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Author Topic: My Apology.  (Read 1952 times)


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My Apology.
« on: May 17, 2005, 09:40:47 pm »
First off I want to apologize for creating a situation that hurt FA. Second I want to apologize to Tbone for not going to him first, I know that was wrong in that department epecially because it's something that we could have easily sat down and talked about. I love the Furious Angels, I've told so many people how much FA has changed my life for the positive, (minus the whole losing a job thing :) ) FA has become like my extended family, but like brothers and sisters we have our disagreements and I have to learn to accept that.

I truly do not want to leave the Angels like a previous post of mine had stated. It was said in a rush of anger and from comments that were made to me previous days that hurt and broke my heart. While I want to stay I know some want me gone and I do not want to cause any more major disagreements like the ones that have occured. I'd like for everyone to decided the fate of this angel. Whether you can trust that I will represent well or if I should just turn in my wings now.

I will walk away with this experience a stronger being no matter the choice decided.

I am Sorry to All of the Furious Angels. Please have the courage to forgive me.



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My Apology.
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2005, 09:51:24 pm »
*hand cuffs her to jack-in chair, plops down into it, and cocks a shotgun* You ain't going no where


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My Apology.
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2005, 09:53:16 pm »
We all have bad days Lel. I don't want you to feel like you are alone in this.....SO.....I QUIT TOO. Say goodbye to the badguy. I hate each and every one of you more than you know, and know each and everyone of you more than...crap how does that line go again? I can't remember where I was going with this post.

Ok, can I come back now?
*dusts off wings*
*loads shotgun*
*adjusts himself*

There. Now I did the same thing as you. Nothing to be worried about. Like I said, we all have bad days.


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My Apology.
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2005, 10:01:16 pm »
wait... oh i get it. she thought she could choose when she wanted to leave. ha. ha. cute. yeah. listen. you.... you're not going anywhere. we're not releasing you from your contract. now get back under the tent, mount your little trycycle, put on the cowboy hat, and roar for the crowd when the clown squirts water in your face. you're not going anywhere.


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My Apology.
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2005, 10:53:24 pm »
I'm not sure what happened and may never know, but we are Angels, not saints.  We make mistakes, lose our cool and do dumb shit once in a while.  The important thing is not so much that we soiled our halo as how well we can polish it back up after the fact and if we learn from it so a repeat incident doesn't occur.

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My Apology.
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2005, 11:21:01 pm »
We all act in rage at times, I sure know I have. So on that note, on my end to things:
no offence taken, and forgiven. :)

Offline ArchNemesis

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My Apology.
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2005, 11:24:43 pm »
Who said they want you to leave?? i'll bop em with a bat till they realized what they said!


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My Apology.
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2005, 11:29:28 pm »
Lelyel, I haven't had the chance to have a conversation with you yet.  So, no, you can't leave!!!  :-)


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My Apology.
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2005, 11:33:30 pm »
Arch is right i will have to open my Fifth Gate of Rock Lee goodness on whoever said that.  I dont want anyone here in this faction to leave!   YOoooooo


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My Apology.
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2005, 11:57:58 pm »
Oh damn Kayda, thats kinky. Me next! Me next!


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My Apology.
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2005, 12:39:48 am »
Lel, if anyone leaves, Mazda  will be the first just cause he's.................Mazda. Next would be Nemi 'cause he's the FA Slut, and his "usage" has long (j/k nemi). Lel, there would be no reason at all for u even to think of us sayin to u  "good-bye".......Besides, there is no reason to appogize for anything at all. Like everyone else so far has said: Everyone has their bad days. That's life. It suks when it happens, but it's life. So don't be sry for anything. Still dont even know what u are sry for....if posting an angry post on the forums is a crime or bad thing, I've should of been put in the electric chair already for all the stuff ive done....... :D

And by the way, if anyone even thinks of wanting u gone, they're whether been f*&ked up in the head since they've been in the faction, or they're asking for a can of.......well, u already know what i am gonna say.....hehe  :p


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My Apology.
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2005, 01:41:34 am »
Omg, no! You can't leave! You're part of FA now! Like...actually part of it.
Assimilated...all borg-style.

I have no clue what this whole huge argument was about, and how it got started, but I guess I'm glad I missed it (maybe someone can PM me the details?).

Anyway, Lelyel, we won't let you leave. We love you too much =P


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My Apology.
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2005, 04:27:27 am »
no, ice, if anyone leaves it will be nemi O_o

but lel, seriously i would like to know who wants you gone? i've had nothing but good experiences with you. there have been things on forum posts that people have disagreed with, but from what i've seen, that is rarely brought ouside of the forums. not even into the game, half of the time. i've had violent disagreements with people on the forums, and next thing you know, we are flirting in faction chat. i dunno how that works, but meh. lol. but for serious ... if you leave, i have no bartending buddy, and we can't let vin think he can take over .... :)


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My Apology.
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2005, 09:40:45 am »
Yeah, and FA isn't run like some highschool click where you get booted out or made to feel unwlecome because a few of the people don't think you're cool anymore and "want you gone".   That's just freakin' chldish and has no place in FA. least thats the impression I got.  If we happen to rub eachother the wrong way once in a while (and its gonna happen with so many different personalities) both parties just need to let it blow over, suck it up, apologize, get over it and move on.

Besides, you can't leave. I'm still trying to learn the differences between yours, Altab's and Grim's voices without having to look at TSO.  We need a few more ladies around here to counter balance all this bullshit testosterone.  Yeah, I fall prey to the effects of testosterone many times too, (as Grim has witnessed once already)  but I'm also man enough to admit that we need as much estrogen to help "balance the equation" within the faction, so to speak.  So, that's another reason you can't leave.

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My Apology.
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2005, 11:55:06 am »
No one wants her gone. I told her if she wanted to leave that I wasn't going to try to convince her to stay. Sorry I wasn't on last night, Lel. I was travelling home. I'll look for you later today so we can talk.



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