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Author Topic: Regards from Tyshalle  (Read 4831 times)

Offline Tbone

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Regards from Tyshalle
« on: August 26, 2004, 12:56:32 am »
Lately I've been looking into potential trouble spots in our faction. It was brought to my attention that Tyshalle seemed to be picking fights with almost everyone. After reading several of his posts, it didn't even seem he was even going to play MxO once it is released (and if he did, he wouldn't be a happy gamer). A few weeks ago I had discusssed with Tyshalle some issues that I thought needed to be discussed. While I could see some effort on his part to improve things, it did not seem that he meshed well with anyone else. While he didn't do anything necessarily "wrong", we are a selective community and I didn't really see a point in keeping someone around who had no intention of helping improve our gaming experience. For this reason, I dismissed Tyshalle from the faction. The following is his reply to his dismissal:

"Ah, I IMed you before I saw this email. Well, that's too bad. I wish you'd have discussed this with me prior to making your decision, but you've gotta do what you gotta do. You may wish to talk to both Crimson and Muse, though, as I PMed both of them last night and let them both know how much I respect them, and how my intentions were never to make enemies with any of your members.
I IMed you today to discuss with you a couple of ideas I had for the clan that I'd like to run by you. People had been giving me some ideas of ways I could contribute to the clan more, and I was going to talk with you about it all.
My intentions were always good, even if my writing came on strong, I never attempted to disrespect anyone in our clan, and whenever people came to me with actual ways I could improve my relations with our members other than by "not talking," I took them up on it. If you noticed, I did cut back significantly on my swearing, as a result of many complaints about it.
I was trying to better myself in the clan, and I apologize that the changes didn't come by quick enough that I could be accepted as a valued member of the group.
Please relay my best wishes to the whole of the Clan, especially Muse, who if nothing else, she was a worthy "opponent," in our debates.
Perhaps someday I will be given back access to the group. I ask that you at least keep that as a possible option, for I think you'll find that I'm a completely different person in-game, than I am while waiting for the game.
It's been a pleasure, Tbone. I hope to see you in game. And please, do give my best wishes to the whole Clan. I know a lot of them didn't like me, but none of us really had a chance to get to know one another. It's a lot different talking about specific topics in forums, where people can have such varied opinions, which are very difficult to delve into in such long-delayed posts, than it is in IM's or other such faster-paced communication mediums.
Goodluck, Tbone. You were a good leader, I'm sorry I wasn't a good enough crewmate."

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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2004, 01:05:51 am »
I will give him one thing.... he is a good writer. I agree with all your points or removal, if we see him in game and he better, we could think about letting him back.
"Have you ever tried to dismantle a snowball?" - Linus, Peanut's Gang.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2004, 02:14:07 am »
OH MY GOD!LETS LET HIM BACK IN HE'S SOOOOO NICE!Not. I can't believe the " I had ideas for helping out the clan before you kicked me" bs.

But anyway, he should have came on ts, so we could really see how he was.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2004, 02:36:12 am »
Think I posted my thoughts about his leaving in another thread.  Hard call but a good one imo.  Maybe he's right and he does "play" differently than he "waits," in which case it's good that no bridges were burned because without the certain abrasiveness he'd be a star crewmate.  Tyshalle is a helluva bright guy and definitely brings a spark of liveliness to things; but I have to admit I'm not displeased to see him go.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2004, 03:59:35 am »
good riddens


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2004, 05:44:37 am »
It's always sad to see someone go, no matter what they've done.

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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2004, 08:25:43 am »
he merely had different views and diferent ways to express them. debates always unravel a slight  anger towards another person whether you know it or not.. this person simply loved to debate, was smart, and a hell of a writer. yes i feel that he did need to go because  of him not getting along with others... but thats no reason to not be sad to see him go


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2004, 08:27:03 am »
It is, but Tyshalle rarely brought anything but fights here. Personality crash I guess, though he sometimes wouldn't really be THAT bad.

However, I agree on your decision Tbone..things were getting a bit hot.

I think the main problem was his negativity towards the game, and how he always was "right"...


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2004, 09:50:11 am »
Just to point this out, but there will always be another like him who has the same thoughts and views. Still. I hope that as far as the situation goes we can get passed it and hope we don't have anymore negativity in the clan. I guess only time will tell how things will be directly affected in any descion that is made .


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2004, 10:59:00 am »
I agree he was a relatively harsh guy and at least appeared to have some extreme opposition to other people's opinions; however, watching the progession of the discussion between Tyshalle and Muse I began to see a growth from the, I'll call it childish ranting and flaming into something far more mature that really brought out some very intelligent points.  When you got passed all of his bull-headedness he really had some good things to say.  I agree that it appeared most of what he said was purely negative, however it sounded to me like the majority of his experiences with MMO's have been relatively negative experiences, so we should only expect that he should be quite skeptical about another one.  That being said there were definitely other ways he could have gone about expressing his views, i.e. being far less confrontational and a little more open-minded.  I for the most part agreed with many of the things Tyshalle said, particularly about current MMO's, however where we differed is that as Tyshalle appeared to maintain that harsh skepticism that all MMO's are going to suck if some major formula changes aren't made, including one we have very little information about. I still have faith that MxO will be something new and exciting that will change the way MMO's are played today.  

Anyway, even though he was a bastard sometimes I still respect the guy, and I hope to see him in game.  Perhaps it is for the best that he be allowed to go and explore a little bit himself and formulate his own opinions about the game post-release, and then have some talks about regaining access to FA.  Things will most definitely be a lot quieter with Tyshalle gone, however things will also be a lot less hostile.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2004, 03:04:19 pm »
I agree. Although, Eligoh I don't doubt that he was planning on doing some things for the faction because I had given him some ideas to use his writing techniques to better causes rather then just to negatize everything.

His response makes you feel something of a sympathy for him and it almost makes ya want to go, "Hey we're sorry. You can come back." but not really. Any departing speech makes you feel sad and sympathy, and it makes you question whether or not you took the correct course of action, but you must hold firm that you make the best decision. In this choice I'm holding firm that th correct decision was made.

Unfortunately Tyshalle is gone, but as Tbone said we ARE a selective group, and being selective has nothing to do with emotions. I agree with Wolf, that there could have been other ways for Tyshalle to express his veiws, and he could have gotten a lot more helpful and conversational responses by being less confrontational.

It is a definate shame. If he had only focused on the actual facts of the matter without being so confrontational he could have inspired actual and true conversing on the topics, rather then a mass of people debating against him.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2004, 03:41:45 pm »
The problem with Tyshalle was the fact that he had been warned so many times. He had his chances to change... all too many chances, in fact. It is sad to see anyone leave the faction, but in this case we are most certainly better off without him. We can't have members who degrade our community.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2004, 04:16:02 pm »
Wolf said:
Things will most definitely be a lot quieter with Tyshalle gone, however things will also be a lot less hostile.

If things are less hostile it's probably for the better.  It can't be healthy to have divisions in the clan.  I might be too much of a "softy," but  I'm a firm believer second chances, third chances, and however many chances.  Maybe the fact that there were actually consequences for his actions would be enough to keep Tyshalle from being so negative and argumentative if we ever let him back in.  I guess we'll have to wait to see him in game before even considering anything like that though.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2004, 04:43:51 pm »
I posted my veiws on this in another thread, but one comment too seven's post: Come on dude. You dont say good riddance when someone leaves. Thats disrespectful.


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Regards from Tyshalle
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2004, 05:18:19 pm »
Go Seven! Go Seven! W00t! W00t! Go Seven!



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