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Author Topic: Your first encounter with FA? Recruiting story?  (Read 7051 times)

Offline Anamodiel

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Your first encounter with FA? Recruiting story?
« Reply #45 on: November 03, 2006, 07:58:44 pm »
Quote from: "Tbone"
To clarify, there had been a series of Zion faction websites that had been hacked. I think SOTI's site was hacked, and they sent along the IP address of who they thought was the hacker to me so I could run it and see if anyone was trying to do the same to us. When I ran the IP, Anamodiel's name popped up. We immediately flagged his account, assuming he was Primordia (the G7G hacker who ended up hacking us via Orien's account anyway) and left it at that. I still can't figure out how the IP mix-up happened, unless he hacked Anamodiel at some point or they simply gave me the wrong IP.

Also to clarifiy, there is no LESIG information posted on the Staff forums. Whoever it was did post a screenshot, I believe, that was only in the Staff forum. When LESIG was first formed, I offered to create a private forum for those who had made it if they needed to talk about stuff without worrying about leaking anything to anyone else. Turns out there was already a forum set up on the MxO site, so the one I was going to set up was never used and information was never passed around on this website. The thread I created that hinted that I would set up the board, though, was twisted around to look like we had been leaking LESIG intel.

Primordia later admitted to hacking Orien's account (after he changed his password) and gave us this story about being blackmailed by Trucidos for information. Primordia now plays under the name Bayamos, and Trucidos claims the "blackmail story" was fabricated by Primordia to stay on good terms with FA and use Truc as a scapegoat. Fun, eh?

Ahh. Thanks for clearing that up. I'm sorry I got my information screwed up. Everything makes total sense now. XD

...And we will strike down upon those of Darkness, with great vengeance and Furious Anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.


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Your first encounter with FA? Recruiting story?
« Reply #46 on: March 18, 2007, 09:35:22 pm »
*This was previously posted in the 3 yr thread and I haven't posted in this one yet so I thought what the hell, why not :).  

Where to start and what to say. I remember the first day I stepped into this simulation. So realistic and fascinating I couldn't believe my eyes; what I saw, how it made me feel. Like I was actually there! This being my first MMO I was blow out of my seat with awe.
I remember after comfortably getting somewhat used to everything, I asked around about the best Zion faction. The words "Furious Angels" caught my intention. From that moment on, I made it a personal goal to find out how I could join them. I hardly saw them running around, or jumping from rooftop to rooftop, but I knew they were there, I could feel them.
I finally remember reaching the "FA site" in hopes of figuring out how to join. While doing so I stumbled across the bluepill forums seeing this what was called "RP" and was amazed and knew this was the place for me, my "destiny" if you will. From there, I made it my personal objective to track down any Furious Angels I could and add them to my buddy list (three month process). I remember the first Angel I saw (WhiteMyst), I was like "whoa" I asked him if I could meet Tbone and the next thing I know I'm standing in a pvp battle and Tbone come out of nowhere throwing knives at everything and I was like "SWEET! It's GOD!" *lol* I gave Tbone a quick hello and a smack on the ass *lol* and told him I was interested in joining FA and he gave me the most crappiest reply in the world: "Follow the Angel". I was like what in a blue monkies ass is this guy on?! Is it crack? No. I then realized it meant something and what was said were directions; metaphoricly. I had seen the first FA vid and was like OMG OMG! Turn on ftw! *j/k*
Then my path along the challenge began. It took me 7 months of headaches, annoying Angels, excitement from passing a single riddle and feeling closer each time I progressed. The challenge was friggin like disarming a bomb or trying to get into the governments secret computer files or something *looks at Broin >.>* (No Broin I didn't, so you don't have to come after me now :P). Finally, my riddles were thru and I awaited my interview with the Angels. About 2 and 1/2 weeks later I finally was contacted by Tbone while I was pvping or something in Midian E (yes I remember the exact location), I then joined a team with with 5 FA members and Tbone gave me co-ords to follow. It led me to a building and Tbone was the only one there and he was in HIS WHITES! I was like "YES! BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE, RIGHT HERE!" So I jumped on TS and I was so nervous I thought I was going to friggin faint or something in the middle of the interview. :/ (Now is the time to quit laughing if you are!) Luckily I had my interview and was excepted.

----------------Before I go any further and drag this out like a mofo, I apologize if I'm not really supposed to mention this. Whoops if so. :P-------------------------------------

It was the greatest time I could ever imagine! I was a "noob" as some would say and didn't know much outside my tree (KFGM). So I asked ALOT of questions. About 2 weeks went by as I jacked in the next day only to see that I'd been removed form FA. I was like "my life in MxO is over" *lol* But at the time, I didn't find it the least bit funny. I contacted anyone in FA I could in game only to find me being ignored (/ignore Woodgrain) by Yotogi and DA6ONET, from who I can remember (ASSSESSSSSSSS!!!!!!) Wide grin. So since I couldn't get a hold of anyone I logged out and jumped onto MSN and yahoo to "track down Tbone" *LAWL*. I wanted an explanation to what had happend and was not going to stop until I recieved one. Finally I got ahold of Tbone and he said the most PAINFUL words I thought I could ever here. That's about the time I thought maybe MxO wasn't for me. Maybe it was, like Morpheus said, "you're living in a dream world" meaning being in FA would only ever be a dream and nothing more. But, despite the anger I had built up inside, I told myself I was wrong, that I was meant to be an "Angel" one way or another, no matter what.
I believe a yr and 1/2 had passed since my being removed form FA. Alot had changed since then, my expirience ingame with knowing alot more, having the privelage to run my own faction, meeting new people and gradually getting to know FA outside of the faction thru PvP, etc. and finally getting Da6onet to un-ignore me (you're still an ASS! :P). I remember Da6 said he was coding when he hit that un-ignore button, LAWL. I knew he loved me on the inside deep down. I just knew it! Anyways, I had a major leave of members from MxO that were in my faction and was to the point I was like "Fuck MxO, I'm leaving". During my yr and 1/2 of being released from FA everytime I saw them, there was something inside me that tore at my mind telling by I belonged there. Everytime I saw the white uni's I felt a sense of emptyness and part of me gone; lost in the code of my RSI... never to be filled again. That was until I met and spoke with two certain FA individuals (you know who you are) and they simply said, "Just talk to Tbone". I was like "yeah right, blah blah blah blah." Until one day the emptyness and void that I felt got the best of me and I couldn't take it anymore. I had a decision to make. Leave the Matrix for good. Or have that talk with Tbone. I had made my mind up that if I could not be amongst that which I once belonged, then I didn't want to be amongst anyone or anything. I honestly didn't care to be. So, I sent Tbone an email asking of it'd be possible to ever rejoin FA, or get a 2nd chance rather. After wating what seemed a lifetime I recieved a reply. It took my like 10 minutes to mustur up the "balls" (and no guys and gals, my balls aren't for joo! Sorry, I know if Pirus reads this he'll be thinking something like that along with SAFFY so I figured I'd beat them to it.) to open the email. My stomach dropped and I held my breath beginning to read. Finally my hopes had been answered. All this time wondering IF it was truely meant or not. Out of pure "hell yeah excitement" I accidently put a hole in my wall :/. I blame Tbone. Sorry T. *LAWL* So I began to re-take the challenge once more. This time it only took me like 3 weeks I think, taking abreak for a few days before I completely finished. Then I had my interview and was excepted. 2 weeks later the moment of truth came. I remember hesitating to jack-in for like an hour only to have history repeat itself. During my 2 weeks probation period I was very anti-social and didn't speak much. I didn't want anything to go wrong this time. Then I thought to myself, "watch me get removed this time for not talking" *lol*. So while sitting on the edge of my seat I jacked in and saw I was still a part of FA. I surely thought something was wrong so I waited for Tbone to come online I think and said "you know my two weeks is up right?" He said "yeah" and nothing else (turd). Finally I came to the realization that I had been fully excepted and still to this day, try not to talk alot *LOL*, among other things. Sorry for dragging this whole thing out as I have.

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Your first encounter with FA? Recruiting story?
« Reply #47 on: March 19, 2007, 01:18:47 am »
Beta was the shit. No doubts there. When Monolith cared and I didn't hate the Wachowski brothers with the rage of a thousand burning suns.

Longest twelve days of my entire fucking life. I skipped classes twice, failed two midterms horribly, and spent bloody near all my time at school in the computer labs working on my challenge. I'm pretty sure Eroz was my Angel.

By far the coolest email I had received to date.

There were all the standard questions: likes, dislikes; but I'll always remember my "off the wall" question. I want to say it was Fuse who asked. Don't remember for sure.

"Do you like white or wheat?"

"Wheat of course! Do you have any idea what they put in that other shit?!?"

Someone who remembers the story better than I do needs to tell the one where the dev's unofficially apologized to us.



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