So I'm naked and bound to the Renegar chaos stone.
After the failed siege attempt, I was still bound to the chaos stone that we had visited just before running to the enemy hamlet that night. The day before yesterday I thought it would be a bright idea to numlock walk semi-afk back to the Mirdain city with all of my gear on. A group of six alfar reminded me exactly how much of a good idea that was. To make matters worse, as soon as I got ganked my wireless internet quit out. It was a pretty irritating experience overall. I found myself fairly grumpy and decided to call it a night and go watch TV.
Yesterday I decide to log in and attempt the walk again. After I realized that I was naked and had nothing to lose I figured I'd take my rage out on some enemy races. I figured I would sit and camp the chaos stone for a little bit but I swear, there is not a single person that uses that thing. There goes that idea. With the thirst for blood, I decide to go for a little run and see what I can find. I’m bound and determined to kill some people.
I find a half way built clan city and figure I'd sneak in to see what I could find. I sneak in closer and hear some commotion. It's sort of this weird pyramid city, so to get to their main area you have to climb this huge set of stairs. I crouch-walk and get to the top of the giant stair case. While crouching I pop my head over to see what's going on. Luckily for me it had just turned dark so I felt pretty confident in risking a peek. At this point my heart is pumping. I didn't have anything to loose really, however the excitement of sneaking up on these guys was pure awesome.
I saw two naked guys grinding melee attacks on each other and heard another person macroing mana missile and shooting his feet. Idiots. They deserve to die.

I sneak over the top of the stairs and hide behind some rubble. There is rubble everywhere. Their city is definitely a work in progress. I couldn’t quite tell what race they were however when looking at the rubble it mentioned “alfar city”. From a distance it was hard to tell if they were Mirdain, Alfar or Human. I target them and see that they are part of the “Select Few” clan all at the rank of “General”. I sneak closer and closer carefully watching their health to make sure that I have an advantage. One of the melee guys and the magic guy were under half health while the other was at full. I wait a little longer until the melee guys switch roles and the full health guy gets beaten down a little. I figure this is my chance, now or never.
I sneak as close as I can then sprint the rest of the way towards the weakest one. I start slashing at him with my polearm as he attempts to fight back but falls dead. I let him lie gurgling in his own blood as I go for the next guy. He sprints off while chugging a few potions. I see the other person running towards their clan bank. The potion chugger attempts to stall while running circles around me. I carefully time my swings to hit him each time he circles. He must have realized his potions were not going to save him so he attempts to make a run for it. I pull out my staff and pop a few mana missiles into his back knocking him dead. By this time the third individual was wacking at me taking me down a little in health but was quickly dispatched by my weapon.
Three down. Seeming like I had won, I run over to one of the tombstones to see if I was fortunate to profit from this. There was a pole arm. I nab it just in time to see one of the newly spawned alfar making a run for his bank. He makes the mistake of unsheathing his weapon thus canceling his “untouchable” buff.
Four down. Two more come running at me chugging potions they must have grabbed from the bank. I was able to kill one more before finally being slayed. 5 down total. The entire time my heart was racing. It was so much fun and nothing less than awesome.
I quickly run back to the alfar city from the chaos stone to just test my luck. I repeat the same steps, sneaking and crouching up the stairs. This time however, it was daylight. I figured I would quickly be hunted down and killed but heck, I have nothing to lose. I hide behind some rubble and see one of the guys standing there just looking at the ground not moving. I figure it has to be a trap. Fine, I’ll bite.
I sneak around the other side so that I come up behind him. Taking a deep breath, and finger hovering over sprint, I ease my way out from the rubble to see 4 fully plated, mounted and mean looking Orc and Mahirim coming at the guy staring at the ground.. Crap. Well if that was their trap it sure back fired on them. I run back behind the rubble and hide. In no time the alfar was dead.
Trying to decide if I should just come at them like a spider monkey or wait it out, I see a drake mount sitting there. Their mounts were just sitting there! I think to myself, how funny would it be for a naked mirdain to pop up out of nowhere just to steal their mount! Just as I started to come up with a plan an Orc on a drake rides up direct in my line of sight of all the action. He sees me. Crap. All four fully armored baddies run over to me and quickly let me know my place on the food chain.
I think I got off a few good shots. A few.
I love this game.