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Author Topic: SHIPS / CREWS / AND FINDING YOUR PLACE  (Read 1988 times)

Offline Broin

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« on: August 01, 2004, 10:24:00 am »
Okay I'm hoping I'm posting this in the right place....

I've noticed that there are about 21 people who are listed as potentials to be placed for ships.  I know that some of us such as myself are new members and have not even gone through the first weeks trial by the way mine is up tomorrow, so we'll see how I did  :D

However, I was thinking that it might be a good idea to have a forum where people can talk about what they are looking for in a crew (if your a captain)  and what your looking for in a team (if your looking to join a ship).  I think it would be a good way for team members to start forming strong bonds and ties, and give you an idea of who you might be gaming with on a regular basis.  I mean it makes a difference on how much time you think you might be in game.  I'm not sure if I would want to be in a ship where most of the people can only dedicate one good day of game play on the weekends.  Although I imagine everyone here is going to be intensely in the game when it comes out.  What do you think?  Let me know....


Go ahead, make my day.


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« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2004, 01:09:54 pm »
I think we have one of them mate, its called all the rest of the forums, just look at the people you like then see which ship they on, then apply  for that one.


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« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2004, 02:25:53 pm »
It would be rather nice to have one location where I can scroll through a brief paragraph concerning the ships and the people aboard. I know that there is a bio section already posted, but few of them relate to how the ships are to be run, how often one will be online, mission command, etc. Of course, many of the details will change once we're in the game and have a better feel for what's going on, but it would be nice just to have a rough outline of what ship will be doing what.


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« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2004, 02:46:30 am »
No need to have to think about anything. The Asperitas is the best ship. It is only for the best of the best. There, now you have no need for that silly forum.


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« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2004, 03:11:11 am »
All my questions answered ^^;;;


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« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2004, 05:46:39 am »
Go Decerto! Fight to the finish!


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« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2004, 07:41:48 pm »
My trial period is up and I have not heard anything as to what ship I am on or anything so far. I did send Tbone the list of ships I want to be on. Although a I am also still wondering how each clan will be run. I have some information but I think this would be a good topic.


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« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2004, 10:25:27 pm »
I'm on The Electus right now. I can honestl say that we've probably opened the doors to help fill the vacancies on each of the ship, so it's best for you guys just to hurry up and fnd out which ones you want to be on.

Although, I think that this is a thread best left for the Captains to give an overview of what they each hope to accomplish with their crew, I believe that since you guys are going to be crewmembers, that it's also important for you guys to hear the account of a crewmember, such as myself. Here goes:

I've been on The Electus since like maybe 2-3 days after my intial 7 day trial period. I forgot to make a selection as to which ship as to which I wanted to be placed on, so I was put on the Electus. This is not a bad ship at all. Out motto is to be the the best, the select, the elite. I admit Electus is a freaky name that gets people thinking all about eletricity, because it makes me think about that all of the time, but just what is electricity if not the source of everything we knew? If we did not have electricity (Eclectus) the world (FA) would be in chaos. Now in reality of course the FA isn't going to be in total chaos over us leavng, but I would like to think of us as the best, the select, because we strive to be the best. There's a difference between thinking you're the best, and actually being it. Tell me. who is better? The person who is the ebst, and thinks that their journey of training is over, or the person who strives to be the best never quite reaching perfection because perfection can never be reached?
LOL I know it sounds crazy, and it might not even make sense, but what makes sense in the matrix? Before I joined, I had my eye on this faction and another one. You know what made me choose this one? They made me work to get in. That made me curious, and I told the other faction that I was sorry that I could not join them. But I did have an inkling to join them because they were small, tight-knit, and they were so....idk relatively unorganized I guess you could say so much so that it made everyone tighter, and closer-knit, likea  family. Unlikely story, once I was reading a comic book, and this woman who was immortal or something I guess was angry because people she loved were taken away from her. She was in a team and was mad at them fro some reason, when the leader came to get her back she told him, " I have no alligiance to a team. I want a family." And I was like wow....if you're going to be fighting and dying with people, who wants that "Oh Hey' candid connection with someone? I had my reservations about joining a large faction, because I had been in one before and they seemed so....faceless that wasn't worth it. I can assure you that neither The FA, The Eclectus, or any ship that you choose within our ranks will be like that. Not if you don't let it.

Sorry for the long post guys, but you asked for it - Peace :P


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« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2004, 01:39:06 pm »
See? This is beautiful. Thanks, Eclipse.


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« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2004, 05:37:30 pm »
When I first started browsing on the MxO forums, I had actually found a clan/faction to join. I forget the name now, but they were are small group too.  Zionist and heavy Rping, then I stumbled into the Furious Angels thread.  I was intrigued, and still in the process of joining this other faction.  Well, this was back in the day of the first challange (which was a bit easier) and I passed it in an evening.  Soon after joining FA, I found them to be friendly, welcoming and well structured.  They also RP alot which I was just getting into at the time.

All of these made me want to join them more and more, and eventualy I did (As you can see).  

However, I am from England and this is a US based clan.  So I was put in a ship with other Europeans, some of them real life friends.  The Formosus.  I felt like it was just some kind joke to be honest, I felt a bit excluded.  But then I though, we are all in the same league and I just got along with it.  Now I am actually Captaining the Formosus (which was slightly unexpected) and I have made a number of friends everywhere on each ship.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter what ship you are on.  They are purely for organisational purposes until game launch, when that time arrives, people will become more active and the Hovercraft Forums and 'families' will be knitted.  Just choose the first two Hovercrafts which you think you are suited to.

Hope this helped.


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« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2004, 06:55:28 pm »
Im here because the pwntouchables are really slow when it comes to sending their activation emails for new accounts. I was wanting to join em. But while waiting for the email, I was reading their recruitment forum, and doc talked about this other clan which also had a trial to get in. I didn't know anything, just got through the test, and really liked it. Then I got into the clan and loved it, and now I wouldn't want be anywhere else.

The pwntouchables email I recieved long after I was joined with the Decerto, and I just deleted it... :D



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