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Author Topic: Other Video Game Releases  (Read 8289 times)


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Other Video Game Releases
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2004, 11:16:41 pm »
Speaking of sequels, they are making a Goldeneye 2.  I think it's called Rouge Agent.  I hope it doesn't tarnish the legend of Goldeneye (I also think it's the greatest FPS to date, esp. the multiplayer).  Also, GTA: San Andreas is going to be different, in that it is going away from the world of Italian mobsters.  It's more urban with a lot more black people (no offense to anybody).  They've also added new things like breaking into houses, in addition to cars, to jack stuff from people.  They also added gang drive-by shootings.  Overall, I think it's going to be pretty cool.  If you want more info, check out the latest issue of Game Informer.


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Other Video Game Releases
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2004, 11:58:50 pm »
ya I already kinda explained that all ;)


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« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2004, 02:10:11 am »
golden eye is great and awesome, prob one of the best games of its time, rogue agent is just the opposite...not sure if u said u'd played the villian instead of the agent, but if u didn't well i did lol, umm other than that lets hope it lives up to its name, cause if it doesnt, i know some 00 agents that will make paticular visits to game developers houses :) ok later



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Other Video Game Releases
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2004, 07:32:25 pm »
I gotta agree that Goldeneye is the greatest multiplayer FPS (i didn't get to play any single-player cos i only played at friends houses; no n64 for me :( ). But one game that truly kicks ass is the Smash Bros. on n64. I always play it with my friends and we have a mad time laughing our asses off. The best is when Falcon heils - "SHOW ME YOUR MOVES!" and when link deepthroats the sword. O man that game is awesome.


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Other Video Game Releases
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2004, 08:18:25 pm »
Yeah I agree totally about Goldeneye.  Actually my friends and I have started having old videogame tournaments and of course it started with Goldeneye.  We also play Mario Kart 64, Perfect Dark, and some old NES games like Super Dodgeball or Super Spike Volleyball or Bomberman.


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Other Video Game Releases
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2004, 08:40:48 pm »
I'll be totally honest i can't stand FPS it bores me to death. Only one FPS kept my attention and it was on the Sega Genesis, Zero Tolerance. The game's i'm waiting on are Front Mission 4 and Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. :mrgreen:


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Re: ugh
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2004, 01:13:41 am »
Quote from: "Zink"
splinter ty :/ had the first game for xbox and it wasn't even up to speed with some of the games ive played. it was really easy and really short, let alone the only multiplaying on splinter cell was dl new lvls? lame....course halo was before xbox live but ill play halo WAY before ill even put splinter cell back into my xbox, at least its challenging. :*( ok later


It's a good thing we're talking about two seperate games altogether.  Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow currently dominates the XBox Live lineup.  The multiplayer is extremely fun, and the two sides are very diverse.  You might want to rent it just to make sure you're not missing something.


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« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2004, 01:24:52 am »
no offense asha but im not one for a relaxed gaming experience, i mean i love RPG's dont get me wrong, but splinter cell was pretty slow, u had to take ur time and get everything right, sneaky and wahtnot, i enjoy my games fast, halo, project gothem racing, gun valkyre. i guess im just use to it, senses and hand-eye cordination is just use to it, my fingers kept twitching when i was trying to jump across a ledge or or walk across a narrow path.



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Other Video Game Releases
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2004, 01:30:43 am »
My friend would agree wholeheartedly with the Goldeneye remark -- he's replaying it's N64 release -- I almost forgot!  I'm also uber excited about KoToR II!


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Other Video Game Releases
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2004, 02:21:06 am »
Again, no offense taken, I had nothing to do with the making of Splinter Cell: PT, but the game is hardly slow.  You're talking about a game that came out two years ago, I'm referring to the multiplayer aspect of the sequel that was released a couple of months ago.


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Other Video Game Releases
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2004, 02:23:08 am »
what kind of multiplayer we talking about, like MxO, where everyone fights or is it just running around doing missions? is it like a mmporg or wahtever its called/ enlight me asha!! ur my only hope lol :P



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Other Video Game Releases
« Reply #26 on: May 19, 2004, 06:49:24 am »
Most the games I'm looking forward to are already posted. But I'm also looking forward to Fight Club. Except it seems just to be a bunch of fighting.


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Other Video Game Releases
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2004, 09:03:48 am »
why is it called video games? because of the old games were on those uhm..what do you call it..recording tapes?  or?

Btw...looking forward to Star Wars Battlefront


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Other Video Game Releases
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2004, 10:26:35 am »
SW:BF looks extremely good, as does Republic Commando and even <shutter> Jump to Lightspeed, the SWG expansion.  As for video games, there is a difference between video cand computer games.  In the cable industry, your television is actually referred to as a "video" product, and I think that's generally the industry jargon for anything being played on a television.

Computer games, well you get that.  

As for Splinter Cell: PT, I'll be the first to admit the single player experience is rather slow, and takes careful timing, movement, and strategy to make it through undetected.  The multiplayer version however has two distinct sides:

Shadownet: These guys resemble Sam Fisher from the game, where as they are spies that are charged with infiltrating a complex, and disarming ND133 "pox boxes".  Pox Boxes are cryogenic storage units with the small pox virus inside.  Using shadows, ventilation systems and climbing over fences and obstacles; your objective is to sneak past the ARGUS mercenaries using a 3rd person perspective (ala the single player version).

ARGUS: These are the other team, played in first-person mode, they are tasked with setting up motion sensors around the complex, and preventing the Shadownet operatives from disabling the ND133s.  At their disposal they have motion detecting visors, and electrostatic visors, that show any mechanical component giving off electricity.  They also have a headlamp, and assault rifles with which to locate and dispose of their enemy.

Now comes the fun part.  The Mercs start the level looking for the Shadownet operatives, using their XBox Live headsets to communicate.  They set up motion sensors, and generally set up a plan of defense to make sure the ND133s are not disabled.

Shadownet is sneaking into the complex at this time, creating diversions for one another so that one can distract the mercs while the other moves in to disable the ND133s, one at a time.  They can use night and thermal vision, but when they do, they give off electrostatic, making them light up like a torch when the Mercs have their electrostatic visors up.  Obstacles like infrared laser beams and cameras can be overcome by firing a bullet from the spy gun, disabling the devices and allowing the spy to sneak past.

The spy gun also adheres to mercs, allowing the spy to listen to the mercs over their headset, whether or not the mercs are feeding the spies false information is totally up to the player.  Another bullet also disables the merc's HUD, taking away their alarm monitor and most of the information regarding their inventory.

If you feel that a merc is getting too close, the spy can actually walk up behind them and grab them putting a silenced pistol to their head.  At this point you can choose to knock them out (which leaves them lying on the floor for a few moments), or you can kill them, causing them to respawn at the beginning.  While you're making your choice, you can actually talk to the Merc you're holding through your headset and taunt them.

Mercs also get some other items like phosphorous grenades, that detonate and coat the spies footprints with a glowing residue, allowing you to see signs of passing.

Not without a means of escape, the spy can throw a smoke or chaff grenade to the ground, allowing him to a chance to scramble the Mercs for a few moments while the spy dissapears into the shadows.

All in all, it's a kickass principle and plays rather quickly.  If you have XBox Live, you should definitely rent this, as it's one of the best online action experiences thus far.


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Other Video Game Releases
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2004, 11:45:24 am »
WHAT?! No one care about swg jump to lightspeed? I musst say no game has ever held my attention as long as SWG has. I mean hell, i had 5 accounts at one time.



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