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How should these new divisions be organized?

We should put hovercrafts into one unit or the other, making a hovercraft devoted to one of the teams.
17 (32.1%)
We should have members choose one unit or the other, but not organize hovercrafts into the units.
20 (37.7%)
We should make both units volunteer-based.
16 (30.2%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: June 04, 2005, 05:16:25 pm

Author Topic: Vote on New Divisions  (Read 2949 times)


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« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2005, 08:35:35 am »
yeah i agree with that, plus that would also help out with commanding a battle if tbone is not around... so command can be delegated down to the pvp captains, and then first-mates if the captains arent around... making it even more organized


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« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2005, 08:53:11 am »
Maybe the two divisons are a bit misnamed?  You can absolutely PvP in RP mode.  That is what I'd like to do personally.  Maybe a more accurate name to the divisions should be Strike (mainly fighting) Units and Support (mainly all other functions) Units.

You are fully able to RP any of those functions.


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« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2005, 12:20:34 pm »
yeah adrenaline, i dont think anyones saying you have to RP or PvP but you cant do both... i think this is just a way to delegate out certain tasks that the faction is undertaking...


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« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2005, 01:26:56 pm »
I agree with Xrosist. But either way ill be happy.

Offline Tbone

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« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2005, 02:48:29 pm »
Quote from: "Adrenaline"
from what I've read so far, it seems I'm just weird or different or something. mainly because I like a fair mix of all of the above. when regular unknown red pills ask me questions about FA or the challenge, etc, or even in events, I like to RP sometimes. at the same time, if I'm out and about and available, if I hear on ts that anyone is picking on someone and I feel I can provide some level of help, I usually drop what I'm doing and run there, do what I can, then go back to what I was doing before (which as of recently has been about 50% missions, 40%investigating things, and %10 misc.)I just feel weird being forced one way or the other, I just like to go and help where I'm needed, and spend time enjoying the game and storyline then any of the repetitive stuff. I dunno, I feel alone in this, like I said, perhaps I'm just weird. :P

Of course you'll still do both, but this is more about what style of missions you would prefer to get. See, the idea is mainly for level 50s who no longer have any drive to continue playing daily. The faction would begin to come up with our own assignments, either making a story with it or something tactical. Some people don't like to PvP all the time. Other people don't like to sit around and talk about the weather all the time. The best solution is to split up the missions based on preference. This doesn't mean that you can't help out with the other group - it just means you'll have priority to one or the other.


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« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2005, 03:00:12 pm »
It would make sense to organize the units into hovercrafts.  It doesn't mean you can't hang out with your old crew buddies, but it does mean you'll get to make new ones.  Also, the hovercrafts would now have a purpose.  I'm with phienix, xorcyst, liquidneo and the others.


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« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2005, 04:15:38 pm »
After thinking this over I feel that for this to work the hovercrafts need to be reset up. It will not work unless those of us in the pvp unit are together and those of us in the rp unit are together.


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« Reply #22 on: June 05, 2005, 06:10:30 pm »
having the ships reset would also fit in with roleplay, so I am all for this.


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« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2005, 06:18:55 pm »
while i dont agree with revealing who voted which way, it would be nice to hear the opposing view on issues as far as keeping this organized. i know just paying more attention to faction chat may suffice, i think there needs to be a much broader way of keeping in contact with members of each unit. the 'not breaking up the ships' is winning, so i figure there are ideas out there. just wondering.

plus i want to know what the people who voted "We should make both units volunteer-based." feel since both units are already going to be volunteer based as far as i know.

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« Reply #24 on: June 05, 2005, 06:24:15 pm »
Hmmmn, the hovercrafts are also a way of identifying yourself IN the game. You MUST be part of a hovercraft, right?
It does make sense that a hovercraft team responds as a unit, and it would be nice to see the entire "Libertas" crew appear.

I don't know, there seems to be a little debate about keeping hovercrafts, and therefore switching roles, or mass joining so mates are together. What about new people, who can't join these ships (teams) because they are level 20? They miss out on mixing with the level 50's, learning and sharing.

I think a ship of 50's, although bound to happen for all one day, is not a great idea, but I don't see a problem either way for myself really. As long as I get help leveling!

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« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2005, 06:30:48 pm »
i know of a few people that are still interested in the PVP unit although they are not lvl 50 yet. i feel as tho everyone can serve a role whether they are level 50 or not. that lvl 30 in a group could be working on breaking an evade to let the lvl 50 assassin do his/her thing. or could he could be teleporting / rez'ing people in a safe spot. also, im sure there are 50s that feel they are more suited a RP role in FA. i dont think levels should be a main reason for splitting up the units. its all about what you like doing here as a part of FA.


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« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2005, 10:02:28 pm »
I am one of those low lvl PvP, I dont fight i heal which seem to be need quiet often, and on occation a Res. So if you want a second tree to go down when leveling to 50, go with patcher it will be quite useful when some one need a res.


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« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2005, 10:36:37 pm »
Quote from: "Tbone"

Of course you'll still do both, but this is more about what style of missions you would prefer to get. See, the idea is mainly for level 50s who no longer have any drive to continue playing daily. The faction would begin to come up with our own assignments, either making a story with it or something tactical. Some people don't like to PvP all the time. Other people don't like to sit around and talk about the weather all the time. The best solution is to split up the missions based on preference. This doesn't mean that you can't help out with the other group - it just means you'll have priorihy to one or the other.

ah. I was kinda gettin the feel from the other thread that everyone wanted everyone to strictly be one or the other, ive surely realized the lvl 50 problem, and remind myself of it every time I spend too much time grinding, im a couple bars from 30 right now, mainly just because I dont grind all that often, for the reason that I know once I hit 50 I'll tend to sit around a lot, so I've just been taking in the game at the 'developers pace' (though I dont know if 30 lvl's in 2 months is their pace either. :P ) it's left me a lot more time for investigating things and such, and making me think about a lot of little things in game, which is what I enjoyed most about the trilogy, and the additional thinking about clues or secrets in the last 2 films, knowing how apeshit crazy the wachowshi's are. :)


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« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2005, 02:02:13 am »
i just reread this thread... and i see 13 votes for "We should have members choose one unit or the other, but not organize hovercrafts into the units." which is in the lead right now, however, i only see 2 people explaining why they voted this way, Eroz and Romripper... and from what I gather from their statements the main reason they voted this way was because they don't want to have to go through the hovercraft sign-up/re-organization process again? Perhaps I'm mistaken, and I do hope I am... I would like to hear some reasons behind these 13 votes that will make me understand why you all feel this is what is best for the faction.

We had 41 people vote that these new "units" or "groups" would be an excellent idea, and I agree, it is a very good idea. Now we seem to have a split on how it should be done. I understand one perspective, my own of course. Organizing these groups into the actual crews/ships seems very effecient to me.

We are all a faction, leaving a crew that we've been in for a while isn't the end of the world, we will still get to game with those we know just like before, so i don't see any problem as far as splitting up the current crews... if that even happens, for all we know most of it may stay the same, depending on what unit everyone wants to be in.

Having to go through another sign-up process, while tedious, isn't any skin off my ass. I don't see that as a major issue.

So i ask again, is there something i'm overlooking? What makes you feel that we should not make these units into the ships/crews? I'm simply trying to gain some perspective here.


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« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2005, 03:12:31 am »
not to put down anyones opinions, but i dont see a logical factual reason why we cant reorganize the ships, and the fact that, as you've stated gabriel, none has been posted beyond having to redo the sign up process, just further supports that argument. we need to think about whats best for the faction and its really simple. the current winning vote here is an organizational nightmare. there will be leadership and they will be handing down orders. now it wud be real fucking easy if we have a PVP Captain for a PVP Ship with a PVP crew, and the same for RP. it makes a very clear very simple chain of command where communication is easy. orders are easy to make, there easy to hand out, cuz you know who's who, and theyre easy to follow. consider option 2. where ships arent organized by teams. everytime i want to pick my booger im going to have to go look up a chart to see who's doing what to organize a team and put an order down. is this guy RP, or is he PVP? while the regulars would be easy enough to remember who's who, i highly doubt the leadership is going to be able to remember every individuals role. we are a faction of what, close to 90 members? then on the same note the authority of the respective team leadership may be undermined by crew captain leadership. if a PVPer receives orders from PVP leadership, but he is on the ship of an RP leader, then how do we determine who's authority supercedes who's in the event someone bumps heads? and even if it's written in stone, whoever doesnt have authority still has a very legitimate argument. i cud go on and on about the organization headaches this would cause, but i think ive made my point. if option 2 goes thru, then youre going to make our captains work three times as hard to get this done as they should if the ships were organized, just because you want hang out with the buddies youve already made on teh same ship. that is really not fair for the leaders, and frankly if i were one of them, id be bitching and cursing to all hell for having to deal with this. if someone can shut me up and put some cold hard facts down as to why this isnt necessary, please do so now. so far the reasoning on this thread has been kinda 1 sided. and captains too, i want to hear your take on this. way i see it, if option 2 goes thru, we are going to be right back here at the drawing board in about 4-6 weeks cuz the whole theory will have collapsed in practice. lets save ourselves that headache and do it right the first time.



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