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What is the future of FA?

We should allow those leaving MxO to remain in the faction and group up in other games.
20 (40%)
We should stay focused on MxO and keep the faction MxO-based only.
30 (60%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: June 19, 2005, 10:25:10 pm

Author Topic: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote  (Read 6676 times)

Offline Tbone

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« on: June 19, 2005, 10:25:10 pm »
Here's the situation. A few people have come to me explaining that they no longer wish to play The Matrix Online. They either have cancelled their accounts or are considering it. However, they would prefer to remain in the faction and group up to play other MMOs or other games. They want to use the FA resources and still use the FA flag, so to speak, but no longer be a part of MxO. The question is, do we expand our "guild" to other games to allow those who used to play with us in MxO to still hang around or do we keep FA focused on MxO? I have my own opinion about this, but I want to see what the initial response is.

This vote will be considered but will not be the sole factor in determining the outcome.

Offline Lithium

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2005, 10:33:19 pm »
I've been involved with FA for more than a year and some odd months. That means I've also spent all that time anticipating, beta testing, CCRing, and playing MxO. FA is an MxO faction and the damn best. We won't be the best playing a new game every month. A lot of people are bored with MxO and I can understand wanting to play other games. But please don't drag us down with you into these games. If you have friends with members who are playing these games then form a faction for whatever game you are playing. FA is MxO and it should stay that way or we will never be the same powerful force.

Don't believe everything you think.

Offline Eroz

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2005, 10:40:27 pm »
Same as ^
"Have you ever tried to dismantle a snowball?" - Linus, Peanut's Gang.

Offline Broin

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2005, 10:44:33 pm »
Well here is my two cents on this....

I think it's cool if people play other games.  I have no problem with that. Hell, right now no one even knows what's going to happen with SOE and MXO.  For all we know in 2-3 months MXO will be gone and we'll all be looking for another game.  Maybe well go as a faction to another one maybe not.  But for right now I know that FA is a MXO based faction.  The faction was formed around MXO, it's home is MXO.   I would expect, that as happened with other members in the past, if you choose to leave MXO then you leave FA.  

It is a huge distraction, and as far as I see it, a problem to have 6-7 people hanging out in the non-MXO room.  It would be less of a problem if the people playing other games would contribute when help is needed within MXO.  However the few times I've came down to announce that help is needed in MXO to the people in the NON MXO room I've been met with silence.  

At one point people did come up and get in game during the last event to help out but they didn't stay long, and the help provided was next to nill, and not worth hearing the constant complaining they did while in game.  So shortly after jacking in they state that they are going back to whatever game they were playing before.  And they have the balls to ask to be notified when something happens with the LET.  Hey you want to know, you play the game, or contribute.

I think most of the guys hanging out down there don't even have MXO accounts and if they do they haven't been around for months.  Christ Almighty some of them are staff/captains.  Long story short you want to play MXO and help out when you're needed I'm cool with the other game stuff.... If not (well you all know I'm blunt)  hit the road....

Go ahead, make my day.

Offline Manic Velocity

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2005, 10:48:16 pm »
Seems kinda like franchising, IMO.  Franchising = loss of quality.


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2005, 10:52:56 pm »
Quote from: "Broin"

I think most of the guys hanging out down there don't even have MXO accounts and if they do they haven't been around for months.  Christ Almighty some of them are staff/captains.  Long story short you want to play MXO and help out when you're needed I'm cool with the other game stuff.... If not (well you all know I'm blunt)  hit the road....

Offline Styan

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2005, 11:01:43 pm »
I came to MxO a very lost little Operative,  Since joining the FA I've learned a lot about the game, and the way things work in the game.  I've also found a group of people that I could confide in.  In ways such as, someone that will help me grind, others that will RP with me, and even, at my level 27 goodness, storm has good a hell of a lot of ninja rezzin practice with me for PVPin.

I think FA is a MxO faction. Right now at least.  Although, I can also see that we are a strong group of individuals that I believe could work well in other game environments down the road.  My vote however is with my first instinct that we are MxO based.

This is a good family, the last thing I wanna see is it get broken up.

Wow!! Second day in a row I've come out of my rabbit hole... *runs off again*

Offline ArchNemesis

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2005, 11:16:20 pm »
I Needed time to think on this one. This Is a MxO faction. Obviously. Everything we have done for this... has been for the matrix. I have had my thoughts of branching into other games but think about it... There are those that believe we have lost our focus... our "luster" if you will. How will branching into other games bring that back? The only way to bring that back is to suck it up and stick to this. To go ahead and basically tear apart what we have turned into over a year of time and investment is simply, for lack of a better word, moose piss. I am a victim of boredom with this game but by no means do i think that this faction should split into other games. It will merely be a cycle of going from one game to the next. Those that knew seven will know that this is what he tried to do. It ended up in failure because of obvious reasons.

Anyway now i'm rambling. As it is we have trouble bringing people to help out when they are needed simply because we just "play" other games. I can't even imagine how it would be once this faction splits to other games. I have been here for a long ass time. I have seen FA grow into what it is... to see it just transform into something else will just make it lose all of its meaning. The reason behind the name "Furious Angels", what we stand for as zionists, The wave of us coming in to protect one another. I already see it disappearing and we haven't even split games yet. I'm not trying to be negative... i'm trying to point something that needs fixing. Give the PVP/RP Crew missions some time and i'm sure we'll be able to pick up form there.

All i'm saying is that the few of us that wish to play other games and stay in the faction will tear us more apart than just leaving the faction altogether.

* tell me if something doesn't make sense cause i haven't had much sleep :P*


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2005, 11:22:25 pm »
Quote from: "ArchNemesis"
The reason behind the name "Furious Angels", what we stand for as zionists, The wave of us coming in to protect one another. I already see it disappearing and we haven't even split games yet.

You people must be able to read my mind.


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2005, 11:27:29 pm »
looking at ts right now, half the faction online in ts is in the non mxo room, but still a family so already the faction has split, so I guess i'm saying should those be kicked because they don't play mxo as much anymore?

Offline Broin

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2005, 11:36:26 pm »
Quote from: "Lelyel"
looking at ts right now, half the faction online in ts is in the non mxo room, but still a family so already the faction has split, so I guess I'm saying should those be kicked because they don't play mxo as much anymore?

I don't think that is it Lelyel...

The problem is that most of them aren't even playing anymore.  Accounts have been canceled and if they still have the accounts the contributions they make in MXO are non existant

Go ahead, make my day.


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2005, 12:37:45 am »
On a semantical note, I think that the initial topic could have been broached with a little less bias.

Admittedly, MxO has given me good times, but it is by far not the greatest game I have ever played, nor do I feel the sense of dedication to it that I have others. Everyone gets burned out, and everyone needs something to refresh them. In that same sense, those that have put a lot into the faction should be allowed their reprieve when needed. Now canceling their MxO account? That’s something a little too radical, and I can follow the statement that if you don't play the game, why be in the faction?

One possible answer, and a simple one at that, is friendship. The Furious Angels may have begun as an MxO faction, but it has transformed into something a little more than that. Friendships have been forged and solidified here, friendships that will last a summer, or last years on end. If we had no care for another then why stay? If I wanted to go play SWG then what is to stop me from going out and finding the best faction in SWG? Why stay around and play with these newbies? Because they are my friends, and regardless of skill, level, or profession, we still manage to have a good time together. Telling jokes, making fun of Fuse’s mom (nothin’ but love for ya man), getting slain by our enemies or owning so much butt, we are still having fun with our friends, and THAT,  my friend, is what is going to keep us together. Friendship.

Quote from: "ArchNemesis"
The reason behind the name "Furious Angels", what we stand for as zionists, The wave of us coming in to protect one another.

Protecting and supporting one another.....

At level 39, I am finding myself grouping with fewer and fewer characters higher than myself, and am running missions with many lower levels in the faction. Now, I am not complaining in the least about this, because it still means that we all get to have fun, and I get to hang out with some cool people. However, it is well-known that if a level 45-50 were to get together with us and run missions, things would go a whole lot faster and smoother. However, there are very few of you that have stopped and ran missions with the rest of us. (I will point out specifically the kindness of MasterYoda, Phienyx, Jeyk, and Tizona, if I am forgetting you, I apologize). Just remember, a faction is only as great as the least of its members.

Let it also be known that this is not as big of an issue as others that need to be taken care of, just something that I would like to input while we are hacking things out.

Quote from: "Lithium"
FA is an MxO faction and the damn best. We won't be the best playing a new game every month.

I can't agree with that in the least. FA has fallen a lot since I have known it, and there is plenty of room where we can improve. The other night, we were running missions (Thank you Tiz/Yoda), and decided to break plan for a bit to head to the party being hosted by The Black Market at the Jade Room. They had some announcements, it was nothing huge, and there was a small brawl afterwards, but it was fun. I asked "Why don't we do more stuff like this? Host parties, do our own RP events and such anymore?" That answer I got? "We're too busy." Now I have nothing but love for the guy who said that, but that's a smoldering pile of bull. I don't have to explain it, it just is. We just need the commitment and the willingness to do so.

I'm going to stop typing now and go figure out why someone is trying to frame me for child molestation/rape.

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2005, 12:52:04 am »
This is indeed a toughie for me to think through. I'm very reliant on forming attachments and friendships with people in the factions/guilds/clans I join, and I base my online gaming with that particular group of people in any game that I can.  I'm not leaving any time soon, but if or when I do leave MxO, I couldn't imagine doing any online gaming with anyone else other than who I've met here, and RL friends.

I do agree that "spreading" our faction around can do some damage to our strength and credibility, but at the same time it's definately a nice option, one that I'm sure everyone would use to some degree, so I'm not really sure which way to go on this.

Offline ArchNemesis

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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2005, 12:53:26 am »
Quote from: "Sared"

Protecting and supporting one another.....

At level 39, I am finding myself grouping with fewer and fewer characters higher than myself, and am running missions with many lower levels in the faction. Now, I am not complaining in the least about this, because it still means that we all get to have fun, and I get to hang out with some cool people. However, it is well-known that if a level 45-50 were to get together with us and run missions, things would go a whole lot faster and smoother. However, there are very few of you that have stopped and ran missions with the rest of us. (I will point out specifically the kindness of MasterYoda, Phienyx, Jeyk, and Tizona, if I am forgetting you, I apologize). Just remember, a faction is only as great as the least of its members.

True. Most of us have gained friendships... yet there are still those that don't help others... they instead go play other games or go fight. I'm level 39. My computer can no longer take mxo but that still doesn't stop me from at least going in and doing my all. Regardless of whether or not i'm "strong enough" i go in and do what is needed of me. Do i play as much as i used to? no. Do i go in and help when they ask even though i'm not playing and still not level 50? you damn right i do and i bring what ever crewmates are in my channel as well. The point is indeed
Quote from: "Sared"

 a faction is only as great as the least of its members.

I'm not trying to tear this apart. I, like you, am trying to show the flaws and what needs to be fixed. This faction has had MANY members. I'm not saying that more will come and others go, but rather make something of your time here. Instead try to make this faction more than just friendship. It is a commitment to MxO as well. Friends can be friends whether they are in the faction or not. What makes us a faction is that we are commited to the same cause.

Keep in mind this is still while we are a mxo faction. No branching has been made but splits have already occured.


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Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2005, 01:05:42 am »
Ok, If I repeat anything someone else has said, I am sorry. I just want to get MY thoughts out in the open.

First of all, ever since people started playing Gunz, the non mxo room has had more people in it than any of the other rooms combined, for most of the day. I don't mind this, but I have seen a recent trend of the lack of involvement that Broin was talking about. They should realize, that this is the Furious Angels Communication. You are part of the Furious Angels and as such, you should help out a friend in need. There is no excuse for that lack of responsibility. I don't mind faction members playing other games, hell, I play games all the time. I do, however, have a problem with those that do not have their priorities straight. I have been playing a game recently on my PS2 but I check up in the Jacked in Channel every now and then to see if I am needed. Saturday night I was needed, so I dropped my game and came in to help out for the rest of the night with the battles in Mara C and stuff. That is what is needed, commitment.

Secondly, I originally liked the idea of branching because it would help us keep in contact with our friends in this faction and all that. However, after some thought, the answer was obvious. The answer was "no." To keep these people around would split our faction and that is the last thing we need at this point. I realized it is actually quite selfish of the people who want to split and of those that support it to think that it would be good, they will eventually destroy us.

To quote the greatest anime I have ever seen:
"It's always there. There's always something more important than ourselves or our dreams." - Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)

This pertains to our situation perfectly. Yes, it would be cool to have our friends stick around. However, we must think of the thing that is more important than our selfish desires and dreams, the life of this faction. That is more important than anything that individuals in this faction can want. This is a brotherhood and a community, as such, all members need to decide what is best for the FACTION, not themselves. Selfish desires like that have no place in a faction.

I too have friends in this faction, and I too would like to see them stick around. However, it wouldn't be right for me to put myself above the faction. I know that a couple people in this faction that I have grown to call friends are on the brink of leaving, and it saddens my heart. But, I know that I can talk with them and game with them elsewhere. They don't necessatily need to stay in the faction to stay in touch. There are other means of communication and they can be used to keep in touch with your friends.

My vote is for a NO. We can always organize with former members in other games once again, but to drag the FA name with them is unreasonable and unnecassary.



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