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Author Topic: RFZ DJ's In Our Faction  (Read 1658 times)


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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« on: May 29, 2005, 02:19:00 am »
I know we had a couple of RFZ DJ's in out faction, I know fuse was one, though I think there were a couple others, but Im wondering if those in here that were DJ's could discuss the end days of RFZ, what went down, how they were treated, what they were told about what will happen, and their thoughts on the upcoming RFZ replacement, Awakened Radio.  I've recently received communications from them asking if I'd like to DJ for them, but I want to hear all sides of it before I give them any decision on it.

Thanks A Billion, (Information)

Offline Fuse

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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2005, 10:32:46 am »
Thanks a billion? OK, I expect payment byt he end of the month. I wasn't sure if awakened radio had been announced yet-but sinse it has, I'll dish SOME dirt. We actually had a 2-3 hour meeting about this on friday...

Awakened radio will be a for profit radio station run byt he company, thinking man studio. TMS is owned and operated by Relics-a long time RFZ DJ. The details of what happened I can't go into too much, but there were some ownership/management issues and some people were lost. This is actually a very good thing. Because AR is a for profit radio station, it means we are exactly like the radio statio you turn to in your car-except on the internet. We will now be licencing everything you hear from each track of music, to promos, to background music between songs. While this wil put a HUGE kink into my show and I'm not sure what I'm going to do, w are still working with many recording industry execs to keep this legal while still brining a huge variety to the station. Also when I say For Profit, don't think the employees will start getting paychecks. We won't, yet. We have many investors that sunk some cash into this and also operational costs that must be covered first. Another thing happeneing is that we are branching out from just MxO. I can't give specifics, but it will be nothing like the RFZ of before.

Now, from a personal standpoint... There were email issues where I had to hear about the RFZ drop from the forums. I Bitched to some people about that and was really pissed off. Cirga, one of the AR heads gave me a call and explaind the management issues behind the change. Considering what happened to the structure, I'm surprised that AR has formed into what it is so quickly. There are a group of 4 as the main guys behind AR, and as soon as the issue popped up they went into action to save RFZ. They had just returned from E3 where they spent most of thier time in meetings building support for what will be AR. It seems to be paying off. Now if I can only find a way to make everything I play legal I'll still be a DJ. Otherwise you may hear me playing your typical rock/alternative/pop shit.


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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2005, 12:40:05 pm »
hmm. now I wonder if I should or not. heh. sorry if I leaked ar, I didnt know it was a secret or anything right now, though the domain is up with a countdown..


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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2005, 03:03:49 pm »
hey, well, since this is all going in a dozen different directions .... does anyone remember redpill radio? it was pretty much nartak, i don't know if it was anyone else, and he did a radio station just for FA, mostly. i wonder if we could still do that? i mean, obviously we don't have enough Angels to man our own station, but we could have it be a "zion" radio station lol or even just have it for events, for our own purposes, rather than trying to get RFZ (or AR now) to host it. that way, fuse doesn't have to play music he doesn't like ^_^


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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2005, 03:35:33 pm »
i think we have more than enough manpower to host the station, and ive suggested this before. one of the problems i think we've had is getting out there and letting other factions know what FA is really all about. while trying to RP and stay hidden in the shadows and what not, which is kool and i wudnt have it any other way, but it lets all the rumormongers spread shit out there about us and we cant respond because we're stuck behind this veil of RP. our own Radio station would let us tell our side of things without exposing ourselves too much in game or on the fourms. it wud be our own venue, but it wud be public. however as it is i think we've got way too much going on now, and i dont think we've got the technical knowhow or the bandwidth to set this up.


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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2005, 06:12:47 pm »
it could easily be setup, I wouldnt mind, I just dont have the upstream bandwidth, I might know someone who does, I'll have to ask..


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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2005, 06:27:29 pm »
i'm sure between all the members of the faction we could set up the space and bandwidth.

what i meant by not enough Angels was not enough people to DJ. yes, we usually have 20 people on at one time, but that's mostly in the late evening. when i got up this morning before church, it was 9:30 am, and there were maybe 2 people on TS. trying to get people to DJ 24/7 (remember our non-us players!) would mean that nearly every member would have to DJ, and not all members have the equipment, music, or time to do that. i mean, RFZ had around a dozen DJs a day, times 7 days a week, hoping and praying some people will be able to do more than 2 hours at a time and host more than one show during the week, and they were still recruiting left and right.

what i was thinking was more along the ideas of something for events and such, in addition to TS, where we could get decent music for the background and no BS rumors, something just for us. if we did something that was live to everyone ingame, it would need to be 24/7 and we would probably need help.


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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2005, 06:38:35 pm »
Quote from: "Fuse"
Thanks a billion? OK, I expect payment byt he end of the month. I wasn't sure if awakened radio had been announced yet-but sinse it has, I'll dish SOME dirt. We actually had a 2-3 hour meeting about this on friday...

Awakened radio will be a for profit radio station run byt he company, thinking man studio. TMS is owned and operated by Relics-a long time RFZ DJ. The details of what happened I can't go into too much, but there were some ownership/management issues and some people were lost. This is actually a very good thing. Because AR is a for profit radio station, it means we are exactly like the radio statio you turn to in your car-except on the internet. We will now be licencing everything you hear from each track of music, to promos, to background music between songs. While this wil put a HUGE kink into my show and I'm not sure what I'm going to do, w are still working with many recording industry execs to keep this legal while still brining a huge variety to the station. Also when I say For Profit, don't think the employees will start getting paychecks. We won't, yet. We have many investors that sunk some cash into this and also operational costs that must be covered first. Another thing happeneing is that we are branching out from just MxO. I can't give specifics, but it will be nothing like the RFZ of before.

Now, from a personal standpoint... There were email issues where I had to hear about the RFZ drop from the forums. I Bitched to some people about that and was really pissed off. Cirga, one of the AR heads gave me a call and explaind the management issues behind the change. Considering what happened to the structure, I'm surprised that AR has formed into what it is so quickly. There are a group of 4 as the main guys behind AR, and as soon as the issue popped up they went into action to save RFZ. They had just returned from E3 where they spent most of thier time in meetings building support for what will be AR. It seems to be paying off. Now if I can only find a way to make everything I play legal I'll still be a DJ. Otherwise you may hear me playing your typical rock/alternative/pop shit.

Wait, so this means I won't have to change the station when you come on anymore? hooray! :p

Offline Lithium

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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2005, 06:48:34 pm »
Probably about 3 or 4 months ago I and a now resigned member setup a radio station for Fa called Red Pill Radio. It was never intended to run 24/7 basically I would provide the bandwidth and he would provide the entertainment. Unfortunatly he really didn't hold up his end of the agreement and he broadcast maybe 3 times over a month period. Since then the idea of a radio was always shot down.

I suppose if there was enough interest we could maybe get a setup going where we run for only a few hours a night or just on weekends. I can use probably near 100gig of bandwidth a month without having my server admin freak out.

So if there is an interest in doing somthing like this for limited hours durning the day or weekend to promote FA I would be all for it and provide the server. Please if there is an interest PM me, post here, do what you need and maybe we can attempt it again if the support is here.

Don't believe everything you think.

Offline Styan

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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2005, 06:52:21 pm »
Heh I did some experimenting with SAM, and running 2 Shoutcast servers, (a 48k and a 96k stream) during exam time.  Basically it was so that my friends could listen in to music while studying.  I in no way have the upstream to handle more than 7 people on the 96, and maybe 14 on the 48, but it was fun while I was doing it.  I even got a friend in edmonton to send a source to my servers. So I could actually study :P  hehe, but like grim said, the space and bandwitdh probably wouldn't be a problem with the numbers we have here.

Id be interested in helping in anyway possible to try and get this off the ground. :)

Offline Fuse

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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2005, 07:06:58 pm »
I actually setup a shoutcast server on my local machine as well, but had very low upload speed. I couldn't handle more than like 5-7 people at a time. BUT, I am currently in Bloomington, IL helping a friend move and he has a fiber line running through his building. He has like a 1.5 upspeed, so I'm considering setting up a box in a corner of his room strictly for a SC server. Now if lithium can handle the server (which I had DJed on for an FA event or two) I wouldn't mind providing a bit of entertainment. Now if we plan to buy some shoutcast server space, it gets a bit pricey, but we could have mroe option such as having it autostream. Basically we'd upload a playlist and the music to the FTP space, and set it to play that stuff on it's own. This would take care of the issue of not having the manpower behind a 24/7 station.

This is something I may get into, considering I doubt I'll be able to do my show in the current format it is in.


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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2005, 07:51:29 pm »
when I meant bandwidth, I meant something feasible, I have a friend who runs an online radio station where they have up to 20-200+ 128 k streams going at any given time for one station, not including the others they also host. (they've got more bandwidth than god, their awesome) :) as far as DJ's, we can either have european player dj's playing during europe time, though we wont likely have the numbers, in which case we can have a preset playlist of popular stuff, with the occasional FA pre-recorded commercial dropped in there every once in while :)


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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2005, 08:52:52 pm »
ladies and gentlemen! presenting fuse radio! wise cracks and live entertainment provided!!



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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2005, 10:51:19 pm »
well if its going to be an FA project, it should bear an FA name, like Furious Radio... but whatever thats just me. anywho, i dont have any bandwidth or any technical knowhow in shoutcast servers. Id love to help out, hell i can put in 15+ hours a week as a DJ without breaking a sweat, but my music collection is none too legal and i dont really have the $ to legalize it. i don't know how i can help, but if theres anything these 2 hands can do, id be up for it. as for time frames i dont think we need to run 24/7 ive seen the late night thing, its fucking empty. we cud run an 8 hour shift from 3PM to 11PM PST and still reach 85% of the US playerbase, and maybe 10 AM to 2 AM Sat-Sun. i dont know. what do u guys think? but it doesnt have to be 24 hours without getting some serious coverage going. hell if it becomes a success im sure we're going to be getting ppl who want to DJ to tryout for the faction and increase our ranks and DJs and maybe in the future we extend playtime. i think we have a shot here. if theres anything i can do tho, just let me know.

and grim..... you go to church? O_o ... wow. you're just full o surprises captain.


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RFZ DJ's In Our Faction
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2005, 10:54:16 pm »
lol well, we don't want people trying to join FA just cuz we got bitchin DJs  ^_^

and yes, i go to church, thanks for asking lol. southern baptist, born and raised. funny story, so is tbone. and ironically enough, his grandfather and my grandfather were both pastors. and my grandfather used to live in mississippi ... don't worry, we're not related. ^_^



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