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What is the future of FA?

We should allow those leaving MxO to remain in the faction and group up in other games.
20 (40%)
We should stay focused on MxO and keep the faction MxO-based only.
30 (60%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: June 19, 2005, 10:25:10 pm

Author Topic: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote  (Read 6680 times)


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2005, 04:37:51 pm »
"My loyalties don't lie with Mxo, they lie with you guys. You guys are why I even played MxO. I could give a shit about the game."

Agreed, I hope we can work this out so it results in something other than a complete split. Either way, I have made a few friends here I know I will continue to game with. MMO's are all about the community after all, no need to start the entire community over just because the original MMO fell short of expectations.

Offline Tbone

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2005, 04:47:04 pm »
Quote from: "likwidtek"
If any of you hate me for choosing to spend most of my time in another game then that's fine.

I hate you! Gwahaha! It's all good b/c I have your Widow's Moor Lenses. Lol

I don't think we're talking about a massive split here. I think we're talking about maybe 5 people here who don't want to play the game anymore. We have people leave all the time. This is just the first time one of those people have worked to find a way to stay in the faction despite leaving the game. We still have a lot of members who primarily play MxO. Last night we had around 15 guys online just goofing off together doing some PvP and whatnot. This isn't a major split in the community by kicking out those who are leaving MxO. It's just saying farewell to one or two friends that are moving on.


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #47 on: June 21, 2005, 07:43:33 pm »
I dont even think those of us who are leaving are even playing on the same SWG server :P  They want me to switch from starsider, but I dont want to give up my FS .. I'm almost Jedi - just 2-3 more months.

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #48 on: June 21, 2005, 08:00:52 pm »
Quote from: "Tbone"
Last night we had around 15 guys online just goofing off together doing some PvP and whatnot.

Hehe that was funny... Tizona asked a group of like lvl 8 - 22 RiP's to stand close together,  mind you the 8 and the 14 didn't get hurt, but the area hack that Tizona executed killed the 3 that were PvP enabled... lol  t'was fun!  Oh then there was the walk hunt... and the "RUN!" and pointing ... and countless warnings that tiz was going to kill them again.

Anyway I appologise for the minor hijack of the thread... i just found it amusing that they basically fell for the stand close together thing.


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #49 on: June 21, 2005, 11:28:41 pm »
I did some thinking more so then my previous post, and the more I thought about it the more I understand both points of view. I too when I have a free moment find myself wanting to play something other then MxO, but I find that I still can't cancel my account in hopes that maybe something good will happen that gives me the feelings I had when I first started playing. I also don't want to leave FA because I find these forums are more informative then say the Official MxO boards. The few reasons I've stayed this long is because the people I play with. I enjoy the company of the Angels, and while I'm not always ingame I always find the time to come to the boards and post a few things before getting the moments of sleep before the routine starts again.

I guess I think those that still want to be with the angels should still be allowed on the forums because this is where you can find out in an intelligent conversation that the game is getting better again. Maybe not so much on TS because that is the Angels communication network for MxO and that would influence others joining to sway and play other games. (Told you I actually read this time :) ) Perhaps that could be a way to work it out, where you don't just have to remove the 7 (so far) names on the list of those not currently playing MxO. Some of us just had life get in the way of our gaming and while we still find comfort in our friends here online we can't get to playing with them as much as we would like to.

Who knows with SOE taking over it might spark more interest in the game once again, and those who weren't playing might just come back :)


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #50 on: June 21, 2005, 11:42:26 pm »
i agree with lelyel, ive been around since practically the beginning of this clan, or at least one of the very few veterans left. i love mxo, the community and FA like a second family, hell some of the time i put you guys above my g/f lol. ive just noticed that MxO isn't what it should be and playing it isn't fun for me anymore, im hoping with SOE stepping in things will greatly improve, one of the main reasons why i havn't cancled my mxo account. just thought i'd add something in, since i got to read everyones post.


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #51 on: June 22, 2005, 01:11:16 am »
Quote from: "Styan"
Quote from: "Tbone"
Last night we had around 15 guys online just goofing off together doing some PvP and whatnot.

Hehe that was funny... Tizona asked a group of like lvl 8 - 22 RiP's to stand close together,  mind you the 8 and the 14 didn't get hurt, but the area hack that Tizona executed killed the 3 that were PvP enabled... lol  t'was fun!  Oh then there was the walk hunt... and the "RUN!" and pointing ... and countless warnings that tiz was going to kill them again.

Anyway I appologise for the minor hijack of the thread... I just found it amusing that they basically fell for the stand close together thing.

I might as well tell the story of what happened seeing as I have a bit of a chance here.

My mission team came out of a building to see a cluster of about 5 or 6 RiP members, including infect (I HATE this guy).

All of them were below level 20, and the ones below 16 had their pvp flags on.
They said hi to me, then one of them said out load"of course he will!"

I then told them to stand in a group together, and then I went and dev fielded most of them (2 got away when I started the hack). I would follow these 2 people, not by running or jumping. I just walked after their waypoint and gave them emotes like "take cover" and "danger".

After awhile I broke the act and killed them off after they would not leave the area.


(sorry for the major off topic)


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #52 on: June 22, 2005, 02:34:23 am »
So I decided to stop by and see another one of these HUGE (topically, not in size) threads showing up.. I think it's one of those bi-monthly drama festivals Tbone organises secretly.. you little drama queen you ;)

MxO isn't what ALOT of the people I know were really that hyped up for, in and out the faction, of course with something they don't like they will leave it.. but when you have known people for longer than you have known your new college mates, it's quite hard to say "Well fuck it, don't like MxO, you guys can kiss my ass"  Because that's literally how I would feel if I left.. and how I did when I left.

Those of you who know me well know how loyal I have been to the faction before release and after, doing everything I can with my limited skills and awkward time-zone for you, and I did it because I enjoyed it.  I enjoyed it because I see the people I know more as friends than as clan members, once you start looking at it like that.. you are simply that, clan members.  In my opinion FA would make a brilliant small gaming community, the guys and girls here are SO friendly and helpful and FUNNY.  You know that I haven't been playing the game much recently, it's hard to play so often when your mission team starts at 9pm local time and you have college the next day, a bus to catch at 7:45am.  I digress.

However, this is an MxO faction and it's formed from MxO players.. perhaps it should just be a Maztrix community. (GTG)

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #53 on: June 22, 2005, 02:41:59 am »
anyone want my bandana?
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #54 on: June 22, 2005, 02:53:26 am »
I'd take it but I'm sure there is other people higher on that list that want it. So they probably get first dibs.

Offline Avzeke (Khr0n1k)

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #55 on: June 22, 2005, 04:11:58 am »
Oh hells yeah ill take your banndanna

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