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What do you think of the idea?

Yes, let's do it! Let's reorganize the faction in this way!
21 (46.7%)
Yes, let's do it, but make it completely volunteer-based!
21 (46.7%)
No, the idea is too flawed. Think of something else.
3 (6.7%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: May 17, 2005, 06:34:56 pm

Author Topic: Idea to Organize the Faction  (Read 15574 times)


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #75 on: June 01, 2005, 07:02:12 pm »
Quote from: "Likwidneo"
I'm not saying we can't do it, I'm saying we're not being allowed to do it. theres a difference. the devs are, at least so far strictly controlling what's going on in the storyline of any significance. any impacts so far have been extremely insignificant. if you want to try and kill the assassin, you go ahead, I'm telling you its not going to happen. instead of focusing on the things we can't do, how about trying to focus on what we CAN do, thru the PVP and RP teams.

Agreed the devs are maintaining a firm control on the story. This is exactly WHY we need to make a point to them, by playing hardball back, that we will not let them ruin our fun by making the story inflexible and futile. We can do this by combining our might and doing the above to engineer a number of situations like that where they are ultimately forced to either change the story or face community riots and mass account cancellations.

I doubt this soon after launch the devs want SWG style riots and account cancelations. We can do it if we put our collective might behind it and organize properly.


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #76 on: June 02, 2005, 02:07:49 am »
be careful with the word collective, words like that get people reinsirted back into the matrix. :P

Offline Avzeke (Khr0n1k)

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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #77 on: June 02, 2005, 02:40:57 am »
oh noes! he said collective! *gasp*

Topherous Jedi Sentinel
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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #78 on: June 02, 2005, 03:09:40 am »
*sigh* ok, close to 2 pages of this argument going about, and you still dont get it. name ONE time these riots have worked. or these mass account cancelations. believe me, ive seen the protests, ive seen the cancelations. and you know what. they dont work. tell me whats going to make them work now? what you dont realize because you just scrolled over the EULA during installation is you already contractually agreed that its theyre fucking game, theyre going to do whatever they want with it, your $15 a month doesnt entitle you to shit, and there is nothing you can do about it. go ahead, go have a little read. come back. and then talk to me about what they are or arent going to do in regards to player pressure. they will simply ban your happy ass, wether thats what you want or not. and there is no way in hell we are going to get enough people behind us willing to cancel their accounts for them to listen. it would take nothing less than half of Enumerator canceling their accounts for them to even LISTEN. we're not talking about changing the stats on a little item, or fixing this or tweaking that, or bringing back these accounts. we are talking about forcing them to fundamentally redesign their entire storytelling process, the very BACKBONE of this games content delivery system, from scratch. they are going to laugh at us all the way over to the database server, where they will search Liquidneo, Fallout2man, and whoever else they want, and hit the Delete key.

as for engineering situations where we force them to change the storyline. again we've been at this for 2 pages. its NOT going to happen. the only way youre going to make any change is by killing someone off. whoever that person is is going to turn off their PVP flag. and lets say they humor you and you actually manage to kill them, they will simply RESPAWN according to the storyline. we cant go around saying we made someone perma-death. only the devs can do that. we cant blow up buildings, we cant do damage to the matrix.... so show me how we're going to engineer these situations?

you call me an apathist, i say im a realist. we need to stop focusing on what we CANT do and start focusing on what we CAN, the PVP and RP teams. THATS the way to go. all you're going to do is make FA look like the very thing we've been fighting, a faction out to ruin everyone elses fun, like Viral Vendetta, and god knows who else before them. im not going to get my happy level 41 ass banned. ive been workign for over 6 weeks on this character. no thank you.


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #79 on: June 02, 2005, 06:02:37 am »
look guys, as far as altering the storyline and what not.... the devs have a full fledged script written out for the storyline for the entire game for AT LEAST the first year, the top-dev dude said it himself. Does that means we can't change anything at all? I don't know... it is possible that they left room for different paths or various occurances, possible but most likely not probable. Lets be honest, do you really think the devs and GMs would give us gamers that kind of power over the game that THEY made? No. We are merely consumers, i'm positive they have a team of individuals who sit around and plot out what should and will happen... for the first year, they've already done so. All we can try to do, for the time being, is the best we can with what's been given to us. We have oppertunities to work ourselves into the story line, be in the center of the chaos.

I think, one reason they planned the first year out to a T is because they wanted to focus more on actual game development, tweaking the game to make it thoroughly enjoyable, which as I'm sure you know they are still trying to do. Look at the facts.. for those of us in beta, we already KNEW all of what has happened so far would happen... we knew morpheus was gonna die by an assassin, now yes... they have thrown in some additional stuff that we hadn't seen before, but that was to be expected. I just have a hard time believing, for the first year in any case, that we can actually CHANGE anything about the storyline... a storyline that is already set in stone behind the looking glass.

Offline Ketamininja

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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #80 on: June 02, 2005, 08:25:53 am »
I can think of no reason why any account would be banned, unless you are exploiting/harming the community, which we will not do. Just because we play how we want (if we wanted to track the assassin to try to kill, that is up to us) does not mean that the devs can ban us.

Devs said we can change/alter the storyline. Period. If this holds true, then we must concentrate some of our teams on this, and that is why it was touched upon. We can only go on the information that the Dev's tell us, assuming anything makes an ass out of u and me. Forget what you know about other MMORPG's. This is MxO. Chanagable storylines, not a game but "the fourth film".... this is very different, and we can't assume what's going, or not going, to happen.

This is why the teams are being created. We have assessed various situations from within and outwith the faction. We are looking for a way to keep our members involved with the game, and make it more exciting, and also looking to get into the storyline.

If we sit back, and do nothing, we will never be involved.
The idea that The Furious Angels could be the saviours of Zion, and go down in history in WB script as such, is incredible.

Enough already. Votes have been cast, I think its an obvious victory for change, now we just have to concentrate on how to impliment it.

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #81 on: June 02, 2005, 08:39:19 am »
*Applauds Ket*

I agree with you Ket.  Well stated.  I'm just waitin' to see how this is gonna to be rolled out...then it'll be time to run with it.


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #82 on: June 02, 2005, 09:02:14 am »
so how long will it be until we can expect formation of these new groups? and also will there be a sign up process for these groups... i think i would best benefit the faction as being part of the pvp group ;)

also... will these new groups be the foundation of our crew organization? will the ships be reformed and restaffed based on these 2 new groups?

Offline Ketamininja

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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #83 on: June 02, 2005, 10:42:14 am »
Whilst I'm waiting on final details myself, I can tell you that the signup process is ready to roll, through the crew_roster, and currently set so you can be in a ship and a squad. You will also receive private forums (much like ships).

The problem with that, is duties may conflict, so you may find yourself looking for a better ship to suit your new squad role. I've been getting this ready ahead of full information tho'...

Again, this where I wait for Tbone and the rest of the staff to sort it out, could be that this method will be scapped.

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #84 on: June 02, 2005, 10:55:21 am »
ket, what i was referring to in terms of getting ourselves banned is fallouts statements of forming protests and riots and getting the community riled up to make demands on the devs and otherwise try to directly interfere in what the devs are doing with the storyline. THAT can and will get us banned, and yes, exactly, while i dont speak for the leadership, i highly doubt those are the kinds of things we are going to be doing.


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #85 on: June 02, 2005, 01:21:41 pm »
Agreed Ket, now is not the time to be debating storyline plans. That stuff comes after, when we are all nice and formed up. If you have a burning desire to effect the storyline and want to argue your plan, then it sounds like we need to get you into the RP unit ASAP. I think the biggest descision left to make is how to instigate these units, and whether to make them crew based or not.

We at the Evigilos have already discussed the possibility of crew reformation, and have decided that if it does become crew based, we will all move to a unit together so our ship is not broken up. Perhaps it would be a good idea for the crews to talk privately and see how all the crew mates are feeling. It may turn out that some crews will just naturally go one way or the other together, which would make the descision of how to implement these changes much easier on our leadership.


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #86 on: June 05, 2005, 12:10:23 am »
Quote from: "Likwidneo"
ket, what I was referring to in terms of getting ourselves banned is fallouts statements of forming protests and riots and getting the community riled up to make demands on the devs and otherwise try to directly interfere in what the devs are doing with the storyline. THAT can and will get us banned, and yes, exactly, while I don't speak for the leadership, I highly doubt those are the kinds of things we are going to be doing.

We don't need to start protests, or riots, they'll do that themselves. All we must do is, in strict RP fashion, make it plentifully available (with screenshots, video, etc.) that we have accomplished certain feats within the matrix. If the community repeatedly sees the story violated they will provide the protesting and rioting themselves. :)


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #87 on: June 05, 2005, 12:12:33 am »
Quote from: "Ketamininja"
I can think of no reason why any account would be banned, unless you are exploiting/harming the community, which we will not do. Just because we play how we want (if we wanted to track the assassin to try to kill, that is up to us) does not mean that the devs can ban us.

Devs said we can change/alter the storyline. Period. If this holds true, then we must concentrate some of our teams on this, and that is why it was touched upon. We can only go on the information that the Dev's tell us, assuming anything makes an ass out of u and me. Forget what you know about other MMORPG's. This is MxO. Chanagable storylines, not a game but "the fourth film".... this is very different, and we can't assume what's going, or not going, to happen.

This is why the teams are being created. We have assessed various situations from within and outwith the faction. We are looking for a way to keep our members involved with the game, and make it more exciting, and also looking to get into the storyline.

If we sit back, and do nothing, we will never be involved.
The idea that The Furious Angels could be the saviours of Zion, and go down in history in WB script as such, is incredible.

Enough already. Votes have been cast, I think its an obvious victory for change, now we just have to concentrate on how to impliment it.

The problem is, there are times when these teams must work together. And they will falter and fail if one group flat out refuses to aid the other.

Offline Ketamininja

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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #88 on: June 05, 2005, 06:42:41 am »
Along with creating the groups, comes the responsibility that the group undertakes.
A PvP unit, in my mind (details to be worked out by Tbone and others I'm sure), would be to respond to unprovoked attacks. If they cannot (lets say they are already dealing with business), then the new targets should go on a PvP list, so we can get "revenge" as such. Deliver a message, and who knows - they might not do it again. If they do, PvP unit is called once more.

If it is their duty to respond to FA calls, then they must, but all jobs should be completed, no matter how long it takes to see these people again. After all, you must remember that people could gank our members, then log out for the night. They could do this every night. Even if the PvP team were free - they may not be able to make it to the area to assist.

I think they can refuse to offer assitance, depending on what the situation is, and what their current situation is. This is a high profile team, and they need to be drinking lots of coffee. PvP duties for the rest of the community needs addressed (or re-read by me if I missed it).

RP duties seem more relaxed. I think this should also include the inter-faction communications.
I think we need to see the dynamics of these things. For the few who don't like the ideas, they can still stay on their ships and not worry about it too much yet, I guess.

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #89 on: June 05, 2005, 08:18:01 am »
Hmm... as far as the PvP unit will go, i have an idea about a way it could be organized... i'm thinking it should be organized in a military sort of way. it should have ranks, that way there will always be some kind of "commander" if you will, to lead the unit when there is a task at hand... in tbone's absence of course. i understand tbone is and always will be our commander, but in cases when he's not online or unavailable we will need others to take the lead in a battle for organization and effectiveness. furthermore, people that are a part of this unit need to actually do what needs to be done... i can't tell you how many times angels seem... unwilling to participate or help out in a battle type situation, which is very concerning to me... as well as a few others that i know of. and what about priority? will these units take priority over crew tasks? will these units even take priority over sitting around and doing nothing?

i'm just being honest... i dont want to be a member of a unit that isn't going to be taking the duties seriously. in the pvp unit for example, if we are called to take some people out, and theres 8 pvp unit members online, this isn't going to work if only 2 members of the unit respond...



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