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Author Topic: Negative Impressions...  (Read 3692 times)

Offline Tbone

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Negative Impressions...
« on: June 24, 2004, 03:38:09 am »
The following are posts from fellow FA members to potentials. This behavior is not encouraged, because the negative impression it gives others is much worse than any clue that is being given about the challenge. The challenge I can always change, but a bad impression stays with a person.

## Broadcast depth
## Incoming Transmission...
## ***//HvCFT ***
## RELAY Initialized

YOu guys MUST NOT I repeat NOT help others on their quest, their journey to find the angel. It is that way for many reasons; one of them being that it would deny them the actual purpose of the test if somone just gave it away. Also, another reason would be why? Why would you want to help someone gain something in 30 seconds which took you however long to get? And even if it did not take you very long it will not secure you a place within the ranks of the FA if you are seen to be helping others cheat the test.

It is not a good thing to "brag" about getting pass the test, or using "uncoventional methods." How could you think it would look good to us? Also, to chassis our current members did not have to take the test. Why should they? They should not be punished for realizing the force that is the FA beforehand.

## Transmission Ended

## Broadcast depth
## Incoming Transmission...
## ***//HvCFT ***
## RELAY Initialized

now look what you did, you pissed him off. i just hope u guys know how to apologize, its not a good idea to make *** mad. as for everyone else, i do agree with ***, it must not be shared with ANYONE. if u dont get it or are confused...maybe u were never gifted or meant to be in the angels? we said before that this task would be difficult, but the rewards would be even greater. free your mind, every piece of the puzzle brings you closer to become an angel. dont give up and dont spam our channel, that would be u ***

## End Transmission.

Any shroud of mystery or roleplaying we were trying to achieve was destroyed with these two posts. I appreciate you trying to keep things on the right track with the recruitment, but this is the worst way to go about it.

Let's go through this one more time for those who are new or have forgotten. If you'd like to help with recruitment (although recruitment is not our main focus at this point), please do so in the following way:

## Broadcast depth
## Incoming Transmission...
## MyName // HvCFT MyShip
## RELAY Initialized

You must free your mind to start your journey. Your path is one that must be discovered. I will now continue with other vague cryptic talking.

## End Transmission...

This is an example of what NOT to do:

## Broadcast depth
## incoming trasittion....
## Me // HvCFT coolship!
## RELAY Initialized

dont cum on this thread talkin bad bout us! FA is huge and can folow you ingame and kil u! if you cant figure it out its cuz u r too stupd 2 guess it, so stop asking about it. if you can figure it out than congrats cuz u just made it into the best clan in mxo. if you dont like fa, then go away! OMG LOL! FA pwns u!

## end tramsition...

Now, obviously I exaggerated for emphasis, but I think you get what I'm driving at. I don't ask much out of you guys right now - the game's not even out yet, but the Furious Angels was founded on the idea of finding intelligent, mature gamers interested in grouping together and perhaps doing a little roleplaying. Our big draw is the fact that not many people know exactly who we are or what we're about. We catch people's curiousity. It is for this reason that I have to ask that you keep three main thoughts in your head when representing the FA - Intelligence, Maturity, and Mystery. We are not boastful. Our respect will come when we prove ourselves in the game. If I've offended anyone with this post, my apologies. I was not aiming this at any specific person. I just see this as a potential problem, so I'm addressing it now. Your feedback is appreciated, as always!


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« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2004, 03:45:23 am »
I really am amazed that it took this long for the problem to arise. Infact, I am impressed that we avoided it for so long. It means that our current members have acted with maturity and a sense of respect for the whole, and if I read it right, Tbone said that these were potentials, so they might not have been in long enough to gain or give that respect. Lets just hope that this is a blip, nothing more.

Offline Tbone

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Negative Impressions...
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2004, 03:48:12 am »
The quotes were from members of FA who have been around for a while. The were speaking to potentials (those who have not completed the challenge yet or just completed it). I've had a little trouble with this in the past, but not near as much as I had expected. We can't let our ego get the best of us, though...


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« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2004, 03:57:14 am »
Oh ok, misread. Damn, you just disproved my entire post. Oh well, I just hope those who did this are sorry.


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« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2004, 04:21:45 am »
Ok Guys for the swalloing of my pride I'm gonna admit that the first post that Tbone quoted was infact myself. Boohoo I know. I'm not saying I was right, but what I am saying is that it wasn't because of an over-inflated ego....I just got mad that they kept constantly and blatantly giving out the answers to the test, but I guess that comes with the territory if you do have an entrance test. People are bound to try and cheat. I dont know why, it seems to be part of human nature somehow. I thought, and still think that we should drop that recruitment thread, it is*really* polluted, and as we see from ourselves also.

I will re-edit my post and delete it....and try and keep my temper in check. Just to reiterate: It was not the fault of an over-inflated ego just getting angry. No farther worries on my part.


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« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2004, 06:36:06 am »
We cannot spoon-feed you the way of the path because, quite frankly, there is no spoon. You must choose your own direction.

Haha, nicely said Tbone :).


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« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2004, 07:30:01 am »
Not that I am telling you off or anything Eclipse, but if people are doing that, either give them a warning with Tbone's backing, or say something like:
The path can only be trodden by those who choose to, by showing them the way, you are merely taking the pill for them, and therefore they experience no release.
something like that. (Is trodden a word?)


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« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2004, 08:45:27 am »
ummm...that'd be ur call man...trodden


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« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2004, 10:09:17 am »
Yup trodden is a word..means to walk on see you knew what you were talking about Ajax, and I'll try and keep it in mind next time lol :P


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« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2004, 01:22:24 pm »
Wow, I thought this clan had no little 10 year olds thinking they can "burn" others with their slang.

I can't believe some of these little children are in the MxO Community, they will obviously destroy it if their parents continue to pay for all their little toys and such.

If these people did not lie on their applications and are older then 13 then they obviously need to hit puberty and grow the hell up.This is a disgrace to the MxO Community and punishment must be given.We will not sink down to the level of the clans led by 12 year olds and we will not fall to the machinists because of these ridiculous and immature acts done by those in our own family.

If you wish to remain a Furious Angel, I give you advice to grow up.

Also, Eclipse, none of this is directed toward you, this is directed toward those using childish words and inproper language.

Hm I just reread it and it looks as though there was no I pwned you type of words used, so if it ever was really used, what I have said above is what I would say in the future.


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« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2004, 01:34:54 pm »
I always try to write out words in their full version, not scle thm dwn lke ths so pps cnt undastnd u.. Annoying isn't it. RAGH I HATE IT.  I don't mind if people tha don't have English as thier first language spell stuff wrong, but otherwise it is just frustrating.  I totally agree with you on this.


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« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2004, 04:36:39 pm »
hey eclipse sorry if i kind of sparked that. By "Unconventional Methods" I did not mean that I cheated in any way, just that I was creative in solving it. When I wrote that post, I was not thinking about bragging at all. Sorry for causing a misunderstanding.

And Tbone, you are right, it was the mystery of the Angels' posts that drove to not stop until I figured out the challenge.  

Peace Out.


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« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2004, 09:26:50 pm »
A mistake has happened, for whatever reasons it happened, let's move on from this and try to avoid it at all. Everyone has done their part as much as they can in keeping the mystery. That mystery is what drove me towards the Angels even more and besides it sounded like something I could easily get into. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we've already made an impact on the forums lets keep this going and when the game comes out, we'll do the same.


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« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2004, 10:25:35 pm »
Nah watcher it was my fault too, I gotta bring my temper in check and not let it get the best of me. Hey you used uncoventional methods and got in, I used everything I had and got stuck at the pawn part....btw is that the part right b4 the last or is there stlll more? it's kinda funny alotta ppl o nthe forums are stuck at the node ss142 part it's sorta...idk a thrill to watch em go after it. :P


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« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2004, 09:18:33 am »
Im still there :). After a while of trying I figured there was no hope for me. :).

Right now I have what I think must be a permanent jaw-drop after watching halfway through..

Half life speed run in about 52 min :).

Sick! :).

Btw, nice fileplanet links, they go directly to download :).



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