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Author Topic: DF Challenge questions  (Read 21788 times)

Offline likwidtek

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DF Challenge questions
« on: January 22, 2009, 11:51:24 am »
Please post your riddles,  riddle ideas, questions or question ideas here.

Hacked by Tbone:
Below is the recruitment challenge script, with the riddles in context of the dialogue. Please consider the dialogue when submitting riddles.

*Spoilers below*

Flash based...

Image of dark woods and a path...dimly lit...we hear voices of two Angels, unseen.

FA 1: "Looks like a new one..."
FA 2: "Hmm...well they got this far. Think they're friend or foe?"
FA 1: "Only one way to find out...

FA 1: "Hey you! You've got two options. Tell us what you're doing here or start running!"

Two options appear.

"My search for the Angel has lead me here"


"Ok, I'm getting the hell away!"

Option two takes them to the Darkfall website. Option one makes a noice like you have just been hit with something. a light from behind the trees go brighter until it fills the screen. Dramatic music plays as you see a blurry vision of an angel (possibly the one on our front page) but before things become too clear the whiteness fades to blackness. We awake still in darkness, perhaps in some sort of blindfold effect.

FA 1 or 2: "Looks like he's waking up."

Tbone: "Sorry for the precautions. I'm sure you understand. Your blindfold stays on for now. You've traveled quite far to find us. Well, this is where the real leg of your journey begins."

Riddle 1: "I assume you know who I am?"
Answer 1: "Tbone"

Tbone: "Ah, so you did your homework. That's good. You are correct. So you know who I am...but do you know yourself? To know oneself, you must first know the world around you. That which gives life and takes it.

Riddle 2: For insance, there is that which has no legs, no feet, and no shoes, yet it is able to run. It gives you health, life, and sometimes fun.

Answer 2: Water

Tbone: "That's right - the true source of all life. But the difference between life and death is a very thin line.

Riddle 3: There is that which shall live if it is fed but die if it has a drink.

Answer 3: Fire

Tbone: You have a very good understanding of the elements. I'm impessed. The elements of our world can be manipulated to both heal and destroy, and those that truly understand their power can achieve great things. But we all have limits - boundries - that cannot be changed.

Riddle 4: Some say that it flies, and in it all things will die. Not until it has been measured is its existence shown, but you will miss it once it has flown.

Answer 4: Time

Tbone: Very astute. Time is one rule that every living being is forced to follow. It is important to know that while today may be your time to destroy that whose time has come, one day even your time will be up. That day will come when you lose focus and forget how to survive. Never forget...

Riddle 5: ...that which if you name, you will instantly break.

Answer 5: Silence

An effective killer is a silent killer. It is your prey that should be screaming. You will also need to learn to embrace that which can get you lost in the first place.

Riddle 6: The more there is of it, the less that you see. Squint all you wish when surrounded by me.

Answer 6: Darkness

Yes, while most get lost in the darkness, we use it for survival. It seems you may be ready for something more. I have one final question to see if you truly know yourself.

Riddle 7: Who takes our cruel world and uses it for good, spending their time in the silent dark, protecting the innocent and obliterating the corrupt?

Answer 7: Me or Myself

Tbone: "I think it's time for that blindfold to come off. You have a decision to make..."

Flash movie that we have currently made plays. We'll probably need to find a way to make a smooth transition into it.
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."

Offline likwidtek

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Re: DF Challenge questions
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2009, 11:55:14 am »
Writers (tbone) whoever please feel free to use this thread as the discussion ground or test bed for the acting script as well.

We don't have many days left and I can't do this on my own so for those of you with spare time, please do what you can to help here.

Hacked by Tbone:

Likwidtek's riddles

Here is the working sample:
password is angel2009

Here is the file I've been working on:

SPOILER:  Do not read if you don't want to know the answers.

Riddle 1:

Angel 1:  “So, you say you know yourself.  But what do you know of us?  As you must know, our brotherhood was founded and created by the Mirdain.  If you truly are not foe then you must know a little of our people.  Say friend, what weapon are the Mirdain known for?”

Acceptable answers:
sunbow, sun bow


Riddle 2:
Angel 1: “Very good.  So you at least know something of us.”
Angel 2: “I still don’t trust him, he could be a spy for the Alfar”
Angel 1: “Hmmm.  It’s possible.  Is that true?  ARE you a spy?  I don’t suspect you’d be that foolish.  You must know what we do to spies.”
Angel 2: “Tell me, what tree do our crafters make our blessed sunbows from?”

Acceptable answers:
tree of all seeds


Riddle 3:
Angel 1: “That is correct.”
Angel 2: “Still doesn’t prove anything.”
Angel 1: “You’ll have to forgive my friend.  His trust is hard to earn.  He is one of our best hunters.  His skill with a bow is unmatched in Mirendil.  He may seem… a little worn”
Angel 2: “Worn?  Our forest is constantly threatened by our enemies.  …sigh… I admit... I am a bit on guard.  You understand we must be careful.  We are The Furious Angels. We fight for what is just and what is true.  If you stand in our way you will be eliminated.  Do not confuse us for the fat bureaucratic elflords in the capital city.  While they solve their problems with committees and diplomacy we tend to use… a more hands on approach.”
Angel 1: “Lets just say when diplomacy fails, they call us.  No matter, we still spend our fair share of time at the capital.  You know what that city is, don’t you?”

Acceptable answer:


Riddle 4:

Angel 2:  “Oh come on, any dumb Orc would know that!”
Angel 1:  “An Orc?”
Angel 2:  “Okay, maybe not an Orc.. but still.  Ask him something difficult!
Angel 1:  “Fine, let’s see just how nimble your mind can be.. I have no legs, no feet and no shoes yet I am able to run.  I give you health, life and sometimes fun.  What am I?”

Acceptable answer:
water, river, stream

Water runs and gives life.  Is fun while swimming.

Riddle 5:

Angel 2: “ahem.. yeah.. I knew that.. “
Angel 1:  “I’m impressed.  We need quick minded ones like yourself.  Now, I’m going to place an image in your mind.  Tell me what you see”
B  O  W

Acceptable answer:
Cross bow, crossbow

The two words cross.

Riddle 6:

Angel 2:  “Good.  You seem to be smart but are you strong?  We need someone not afraid of getting their hands dirty.  Are you willing to put your back into your job?  By looking at you I doubt you know the meaning of hard work.

Oh really?  Well then you should have no problem answering this question.  “How much dirt is in a hole 10 and a half feet wide, 15 feet deep, and 9 feet long?”

Acceptable answer:
None, 0

Description:  There is no dirt in a hole.

Riddle 7:
Angel 1: “So far so good.  I see that your mind is quick and you could prove to be a great strategist against our foes but answer me this,

Some say that I fly,
and in me all things will die,
not until I have been measured, is my existence shown,
but you shall miss me once I have flown.”

Acceptable answer:

Time flies, in time all things will die, you don’t know time unless you measure it, etc…

Riddle 8:
Angel 2:  “Sometimes we are asked to carry out some very… let’s say messy tasks.  When something needs to be… dealth with.. we deal with it.  Do you have the stomach to do the dirty jobs that need to be done?  How many lives are you willing to take to ensure peace amongst our lands?  Would you be willing to slaughter entire cities if you knew it would bring peace?  What tools have you to carry out these sorts of… tasks?

Angel 1:  “I shall live if I am fed but a drink will be the death of me. What tool is it that we speak of?”

Acceptable answer:

Feed the fire, drink of water puts the fire out.

Riddle 9:
Angel 1:  "I wouldn't have guess that you would have made it this far.  I am impressed.  Your final question:  "If I need to place a candle on the floor so that no one can step over it, where should I place it?"
Angel 2: "Don't mess this up kid."

Acceptable answer:
in the corner
the corner

impossible to step over something that's in the corner.
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."

Offline likwidtek

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Re: DF Challenge questions
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2009, 12:25:19 pm »
Another riddle:

Even now that I am no longer living,
I can warm or write to keep on giving.
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."

Offline likwidtek

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Re: DF Challenge questions
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2009, 12:36:06 pm »
No, but please no spoilers for riddles in development.  Keep your hints to PMs if possible and let's keep this thread constructive if possible please.

If you have the answer please PM me and I will let you know if you're correct.  Also let me know if you felt it was challenging or not.
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."


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Re: DF Challenge questions
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2009, 04:20:18 pm »
I really liked 4-9. I like having everything thats needed to solve something right there.

It was pretty challenging but I'm just glad it didnt make me fail everytime I got it wrong.

Offline likwidtek

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Re: DF Challenge questions
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2009, 04:28:40 pm »
Quote from: "Hahns"
I'm just glad it didn't make me fail everytime I got it wrong.

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by that.
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."

Offline Lits

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Re: DF Challenge questions
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2009, 10:00:44 pm »
My first ignores personal gain

My second is never abundant

My third is for those who've felt pain

My fourth is of the ever constant

My fifth has been the last great game

My sixth must always be kept and relentlessly

My seventh requires a spirit never to be in shame

My eighth needs most of all to use its tenacity

My ninth is what I seek the most to uphold your dearest name
Good luck
This answer is themed more towards the values of FA, rather than DF info
Very fitting, if you ask me, to have some logic questions, some DF questions, and some FA value based questions.

Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

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Re: DF Challenge questions
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2009, 10:55:16 pm »
Here's another along the same idea:

Hoard we not what once was lost
And ongoing vigil the hour
Let us never even near to jost
The price of our true valor
To give and justly relieve the cost

The key is greatful power

Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

Offline Phienyx

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Re: DF Challenge questions
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2009, 12:36:08 am »
Very nice, Lits.  I'll put my brain to this tomorrow and see if I can find or come up with some riddles/puzzles myself.

We're Angels, not saints.

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Re: DF Challenge questions
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2009, 03:16:05 pm »
*Updated top post with riddles in context*

Feedback appreciated!

Offline Lits

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Re: DF Challenge questions
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2009, 04:05:23 pm »
Brilliant segways

Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

Offline likwidtek

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Re: DF Challenge questions
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2009, 04:16:15 pm »
Tbone.... seriously dude.  Awesome.


epic man.

Was anyone able to solve my most recent riddle?

Even now that I am no longer living,
I can warm or write to keep on giving.
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."

Offline Lits

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Re: DF Challenge questions
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2009, 05:55:59 pm »
I think i got it... pm'd to you

Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.


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Re: DF Challenge questions
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2009, 07:44:58 pm »
I just passed Likwid's quiz. Surprisingly question 9 was the easiest of them all.

Offline likwidtek

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Re: DF Challenge questions
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2009, 08:37:42 pm »
PM me if you need a hint
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."


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