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Author Topic: Regards from Tyshalle  (Read 4836 times)


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2004, 05:55:57 pm »
Just because you may have had some problems with him is no reason to celebrate his leaving the faction.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2004, 06:07:24 pm »
Oh sorry, i'll rub my eyes lots so they start to water.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2004, 08:09:15 pm »
I didn't say that either. I think we should just have respect for any member leaving the faction.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2004, 08:17:56 pm »
I agree.

People come and go.

Even though you might disagree with someone it's always a good thing to remain civil.  You never know when you'll need them.  Never say never :-)

I used to work with an older gentleman who told me "Never close a door if you can keep it open, even just slightly."

Just my two cents.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2004, 09:14:11 pm »
guys do me a favor, dont judge what i say, since you did not experience what i went thru with him, and what he has said to me... how nice of you guys to reply based on just the things you've seen or read, when in all honesty thats merely all you know.

i am the only one who said "good riddens" perhaps i am the only one that had the biggest problem with him. and if this is true.. then leave my thoughts be, i appreciate your opinions, but like i said, you have no idea why i say it, so why act like you do.

you tell me he was just diffrent, and the things he said might have been a little harsh, even though they affected many. but then when i say  "good riddens" although a little harsh, was directed only towards him... you all reply like that?


now if i was to forward hate emails and flame pm's i had recieved from him particularly the email about what he felt about all of you "wonderful people" after he was kicked, showing what i like to call "his real side" i can almost guarantee alot of you might feel the same feelings towards him as i do.

but hey, like you say.. he wasnt such bad guy.     w/e


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2004, 09:21:48 pm »
Alright guys, lets not make this any bigger of a deal than it is already. Things happen, people say things, deal with it.  We're all adults here.. most of us ;)

Tyshalle was a bad character... as said before, he was warned numerous times.. many of you may think "oh ok.. he said a few things and was warned..." WRONG, the guy had been around for quit some time. This was all going on for months on end. He didn't respond well to anyone. His farwell could be described as "too little too late." He wasn't willing to change how he acted and how he degraded members of the faction until after the fact.

Had he been the "nice guy" you all may feel he was after having read the email, he would still be here. Trust me when I say that everything that happens in such cases is always in the best interest of the faction. -Or it is, at the very least, what the captains, staff, and Tb0ne feel are in the best interest. That's all we can offer.

Please understand that even though facts may not always be given about such cases, there may indeed be reason behind things like what seven said. So, try to remain open-minded, as I'm sure won't be hard for any of you. :)  It's part of being here, is it not? ;)


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2004, 09:23:15 pm »
You're right.

We don't know much (if anything) about what you guys said or did to each other.  I don't pretend to know.

I'm just saying that there's not much value in tearing his head off even though it might feel good.  Especially now that Tyshalle's gone.

I didn't like the guy especially but the fact is that he has the right to do what he wants... and suffer the consequences of his actions.

Let's just move on to more constructive things.

I meant no offense.

Again, that's just my two cents.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2004, 09:33:09 pm »
good riddens = tearing his head off??
as opposed to others saying "i feel it was a good decision to kick him"
and do i not have the right to say good riddens?


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2004, 09:35:22 pm »


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2004, 10:10:52 pm »
I did not mean to judge you Seven. You are allowed to have your own opinion; I was just trying to defend the respect of someone who I have not had too bad of an experience with.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2004, 10:27:59 pm »
Hmm... It would seem to me that even in his absence Tyshalle is still dividing the clan. I say we let people's decisions about him be that as it may, their decisions. I also say let's get off this topic because talking about it further serves no purpose other then to diassemble the clan even more. It's time for Tyshalle to truly leave the faction.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #26 on: August 27, 2004, 06:36:28 am »
I feel dissapointed that no-one had the patience to deal with him, he was unique.  I know, I agrued the very point with him on a number of occaisions.  He did not directly insult any of the people during his time here, and only after he got kicked out for voicing his opinions did he get angry.  I think any of you would.  I say do unto others as they should do to you.  I know he didn't like everyone in the clan, but he had respect for the people who counted in his view.  When you get a community this big you can't expect everyone to have the same opinion, unless you are clones or sheep.  

I don't want to say any more but I respected the guy and I'm not happy to see him go.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #27 on: August 27, 2004, 10:37:57 am »
The thing is, it doesnt matter if deep down he had original views.  We are (Suppose to be) a group of friends who are looking forward to playing a game sometime in the future.  He was a good guy if you didnt immediatly attack his ideas, and for some of you that's habitual. Even if we dont all get along, it's a pretty stupid reason to stick around since that's why you joined.  His opinions were neat, I'll warrant that - but the times they popped up just sounded whiney and whatnot.  If not for his seemingly whiney rants (And peoples less than mature responses at many points) I am really indifferent to see him go, he never contributed anything but his opinion.  

And nobody cared.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #28 on: August 27, 2004, 11:35:37 am »
Hey AcidicPlague.  Is this "No spam" logo part of your avatar or is this a warning from someone that you are a spammer ? :-)  

Your "category" is "forum spammer" so...


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #29 on: August 27, 2004, 11:54:06 am »
It got put there a while ago when there was some spamming problems. I assume it's still there because an admin has yet to remove it, or he requested it stay there because it's funny.

GUys can we sorta get over this? It's diving the faction and it has no reason too - let's get back to more important matters.



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