we may have one problem still, which is the MxO Devs adding security camera's, sentry guns, locked doors, computers controlling security networks, etc.I have a good feeling some of the things I suggested will be added though.... they are some objects that would be the only things that a spy can actually use some of his skills on.If they were not to be added, a spy would basically be useless, or uneeded.


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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #27 on: October 05, 2004, 09:11:56 pm »
Talk about necro posting.

Meeting are a good idea. But, getting everyone on would be a bitch.

Offline Ketamininja

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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2004, 02:31:36 am »
Meetings pros:
RP development
Information Exchange
Meeting area to gather before mission start

Meeting cons:
Getting all online
Risk of attack (although high defense!)

If you think about the "pros", any real RPing meetings would be done on the hvcft or construct - although we can't simulate this in the game. The boards and teamspeak when we are not playing simulate this for us.

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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Should we have daily/ weekly/ monthly meetings in the game?
« Reply #29 on: October 06, 2004, 08:57:48 am »
I like the ideas of RP meetings - we need to get some RP going in this game.



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