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What do you think of the idea?

Yes, let's do it! Let's reorganize the faction in this way!
21 (46.7%)
Yes, let's do it, but make it completely volunteer-based!
21 (46.7%)
No, the idea is too flawed. Think of something else.
3 (6.7%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: May 17, 2005, 06:34:56 pm

Author Topic: Idea to Organize the Faction  (Read 15577 times)

Offline Tbone

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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2005, 11:57:15 am »
Quote from: "Ketamininja"

I feel that some people may regard some events as story-related, but may not be.

True. Storyline events won't take place outside of the time set aside on the Live Events calendar. Events that repeat ad naseum, such as the Assassin running around in the street, don't really constitute a top priority event.


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2005, 12:20:18 pm »
i think you have something here tbone. but i see 1 problem. as it is we are having issues NOW retaliating any attacks on FA members. i can easily tell you that the number of times ive been ganked and have received no support or retaliation of any kind outnumbers the times i have 2 to 1. and im not the only one either. ive heard the calls for help go off on TS and fall on deaf ears. i dont think this is an issue where ppl dont want to help more than it is an issue that we, at the time being sometimes simply dont have the manpower. if we are splitting the faction so that only SOME individuals now are in the "strike team" i think that would only hurt the purpose more than help it. and i know that come june activity should increase 2-3 fold, but that remains to be seen. i personally hope it does.

dont get me wrong tho, i dont mean to sound like neighsaying nancy here. I like the idea, and if we can pull it off and do it right, then this will definitely make us stronger and accomodate more ppl to their own personal tastes. however the way i think it should work, and forgive me if someone else has stated this as i came in late into this thread, is yes, organize ships by mission orientation, PVP or RP. if your on the PVP side, PVP takes priority, if your on the RP side, RP takes priority. however, and this is key here, there is no reason that if there is no PVPing going on at any given moment, or any RPing, that players of opposite rolls can volunteer to do the other thing for the meantime, as i can see alot of ppl want to do both and they should be accomodated as well.


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2005, 01:12:00 pm »
I think the designated strike ships will clarify who is SUPPOSED to respond to attacks on FA members, whether they be other PvP members of RP member.

Me, I plan on RPing a character that is the member of a strike ship and I plan on interacting with the RPers just as much as I plan RPing the part of a strike team member.

Offline Tbone

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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #33 on: May 18, 2005, 01:20:25 pm »
What this will hopefully do is give people who have leveled or are tired of leveling something else to do. It will give them reasons to stick around in-game and thus generate a larger active member-base to accomplish these tasks. Obviously these units are not a means of RESTRICTING what you can and cannot do (there is nothing to stop someone from one unit helping with tasks of another unit) but mainly to clarify who prefers what and make sure that we are using that to our advantage. The problem with people not responding is that a majority of people still feel they have to level to 50 before they can actually do anything, so most of the people you see playing are just grinding missions, while those who are done leveling are playing other games because there is nothing to do.


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #34 on: May 18, 2005, 03:20:40 pm »
Me, I'm a spy by nature. I'm Vinzeru, the Man in Red. Hidden in the shadows, lurking. If you've spotted me, it's already too late.. the next thing you see is gonna be the ground at my feet, and then I'm gone in a flash of light.

Ok, enough of  my dramatic entrance, here's where I stand:  I enjoy both the RP and PvP aspects of the game, and on this poll I went with volunteer because I want to enjoy both. However, I most enjoy doing spy work, which has applications for both PvP and RP.

A story for example:


During the time where we had a hit list from Niobe (LiquidFire, 0ctober, Sevker) I was going to hardlines  looking for the enemy, RUNNING to the hardlines while invisible so as not to be detected on jack-in. My target at the time was LiquidFire, and I found a gathering of G7G at Midian Park East. I stayed hidden and listened in on their conversation, and it turned out that they were gathering to protect LiquidFire. Sure enough, Jokerz show up. It was red central, and I was in the middle, watching, waiting for my opportunity, waiting for that scrap of information that would leave them open for a strike.

And then it came. "All right everyone, head to Tabor West, on foot".

They were traveling on foot to Tabor West on foot to throw us off, and also to stay together and protect the target. Immediatly I relayed the information over teamspeak. Ambush, they never saw it coming. LiquidFire was dead within a matter of moments as we swarmed their location.


THAT was the most fun I've had in a PvP situation, which was also part of an RP element, and THAT is what I'd like to do more of. Hand me the hit list, and I'll hand you back the targer's shoe size, nickname, and favorite food.... oh, and don't forget his death certificate. Remember. Vinzeru was a hitman, and a damn good one at that.

Some people like to kill everything in sight. Some people like to make palaver, or debate. I like to lurk about and pry into private communication. I enjoy the recon aspect. I can make contacts behind enemy lines, and then pump them for information.  And when the time is right, I will kill with swift and deadly accuracy..

So, what am I saying? I want more of it, and I can see it being possible with this system. A covert action black ops type of deal is what I'm going for. Sure, I can switch loadouts when I'm needed, but this is what I do best, and this is what I enjoy most.

On a final note, I don't think it's necessary to reorganize ships, it might simply be better to have these groups within the ships, and have the orders passed down from the Captains and First Mate's.

I am a mere shadow.

Always there but never noticed.

In my scope, I see my enemy's last expression.

He smiles.

I smile.

I squeeze the trigger, and it's all over

Offline Ketamininja

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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #35 on: May 18, 2005, 03:38:01 pm »
I see teams as hovercrafts. Perhaps not specifically, but more or less. Therefore, I think we have to make sure the captains also have a bit more responsibility. Looking through some ships, I found one where the whole crew are operatives. Now, I need to give people the ability to choose specific trees, but all operative is not perhaps the best choice. But then there is also how the team works together... a good group of friends may work better together.. or worse.

I would suggest strike teams must qualify for that ship. I would love to be part, but as a level 15, its not an option.

Calls for help sometime go unanswered because a team is perhaps not assembled (afk, low levels, single players). Also, remember to be specific when asking for help. If you do not use common calls ("likwidneo needs urgent assistance, Uriah North") then by the time people figure out where they are, its usually over by the time they could reach you. Obviously, each situation is different.

I think we do need a retaliation system - something like one kill on us permits two kills on them. Specifically player X attacks Y. Any member of Y's faction can have 2 hits on player X only. They should be documented, like a little retal system. This way, we should never have to pick fights, but knowing the game and the asshats out there, we will always have legit "retals" to take.

Swapping between game and webpage still seems a problem for some, I would always recommend an operator (windowed mode or fast computer, or someone offline or coding) to assist and update information.

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #36 on: May 18, 2005, 04:27:48 pm »
Great idea by the way, however, I voted no because I am still unsure about the details of this reorganiztion. I am all for the job thing and it's a great idea to cover both ends of the MXO experience. My main problem is that I love my ship and all my ship mates. I do not want to leave the ship and see entire ships grouped up in this way by their jobs. I have made many friends from my ship and it would really suck to split us up. It would probably more be more organized to make new ships in that way but I dont really want to leave my ship and that is just my feelings in the matter.

For the recon matter, the Evigilos crew is the official crew of the ninja in this faction and I would be delited to nominate our crew for the recon job. Arch and I already have a spy tree loaded out and I am proposing that the rest of the ship do the same. I think it would be fun to do so as a crew.

In closing, I think it is a great idea Tbone and I would love to have a job to help out the good of this faction and Zion. However, I would really like to do so while remaining in the ninja crew of the Evigilos. If this issue is clarified and there is a decision that the ships would not be changed, then I would definitely vote for the volunteer option.

P.S. that is a badass Alucard avatar Rorin. Nice job

Offline Fuse

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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #37 on: May 18, 2005, 04:34:26 pm »
I said make it voluntary. But please please PLEASE do not break up the ships. Not to single out any one group, but I love the electus, my shipmates, and even my very absent captain - or is it absent-minded?....

Plus you know how many people would be pissed about chaning thier sigs?


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #38 on: May 18, 2005, 04:40:36 pm »


you won't take my ship!!

*chains members to hull*

see?? they love me!! .... even if they are unconscious .... :p

btw, voluntary is the best way to go. tbone has never forced anyone to do anything before, why should he now ... err .... inside faction business anyway  >-<

Offline ArchNemesis

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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #39 on: May 18, 2005, 05:13:14 pm »
Agreed.. I love my ship members as well so i would be a bit disappointed in seeing them spread out. On the Recon note... i LOVE it... i used to do that back when their was only Zero One... i would scout around and relay locations of enemies or specific targets *remembers the days of chasing and slamming Rip and TC* I would be up for a recon unit... as for my members... i would have to talk to them about that.

Offline Ketamininja

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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #40 on: May 18, 2005, 06:16:08 pm »
I'm just curious... I've been away from TS and game, but what do you guys do as part of a hovercraft currently?

What about normal ships accepting the bulletin missions?

Main strike teams have to be ready, fast, high level, and will be busy all the time, since FA is #1 target. Being realistic, its possible for three 40-50 members to respond to some ganking quickly, and have the "retal" (and "don't mess" message) delivered some of the time. The rest of the time, the incident has occurred, and the culprits away. Here, the retal system comes into force - can the strike team really spend time chasing this guy?

Before the team even starts looking, another attack will come in, to which they must respond. Therefore, a normal hovercraft could claim the bounty on this guy at any time, if put on a list. Of course, any retal system has to be based on the alliance situations that we have.

So a main strikeforce could have a lot of time on their hands away from the main hovercraft... but it does sound interesting, allowing a bit of variation for the hardcore gamers, without bothering the casual gamer too much.

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #41 on: May 18, 2005, 06:33:27 pm »
The strike team will quickly learn who the main offenders are and they should be put on a "most wanted" list.  Maybe our KOS list can be brought back and listed by player instead of by faction.

Others will be dealt with and hunted down on a case by case basis.  Hunting a player or group of players who have engaged in an act of war on the Furious Angels may require several stike teams operating in several areas.

Maybe what we need to do is to have voting within the crews to find out what type of ship they prefer to be and have the capt. report to Tbone what kind of ship their crew would prefer to be.  Who knows, we may need to create another ship or two or three.

We just need to know who our strike ship crew are so we know who we can call on to respond to threats and attackes.

Offline Ketamininja

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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #42 on: May 28, 2005, 09:06:40 am »

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #43 on: May 29, 2005, 12:37:12 pm »
whoa, ket's 2 posts from the 1000 mark! :)


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Idea to Organize the Faction
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2005, 04:45:23 pm »
this is a wonderfull idea. i would to be part of the Rp team.



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