Ok, I have to brag on you guys. Mxo.Eris wanted to join our faction. Here's some of the log:
<FA_Tbone> Congrats on the challenge :-P
<FA_Tbone> Thoth told me you two were in kahoots together...heh
<MxO_Eris> I had to give him a hint to get past that same page I was stuck on. Then he solved it before I could leave the room.
<MxO_Eris> Which was annoying, because it was the ONE THING I hadn't tried. >_<
* MxO_Eris ponders...
* FA_Tbone ponders as well...
<MxO_Eris> Hmmmm. Thoth would kiiiiill me if I joined a Zionist clan. ^_^
<FA_Tbone> There's got to be balance. You can't all go around smiting good-doers!
* MxO_Eris snickers.
<FA_Tbone> MmMm...snickers...
<FA_Tbone> I'm starting to get hungry
<FA_Tbone> You should at least join our Ventrilo server.
<FA_Tbone> Everyone would freak...lol.
<MxO_Eris> I don't know if any of us are really allowed to join player clans and factions.
<MxO_Eris> Officially, anyway. We'd have to be secretive about it.
<FA_Tbone> I would assume that you could easily create a different player to play on during your off-time.
<FA_Tbone> As long as you didn't use your uberness to our advantage.
<FA_Tbone> Heck, you could even join our faction under an alias, and you and I would just keep your identity a secret.
<FA_Tbone> The rest would never even know.
<MxO_Eris> I already have a different character for off-time.

<FA_Tbone> Hehe, cool.
<MxO_Eris> I'm thinking about it. Most of your people are cool, and you do seem to be weeding out the clue-challenged. -_-;
<FA_Tbone> Yeah, there's a lot of intelligent people of different backgrounds. We've got ages 14 - 40+. Males and females.
<MxO_Eris> Also very cool.

<FA_Tbone> Right now our member count is at...128. 10 ships (two are European). I'm about to have to add another, though.
<MxO_Eris> Yikes!
<FA_Tbone> Yeah, people underestimate our numbers quite a bit.
<MxO_Eris> Sneaky Angels!
<FA_Tbone> Do you know if you can join a player-run faction yet? Hehe
<MxO_Eris> XD
<MxO_Eris> I can't. ^_^;
<FA_Tbone> Awwwww
* FA_Tbone cries
<MxO_Eris> Thoth decided to make his own secret faction.
<MxO_Eris> Well, if I were going to join a faction, it'd be yours. That help? ^_^;
How's that for having a good reputation in the community! You guys all deserve a pat on the back!