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What is the future of FA?

We should allow those leaving MxO to remain in the faction and group up in other games.
20 (40%)
We should stay focused on MxO and keep the faction MxO-based only.
30 (60%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: June 19, 2005, 10:25:10 pm

Author Topic: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote  (Read 6683 times)


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2005, 03:00:40 am »
for the time being i will agree that starting to play other games will only weaken the resolve of FA as a whole, for now. but the more i look at mxo the bleaker and bleaker its future gets. we have to stop and ask ourselves, how much longer are we gonna stop dancing around the truth, we're all FUCKING bored, and we're bored with MxO. and while i will agree if there is an effort that can be made to try and salvage what is left of MxO, it must be made, however we need to be realistic. how many of us actually see ourselves RIGHT HERE... 3 months from now? sad part is i dont. to be honest, im having a hard time deciding wether or not i shud cough up another $30 for another mxo game card and recontinue my account next month... beyond cookie cutter grinding and hunting... we have nothing to do. this game has no endgame, no replayable content to keep us here those 3 weeks out of the month when they have no Live Event going on. and even then it seems to me that only every OTHER live event is actually of noteworthy interest, and on top of that we have been getting the short end of the stick for no fucking reason than because we ARE too good and because we DO deserve it... and from the looks of things, the devs arent going to do anything about these problems in a timely fashion. im PROBABLY going to buy 1 more game card... 1 more... unless something dramatic and downright radical happens in those 60 days, i dont see myself staying here. and i think others feel the same way as i do, but just dont want to come out and say it in the face of the majority opinion. and i think as time goes on, even more will begin to share my feelings. lets stick with MxO for now, but lets also keep our eye on the future, and frankly, IMHO that future doesnt look good with MxO.


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2005, 03:14:41 am »
Aight i thought about this and to me seems like the best thing.  I know the last few days i have been playing SWG.  I still have a very very active MxO account so SOE will still be getting my money in two places with a Station all access.  SWG is a fall back item for me.  I have been burning the candle on MxO since release and i just needed a 2-4 day break from it to keep the game fresh to me.  I dont want to quit MxO and never will until it falls or just completely sucks.  If you think me playing another mmo for a few days is dragging this faction down im sorry.  I could see it if i cancelled my account and have been playing swg for a month or two since MxO release but im not.  I truely look forward to June 27 as the next live event roles around.  When none is on MxO in the early day i find myself sitting starring at my character sitting on a bench in mara for hours on end. So to keep myself occupied i started my account in SWG as a fall back.  Im a bounty hunter and very close to master as soon as i hit it il take a break and switch back to MxO for my full attention.

Long story short FA=MxO faction to the death.

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2005, 04:01:15 am »
We all play other games, Orien. I couldn't possibly ask all of you to devote all your gaming time to MxO. The question that has been raised is whether or not to allow members who have chosen to give up playing MxO altogether the chance to remain in the faction via a different game. Those who have expressed their bitter feelings towards others playing different games are probably referring to the members haven't logged into MxO in weeks (or only for the live event or whatever).


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2005, 05:16:33 am »
There is an element of Irony in this vote, as those who would vote in favour of us branching out are those who are visiting the boards less and less, and so will be less likely to vote in favour. Somehow I can't really see it turning in favour of a split, even if all of those in favour voted, because there are just too many die hards in this faction.

Offline Ketamininja

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2005, 05:56:31 am »
I will maintain that FA is one of the best factions I have ever taken part in, regardless of Games actually played.
Our own little community is great, and I love the fact people want to stay together. Friends are friends I suppose ;)

Currently, the future of this community, these friends... The Angels, all depends on MxO and the direction it takes. There has been a lot of talk from people about leaving.. mainly because MxO is not turning out to be what it should have been (for them at least). From the current vote, it seems that there is still a lot of dedication.....

but we are all at the mercy of the game... SOE perhaps.
I think that the option should be available, perhaps we can get a HQ website set up for global games, so that the community will still be active. I just hate to see some good people leaving :( I'm only just coming back!

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2005, 06:14:20 am »
I personally do not think you ought to devote FA's resources towards other games.  If anything it would have to be another branch set towards it, if not something different all together.  FA is a MxO faction, and many of us are just losing interest in the game and do not want to play it anymore.  It's not worth any of the work and I no longer find it fun, personally.  As one of those on the deletion list because I canned my account, though I am sad to see all of you go, I would not expect to stay here.  One of my most important reasons for staying was the live events, and that is not something SOE does.  So I am going back to my previous SOE love, Starwars Galaxies.  

Unless you ever divide yourself, and form another branch - I doubt that would ever happen Tbone.  Though if you ever do decide to form another guild, go ahead and drop me an email at ((I suspect will be deleted soon.))

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2005, 07:59:26 am »
You know I hate to see anyone go... It is the last thing in the world that I think should happen, and there have been very very few times I have said this person needs to go.  I like everyone who has been in our faction so far and I mean everyone.  Do we sometimes get on each other nerves?  Yes.  Do some people rub me the wrong way? Yes.  Do I rub some people the wrong way.  Most definiatley. * Accept Grim she likes it that way  :D  *

I'd love for everyone to stay, to remain a part of the faction, to get in game and help kick some ass when needed.  Sadly that is not the way of the world.  Like I said before and like Likwidneo pointed out MXO/SOE is in question right now.  Will it get beter, will it get worse, will it stop?  No one knows.  The only thing I know is that FA = MXO and as long as there is MXO I think we all want to see FA inside MXO as a force to be reckoned with.

Here is the perfect example of what I mean.  About 2-3 months ago we did an interview with a guy who claimed to be in a faction/clan in Everquest when it first was in BETA.  I don't remember the clan but everyone who was familiar with Everquest was like, "Holy crap...." They went on to explain that this clan/faction was known for being a strong faction/clan and for helping out the DEV's etc. etc.  It sounded like FA.  Sometime down the road I want to be able to say hey I was in FA and have other gamers say

"Holy Crap..."  

Then I'll be like     "Hell yeah"
and they'll say       "Did you ever know that Tbone dude"
and I'll say              "Shit yeah dude don't you know who I am"
and they'll say        "Who"
and I'll say              "Man I'm Broin"
and they'll be like  "who the fuck was that"
and I'll be like         "WTF Mate... Come one... Broin, you know..."
and they'll be like   "Who?"
and I'll be like          "FUCKIN' BROIN MAN!"
and they'll say         "Well I've heard of Tbone, and Grimkitten, and Kayda, and Leylel, and Lithium, and MasterYoda, and Orien, and Tizona, and Gabe, and Doan, and StormRunner and boombye and Nemi and, etc. etc. etc.  but I've never heard of  a Broin."
and I'll be like          "GODDAMNIT!"

Go ahead, make my day.


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2005, 08:44:37 am »
As usual, I will be the dissenting opinion.

I think FA should stay MxO only.
Here is why:
1.  We are having a tough enough time keeping say a full crew on at any time...Why make our numbers even more scattered (between games)?
2. EVERY guild/faction that I have been in that has tried this doesn't make it work.  The biggest reason is because not everyone will agree on a 2nd game or want to even switch.  Let's be honest...we are losing members faster than getting numbers.  Making a WoW division and a AA division etc will only screw the failthful MxO players even more.
3. With MxO going to Sony, we will need to be an even tighter, better guild.  Splitting up will not achieve that.

there are more reasons, but I am tired.


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2005, 09:25:54 am »


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2005, 09:41:07 am »

Fill in the blank with your most pathetic story of how much FA means to you.



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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #25 on: June 20, 2005, 10:25:10 am »
Look, I've been playing MxO since beginning of October. Yah, some of u have been in it a little longer, but we've pretty much gone though it all....Anyway, I will always love the Matrix Online no matter how boring it can get. And yah, Lithium, I can agree that to some extent FA should be a MxO faction only, but my vote leans more to Yes than No with this vote...reason being is because until they add MxO to the Station pass, I;m going to suspend my MxO account soon...if things look better within a month or so, i'll easaily come back, expecially now SOE is taking over, if true.

My main reason I want to stay in this faction for even a month without being in MxO is because this faction kicks so much ass. I'm not asking to make FA tags in other games, i just want to lay low for a bit with MxO until things look better. And besides, for any teens like me who have no damn minimum wage job cant make money as easily as some of u can...

So like I said, ill probably come back to MxO within a month when things are better, casue obviously ill miss the pvp action with broin, lith, vinzeru, orien, etc...., but i justa save money where i can for now.....  :)

And Tbone, I have been playing MxO pretty much everyday since ive been in this faction, Ask anyone who is on regulary........... So im not one of the ones who havent logged in for weeks, im just suspending MxO for a month to give it time to evolve. And besides, ive taken part of every MxO Live Event so far, so no, im not part of that list who havent logged in for weeks and havent taken part of Live Events, etc..., ive put my fair share into it all......  :roll3:

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #26 on: June 20, 2005, 10:43:32 am »
What a moment, I do see some heated issues here.
What is the real story behind the question? People are leaving FA to go and play other games. If they leave, our numbers decrease anyway.

Hopefully recruitment will still happen, so anyone who is wanting to leave will be replaced.
What I am thinking is there are many people who don't want to leave FA, but want to leave MxO, and not because of FA.

... don't know what I'm trying to say exactly... I'm not sure how letting another game team in would ruin the MxO side of things (as long as things were kept fairly separate). But I can see the importance of FA being MxO...

Just curious - how would people see things going if MxO died? What happens to FA? Obviously an executive decision - perhaps we would move somewhere else..... *shrugs* All I know is I love FA!

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #27 on: June 20, 2005, 10:48:40 am »
Quote from: "Y0d4"
3. With MxO going to Sony, we will need to be an even tighter, better guild.  Splitting up will not achieve that.

I agree entirely.

Quote from: "Ketamininja"
Just curious - how would people see things going if MxO died? What happens to FA? Obviously an executive decision - perhaps we would move somewhere else..... *shrugs* All I know is I love FA!

I'm a shamelessly admitted matrix fan boy.  I will play no matter how shitty the game gets.  Even with all the bugs and lag, I still think the game is the kicker of all ass.  Unless they actually take the MxO servers down, I don't see myself going anywhere.  FA rules!

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #28 on: June 20, 2005, 10:55:02 am »
As much as I like some of the people who don't have accounts/play other games 80% of the time while on TS, I say kick them. Sorry guys. It's not that hard to setup a TS server-do it on your own box, not one for FA-the MxO faction.

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #29 on: June 20, 2005, 10:57:23 am »
Quote from: "Ketamininja"

Just curious - how would people see things going if MxO died? What happens to FA? Obviously an executive decision - perhaps we would move somewhere else..... *shrugs*

Here is what I was saying perhaps down the road.  There is definantly opertunity here.   Like its been said, we're a group that had formed close friendships. Not to say we can't maintain these outside of FA, but I can see us in the future, in other gaming comunities, when MxO may not have any punch left at all.



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