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Author Topic: Battle at Inairith  (Read 2562 times)

Offline likwidtek

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Battle at Inairith
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2009, 02:01:20 pm »
Tbone, as always man, great write up.

I was there for most of the 4 hours with a few interruptions for real life stuff but here goes my perspective of the siege.

The Seige, Phase 1; GETTEM!

Our first thought was that we could just rush in and kill the shard barer.  We saw where he was on the map and got together as many of our members as possible and rushed.  They guarded the shard barer in a hamlet belonging to United Front iirc.  We were outgunned to say the least and I really need to point out that they were exceptionally skilled at keeping him guarded and hid.  I still would love to know where they hell they kept him the whole time.  Needless to say we died.  A lot.  The more times we tried to rush, the more people they added to their guard.  They used some pretty good tactics using multiple mounts to block the spiral ramps leading up to the clan house where we figured he was guarded.  One thing to note as well, for those of you never in a siege… It seems only certain ranks of a guild are allowed to see on the map where the shard barer is.  But this, after a while became bugged.  At times we couldn’t see the location at all and at others, it was a completely different name.  This was a real difficult challenge added to the mix.  We were out-manned and to be honest out-skilled however we did not give up.  We continued the attacks as futile as they seemed to be.  Once we got near the 30 minute mark we decided all we could do was defend.

The Seige, Phase 2; Stand your ground!

Most of us ran or rode to Kings Holdfast to bind as it’s a stones throw from the Hamlet.  Not knowing exactly how many enemies were waiting at the Hamlet we decided binding at Kings would be a close second to being able to bind at our clanstone.  We rush in and sure enough there’s a welcoming party there waiting for us.  We did the best we could to rush in and bind to our own stone.  Some of us make it, others die on the way in.  The attackers eventually dispatched us all but we did the best we could in disrupting their attacks on the clan stone.  One thing I noticed is that all it took was a few hits to get them to back off the clan stone.  They seemed more afraid of dying than being intent on destroying the stone.  I just thought that was interesting.  In any case they were very efficient and getting that stone down quickly.  Before we knew it, it was half down.  Things were looking pretty grim until…

The Seige, Phase 3; The Calvary!

Out of know where we see a bunch of Mercs and Rainbow Ninjas swoop in. At first site of these guys we thought, “shit, they’re brining in even more people”.  Then on teamspeak we hear, “wait!  They’re attacking the other guys!  Holy…!”  Talk about a twist of events… Within… I’m almost certain… 5 minutes, they destroy all of the attackers.  It was brutal.  They came in a few more waves but were almost instantly destroyed by the Mercs.  I have mixed feelings about the Mercs but I can say honestly it was impressive to watch them fight.  They were coordinated, precise, tactical and fucking tough.  Without a doubt something we should strive for.

It was an emotional rollercoaster and a ton of fun.  I’m not even upset about all the crap I lost.

As for the politics:

Even when we “knew” we were going to lose the Hamlet, I was more upset that Oromea simply turned their back on us; Even after numerous times of FA assisting Oromea defend their city.  As upsetting as it would be to lose all the work that we have put into our hamlet that feeling of betrayal (my words) was worse.  I call it betrayal because Oromea has sold out to the Alfar zerg in order to save their city.  What that tells me is they care more about their city than their principals.  They have proven to me that they care more about protecting their assets than protecting Mirendel.  I fail to see any integrity in their alliances and political decisions.  Read their website to see the contradictions:

The Oromëa

In pursuit of a common ideology:

    * That the forests of Mirendil, all manner of life contained therein, and the Mirdain nations founded thereupon are sacred,
    * And that their protection is a task divinely bestowed upon the Mirdain race in specific.


# Alfar: The blackest hatred exists between Mirdain and Alfar. As minions of their dark thief-King, all Alfar found above the surface of their caves are to be put to death. Until such time as the Crown of our Mother has been returned, and Melek’s debt paid tenfold, the Alfar shall bear our wrath, and remained entombed in their festering graves.

A while ago I made the decision to boycott Oromea and their alliances.  I don't use their city anymore and don't miss it at all.  Yesterday's events simply underscore my disdain.
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."

Offline Broin

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Battle at Inairith
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2009, 10:58:13 pm »
(Dorundain Dunedhel): Hey, you there?
(Broin Ravenstorm): I am
(Dorundain Dunedhel): Heya.
(Broin Ravenstorm): Evening
(Dorundain Dunedhel): I was trying to get ahold of Tbone earlier, but I haven't seen him online yet.
(Broin Ravenstorm): He should be on fairly soon
(Dorundain Dunedhel): Ah, Cool
(Dorundain Dunedhel): If you could ask him to PM me when he gets a chance, I'd apprecaite it. :)
(Broin Ravenstorm): Not a problem
(Dorundain Dunedhel): Thanks a lot.
(Broin Ravenstorm): Anytime

Walks away from the chat thinking someone is a bit nervous about where they now stand with the community especially with their alliance falling to crap.... And that he may now see the truth in all the words Tbone spoke to him last week.

Go ahead, make my day.

Offline Tbone

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Battle at Inairith
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2009, 01:12:09 am »
More like he was pissy because we called it like we saw it with his clan. As a leader myself, I know that the last thing that you do is accept responsibility for any mistakes your making!


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