Well, I will start off on a large space just incase you clicked without relizeing what this post is about, Silent Hill and why I only gave it 5 out of 10. Also there will be Game spoilers as they relate to the movie also.
Lets start off with first thing, where the F#$% was Harry, the father in SH 1? I can understand why they changed to a mother role, but if they had just used the plot for SH 1 which they did, the should of kept Harry.
Next, The reason for Cheryl's return to Silent hill, never repeat never was about sleep walking, the real reason for Harry takeing Cheryl was to have some time with her, and show her the place of her birth, which brings me to...
Third, Silent Hill is suppose to be a vacation town, in all the games, regualar people go to SH for vacations and things, it's droped off after the first game because of the events that take place, but you still have people going to visit there on a regualar baisis.
Next is Dahlia, ooooh boy that is a big one. Dahlia was very butchered by the writer(s), She is infact the leader of the cult at the end of the film, She was the one that PURPOSELY burned Alissa to help cleanse her for the dark god Sammuel. She is the one in the first game helping you to get Cheryl so you can complete her ritual.
Now at this point, I would like to say they did alot of things right, like the 'squeeking' babes, the acid spitter, the visuals of the town while following the mother, and that spiffy siren. I'm glad they kept in Cybil the cute bike cop, but alittle angry at something else they did with her but that I'll get to later, anyway back to my heavy handness.
Now alot of people are going to say we loved Pyrmid head in the game, but the very large problem is that IT SHOULDN'T BE THERE. The only game that you see them as fightables in is SH 2, the reason being is that they are directly linked to James Sunderland and his reasons for comeing to Silent hill, they are a punishment that James inflicts on himself for what he's done. The reason I say this is becuase after SH 1 the town is permantly changed, so that those with 'dark' hearts, are drawn to the dark half of town, and what evil you bring with you is made 'flesh' while there. This is easly proven by the little girl, Laura, she's never harmed while in the town, while she's spiteful, she's not really evil ether, as she treats James badly for what he's done also. *phew* Ok that's out of my system.
Now for another good point, The dark Alissa, the little girl, was very very well done, and for in plot ideas was a very good move, as I've already explained why Dhalia is bad, this makes up for it. Also The Nurse, the one in red... in SH1 you meet her, and she's a good character, up untill she becomes one of the evil ones and attacks you, so again kudos for them sticking to the plot on that end, I don't mind that she didn't attack the mother as I thought it always sucked in the game.
Ok back to Cybil and that burning which ticked me off, why? Well for one thing in the game she doesn't die by fire, second, Harry, the charater you play as kills her if he fails to pick up an item before he gets to her, so inturn, that mother should of been the one that had to kill Cybil.
Now that we've gotten to the end of the movie only a few things left.
One they shouldn't of use Alissa's bed that way, tooo much like SH:2's final boss.
But on the plus side my final thoughts on the ending and possable next movie, ahuh I said it.
The end of the movie is that of the 'bad' ending of SH, where you find out Harry is dead and simply hasn't figured it out yet, but with the way they made it. The father of movie could be called to SH much like James was in the begining of Silent Hill 2, which would be a good step in the right direction.
So that is it, that's my big list of problems with why I simply couldn't give the movie any better then a 5 out of 10, I simply have too many strong opinon's on alot of the ways I've seen Silent Hill and the way it works. Also the movie's bais is around games 1 and 3, games 2 and 4 are linked together by one Walter Sullivan, and rituals that Dhila had started...
Anyway those are my opinons, they may be subject to change but not likely. ^_^ See ya