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Author Topic: Disgruntled LET?  (Read 1050 times)


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Disgruntled LET?
« on: November 07, 2005, 04:05:43 pm »
I saw this thread on the MxO general and found it interesting.  Apparently an ExLET is spreading future storyline and spoiling it for people.

Here is the thread.  *Caution Might contain Spoilers.*

Offline Manic Velocity

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Disgruntled LET?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2005, 09:49:10 am »
It was inevitable.  This happens to everyone at some point.  The worst thing you can do after being fired is to burn bridges.  I haven't read the thread past the original post, but if the identity of this ex-LET member gets out, he won't be finding a new job in video games any time soon.

I was actually curious about this after the SOE changeover.  All the LET that got fired were no longer under contract, so there was no reason for them to keep mum on the future of the storyline.  It was only a matter of time before someone leaked the info.


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Disgruntled LET?
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2005, 05:28:18 pm »
could be bs to give his faction some publicity as they're implying that they know what's on the horizon, "My vote is to join their factions and rename it "Sycophants r' Us"  No votes for the smaller unknown factions that I've noticed have been running around and playing this game for some time. "

see he's trying to discredit larger factions, and then says this: "Anyways, back to the case at hand.   What can SOE do about crap like this?   I urge them to take strong, strong, strong action.  Banning whole accounts and factions outright.  The PR of the game is struggling as it is.  We don't need ya-hoo's coming in and trying to appear as the next coming of Neo or something as if they have some special "knowledge".  "

how would they know which accounts or factions?? he's just shooting out a conspiracy to get people to distrust people such as us or the collective or any other large faction that exists out there because according to him this magical mysterious ex-let got invited to everyone's voice chat??

yeah freakin right, how would they get into contact with him??????

"I don't know who makes me more furious.  The x-LET member making his disgruntled rounds, or the players who try to pass themselves off as having "Special knowledge of the future". "

You know how many times I've been right about things that I assumed were happening, like the whole thing with The Kid and such, it's so obvious anyways, i've a very very observant person.

That's exactly why I think it's sort of bs.


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Disgruntled LET?
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2005, 05:39:31 pm »
oh not to mention, that nanohaxial pierces right into this guys motivation for the post on this page:

seriously how does he go from what he says about storyline and what not to this:

"Just gripes my ***.  You know, I saw a thread recently as was pointed out to me by a friend and nearly chocked on my morning coffee.  "Who is the best faction out there" and then everyone's friends started voting for each other.  I couldn't believe it.  "Oh you're the best!"  "Oh no no no, YOU'RE the best."  My vote is to join their factions and rename it "Sycophants r' Us"  No votes for the smaller unknown factions that I've noticed have been running around and playing this game for some time.  Just this stupid "Prestige / Image" aspect."

Nano's response is exactly how I feel on the subject.


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Disgruntled LET?
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2005, 11:38:55 am »
The only big kicker on LET members being let go and no longer being under contract is the fact that information in regards to MxO is considered the "intellectual property" of SOE now.  Even if the storyline info was the brainchild of the particular LET member in question, he concocted it while under contract with SOE - hence it is SOE's now.

Big Business sucks sometimes, but it's the nature of the game.  :)

Get it - "...nature of the game."  Damn that was cheesy.  :D


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Disgruntled LET?
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2005, 11:56:16 am »
Bad Karios Back to the Cage!!! ;)

Offline Manic Velocity

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Disgruntled LET?
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2005, 12:52:29 pm »
Quote from: "Kairos"
Get it - "...nature of the game."  Damn that was cheesy.  :D

Oh Kairos, you're so "punny"!  :D

Ugh, all this cutesy humor is making my Taco Bell come back up.



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