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Author Topic: New Faction Sigs! Vote now!  (Read 11975 times)


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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2004, 08:11:40 am »
i think that having the same sig in mxo would look very unified and dignified and show off that we are, to the public, one faction and not a bunch of random people. but in here i think that doing the same thing does a bottleneck effect that cuts the sharing of creativity to just one or two people, which isn't exaclty fair. of course not everything is, but in the fa i think it would be better to express ourselves as individuals and in the mxo show as a unified group. but i do think that there should be a size requirement (pixel x pixel) ... it just makes sense. :)


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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2004, 08:20:23 am »
I voted #2.  I think that if someone hits a thread anywhere in the MxO forums and our members were pretty active in it, the visual impact on anyone reading it would be immense.  We would be unmistakable.


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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2004, 08:49:45 am »

I think it would show off a bit of Unity, and could show the comunity just how serious, and tight we are. However I do feel that having different sigs for different ships can be done successfully only one way

Each member of the HvCFT wears the same sig, (excluding name, rank ect) but EACH HvCFT has very different shape, yet resembling a FA appeal and look..... My proove hard to pull off classy.

I agree with that.


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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2004, 09:03:40 am »
let me just answer a few questions that people have pm'd me concerning the dog tags..

yes: each ship will have its own unique dog tag,
unsure: im not yet sure if there will be ranks on the tags, i would like to implement perhaps grooves or stars, representing your rank for your ship.
yes: they will have the same construct look as the ones tbone, likwidtek and i already have (but not exactly the same)
yes: the name of your ship will be on the tag, the dog tags me, likwid and tbone are using are prototypes, and i guarantee the final look of the tags will be much more kickass.. and will probably make you more proud to rep it ;)

...i hope this answers a few of everyone questions, if you have any other concerns please pm me


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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2004, 09:31:13 am »
My honest opnion on this is that we keep our individuality here on our own boards and show our unity outside of our own boards.  One thing though on the topic of rank how are we to decide this condsidering you would have to go with seniority. there are people here that have been here a long time that I think would be deserving of a title aside from Tbone and the Captians. There's alot to think about when putting this into consideration for each ship, also some of our ships have been around longer than others so that would pretty much make flagships of the FA.

Kike I said ALOT to think about when considering this type of idea.


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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #20 on: July 29, 2004, 11:56:13 am »
Being a rebel, sometimes without a cause/sometimes with, I couldn't vote because there was no choice to keep our own sigs. Individuality would be lost on both boards if everyone has the same look. Even diff ships with same feel as main look would be better. There must be some room for creativity / autonomity/individuality even if everyone uses the same sig.


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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2004, 12:20:02 pm »
Yes, I would rather use my own sig too. However everyone else are welcome to use a Seven sig. :)


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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2004, 01:09:31 pm »
I voted no. 2 cos I love makin my own sigs (even if I don't use them) and to see a load of people wearing the same sig with that rectangular form, could be very intimidating!


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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2004, 01:15:20 pm »
I would vote for option #2 - To think that we all have the ability to show everyone on the MxO forums that we have the same sig, has a profound impact on anyone that reads any of our messages. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a trend, that other clans would start to follow.

I think we should be unified outside, but cover each other on the inside. Look like we're one to everyone else, but we know ourselves that it's a group together that makes us a whole.

However, I do think that to adequately poll this situation there should have been an option as to keep your own sig.

Although....I don't that making us a unified front on the MxO forums will stifle your indidviduality at all. Not to be harsh, or sound off-putting, but we all made a choice to join a clan. In and of itself that alone stifles indidvidualtiy to some extent - there are automatically certain rules that you'll have to follow, and certain regulations that you'll have to comply to. Not to sound like joining a clan means that you'll have to give up your lives, but you get what I'm saying? There are sacrifices you have to give up to make the group stronger.


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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2004, 01:18:04 pm »
I'll use a Seven sig on the MxO forums of course :).


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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2004, 01:28:12 pm »
I voted #2 mainly because I agree with Marrs... We should show much of our unity outside of FA forums, and keep our individuality in the FA forums...


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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #26 on: July 29, 2004, 01:46:05 pm »
Well I don't really have much of an oppinion to voice about it.  I really like Tbone and Sevens idea so I'm going with the flow.  

I agree with alot of posts here on it showing unity etc. Anyway, whatever way the boats sways I don't really mind.

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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #27 on: July 29, 2004, 01:54:24 pm »
Quote from: "Sevker"
I think it would show off a bit of Unity, and could show the comunity just how serious, and tight we are.  However I do feel that having different sigs for different ships can be done successfully only one way

Actually I do agree with that statement.
Perhaps we can have part of a sig that everyone must have (expect hvcft name is different where required). The other part can be of your own design (or of a few options that FA give with the regular part).

IE 1/3 (left side) is FA regulation sig, the other 2/3 is whatever you want.
But if that idea is any good, I would also suggest that sig size is standard across the board.

Personally, I hate sigs that are tall. Some one posts a two line comment, and his sig covers a good 12 lines sometimes... :( I think it looks untidy sometimes, but thats just me and my own preferences !! ;)

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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #28 on: July 29, 2004, 01:55:44 pm »
I agree with the unity / clan sermon. Also, it would be good if room was left for individuality in the standard ship sig was left as an option (Icon area / color scheme / border choice???)

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New Faction Sigs! Vote now!
« Reply #29 on: July 29, 2004, 02:23:51 pm »
I voted number 2 for a number of reasons, most of them Eroz  already  pointed out but the one reason he didnt hit was that seven is making me a kick ass sig for the site. New sig coming soon to a forum near you. but if you want to use the "Dog Tags" i think you should be able to.



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