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Author Topic: WHAT'S IN A NAME....  (Read 12271 times)

Offline Ketamininja

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« Reply #30 on: August 02, 2004, 12:31:46 pm »

the name itself has been around for a while. This became a persona online, and has made many friends throughout its history.

The exact details behind the name lay hidden to rest, buried deep inside a hole I call my mind. All I can say is it is an amalgamation of two real life events that put together can go horribley wrong.

Perhaps it serves as a reminder, or a warning. However, to everyone else on this board, it simply serves as identification.

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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« Reply #31 on: August 03, 2004, 05:52:04 pm »
I stole mine out of a dictionary while looking up terms related to fire. The definitions I've found differ by dictionary however, but I have chosen my version to mean "Baptismal Fire" although another version is "A Pile of Flammable Materials" Oh well, imo it sounds cool, so either way I like it.


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« Reply #32 on: August 03, 2004, 06:45:59 pm »
The name Wolf most obviously comes from the animal, however I much prefer the image of the lone wolf.  The one dark warrior sneaking through the shadows in search of prey.  The wolf is just a sweet animal.  Another name I've been known to use is Styx, which many people consider to be taken from the band.  It's funny when another player names off a Styx song as their favorite one assuming I'm a fan of the band.  It actually comes from a few places, in Greek mythology it is a river that separates the land of the living from the land of the dead.  Translated it is the River of Hate.  Also, in Dante's inferno the river Styx runs through the fifth circle of Hell.  The fifth circle of Hell is the home for the vengeful and those who lived a life full of hate, it seems fit they are condemened to eternity within the River of Hate.

Anyway, that's where my most common names come from.


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« Reply #33 on: August 03, 2004, 07:15:59 pm »
I have been told that I can be good at making up names. And Orasu was just a name I made up with no meaning...

Then, while playing Anarchy Online (I have an Orasu there too) some romanian dude comes to me and tells me Orasu is City in romanian..

I dunno, make of it what you want :D.


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« Reply #34 on: August 03, 2004, 09:04:07 pm »
finally a name as meaningless as mine ... to an extent anyways :p


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« Reply #35 on: August 04, 2004, 01:28:41 pm »
For years I struggled to invent an original alias.  At the time, it seemed impossible.  Someone else already used every name I thought I invented.  I guess you could say I was having image problems.  From B1n4ry pr0ph3t to Task Master - I wasn’t creative enough to create an alias that was solely my own.  Then one day, for whatever reason, I was having a conversation with a friend and it turned into one about really horrible ways to die.  We somehow transferred over to diseases and that became the basis of my name.

Acidic Plague; a plague of undocumented proportions leaving nothing but destruction in the wake.  Silent and invisible without so much as a smell, the plague enters the body through the lungs upon being inhaled.  Thus the name Acidic comes into play as the tiny microorganisms begin to break down the tissues in the lungs effectively turning them into weak gelatin like material.  Followed by a more painful process, the microorganisms spread to the rest of the body and have a similar affect.  The blood burns like wild fire as the plague slowly does the person off.  Bones are rendered useless and the victim is left immobile and dieing slowly; there are no survivors and the average lifespan of a victim once infected is nearly four years.

A little morbid I know, but I was quite giddy when I google searched it and found it was nowhere to be found.  Now you search it and all you find are records left by me all over the Internet.  However, my character’s alias is also Acidic Plague - but for different reasons. The Black Death was a deadly and silent killer, traveling from house to house and indiscriminately between men, women, children, and all living life.  That is Acidic's dogma, to remain silent and in the shadows.  

Acidic simply because his favorite color is green.  Go figure.


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« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2004, 02:31:54 pm »
ummm i was thinking of good names....which were short and very few, but i saw zinc, and thought it was coool, but didn't want to be associated with medicine, so i changed the spelling to Zink. yah but that was like 3 years ago :) he he. and as for recent, ive thought up another just in case my name gets taken, god for bid. it'll probably be Sucubus. ok im done


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« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2004, 02:55:52 pm »
I actually had this name since Star Wars Galaxies went live.  I've used it and kep it since

Aaura. Well Mine is a variation of the word aura with an added 'A'.

Aura means an emanating / radiating precsence.


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« Reply #38 on: August 07, 2004, 04:16:50 pm »
"And so, with his face stern in front of his loss and pain, Odin All-Father turned and went toward Mimir's Well. It was under the great root of Ygdrassil--the root that grew out of Jötunheim. And there sat Mimir, the Guardian of the Well of Wisdom, with his deep eyes bent upon the deep water. And Mimir, who had drunk every day from the Well of Wisdom, knew who it was that stood before him.

"Hail, Odin, Eldest of the Gods," he said.

p. 81

Then Odin made reverence to Mimir, the wisest of the world's beings. "I would drink from your well, Mimir," he said.

"There is a price to be paid. All who have come here to drink have shrunk from paying that price. Will you, Eldest of the Gods, pay it?"

"I will not shrink from the price that has to be paid, Mimir," said Odin All-Father.

"Then drink," said Mimir. He filled up a great horn with water from the well and gave it to Odin.

Odin took the horn in both his hands and drank and drank. And as he drank all the future became clear to him. He saw all the sorrows and troubles that would fall upon Men and Gods. But he saw, too, why the sorrows and troubles had to fall, and he saw how they might be borne so that Gods and Men, by being noble in the days of sorrow and trouble, would leave in the world a force that one day, a day that was far off indeed, would destroy the evil that brought terror and sorrow and despair into the world.

Then when he had drunk out of the great horn that Mimir had given him, he put his hand to his face and he plucked out his right eye. Terrible was the pain that Odin All-Father endured. But he made no groan nor moan. He bowed his head and put his cloak before his face, as Mimir took the eye and let it sink deep, deep into the water of the Well of Wisdom. And there the Eye of Odin stayed, shining up through the water, a sign to all who came to that place of the. price that the Father of the Gods had paid for his wisdom."

(From this website:

The 0wl is a symbol of wisdom, death, penetration and aligned with the element of Air.

If  we have a representative of the mind , body and spirit ( Humans, Machines and Exiles )....there is a lot of room for exploration and symbolism.

And, well, I know more of and relate better to Norse mythology than other mythology/belief systems/religions.  

It was also said that when Mirmir left the well, it would stagnate and fail to feed the roots of the World Tree...and things got worse from there.

You give up an eye/viewpoint/understanding/way of being when you take the red-pill...and gain knowledge.  But should Mankind abandon or neglect the guarding and pursuit of knowledge then Zion will be the dream that dies in the Matrix Universe.

There is just a lot of potential in this setting. The stories, settings, philosophy, questions and discussions behind it all are....amazing. It is more than just a movie franchise, and that is the coolest part.  If you dont KNOW better, you cant DO better. If you dont have information, you can make CHOICES....and we gain wisdom from the consequences (good and bad) derived from our choices.  

Mirmir was the Norse god of Wisdom, the 0wl is my totem.  Mirmir's 0wl.  :)


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« Reply #39 on: August 07, 2004, 11:43:18 pm »
And sometimes people want their eye back! ^.-


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« Reply #40 on: August 08, 2004, 12:00:34 am »
For any fan's of LotR,  you may or may not recognize my name, as it is taken from the Silmarillion, which his son compiled from all of J. R. R. Tolkiens notes.

Iluvatar was the indifferent creator of the world(including the world beyond middle earth.

He was not a proverbial "god", he had no control over the world, but through music he could shape the events of the world, and the god's followed his great plan, which was nothing but the most perfect music imaginable.

It is also the name of some band. Dont ask me how the hell that happened, but it's a Rush ripoff band.


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« Reply #41 on: August 08, 2004, 12:08:31 am »
Rush ripoffs just don't compare.

Offline Broin

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« Reply #42 on: December 17, 2004, 09:11:47 pm »
Grim's wish is my command.... Arise from the graveyard

Go ahead, make my day.


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« Reply #43 on: December 18, 2004, 12:10:30 pm »
Well, for me Sabrekongol was my 1st original user name of any kind...I basically took 2 game characters i loved Sabrewulf (from Killer Instinct), and Kongol (from The Legend of Dragoon) and just kinda mashed them together...the name goes really well, especially when I add the last name I spent over an hour on EQ trying to figure out....Sabrekongol though I'm getting pretty tired of this name, so when MxO comes out I may use one of my other character names i thought up in EQ....or I may use one of them as the whole 1st /last name for the character creater.  =P

So that's how Sabrekongol was born...not the most fantasic or interesting, but hey...the name gets the point across that he's a tank.


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« Reply #44 on: December 18, 2004, 04:27:46 pm »
The origin of my name is pretty boring so go grab a beer and pull a chair.

I've been working in IT for a long time.  When the time came to choose a name for MxO, I wanted to have something that sounded like a hacker name, something that had some link to computers.  That's when I thought of my COBOL programming days (in a previous life).  Yes I'm just that old.  I even spent some time programming with punch cards and RPG but if you ask about it, I'll deny the whole thing.

As some of you might know, in COBOL when you want to debug a program and you are out of ideas on how to fix a problem, there is a last resort option.  You can dump the complete contents of the memory to a file or a printer.  You can then go through the arduous task of trying to figure out the value of each variable at that point in time and basically figure out what's going wrong.  That process was called a "core dump".  So there you go.

I find this thread interesting as I wandered about the origin of many names used by members of this clan.




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