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Author Topic: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.  (Read 9994 times)


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #45 on: June 08, 2004, 07:54:02 am »
I think he's relying on that.  It doesn't take much to either shift someone's perception slightly, or create the perfect appearance of something to goad a person into doing something he or she didn't intend.


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #46 on: June 08, 2004, 05:47:51 pm »
People who can act as a rock in a world of swirling sands will take very little damage in a world of swirling sands. But the world is not all sand. Put a rock against a body of water, and the water will give way, without breaking or straying from its own course. And the rock, the rock will sink. And when you put a rock against another rock, the only possible outcome is breaking rocks.

Perhaps that's how your world turned to sand. Too many rocks clashing against one another. And you drop sand in water, and much like the rock, it sinks.

No matter what you put against water, water is flexible enough to bend, absorb and take in an infinate amount of foreign objects without breaking or destroying itself.

And when everything you drop in water sinks to the bottom, the water stays on top.


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #47 on: June 08, 2004, 06:19:05 pm »
Oil floats...oil floats....


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #48 on: June 08, 2004, 08:22:37 pm »
Yeah, but it also screws up seagulls, penguins, and otters.  I'm sure there's a meaningful metaphor in there somewhere.


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #49 on: June 08, 2004, 08:46:45 pm »
Fire burns oil. Water puts out fire. Heat from fire evaporates water, but water is flexible enough to rain back upon you.

And hell, if you piss water off enough, it's heart will go cold, and the water will freeze, hard as a rock, and that, sometimes can even rival stone.

And if you give straight water enough time, it can break down stone. Look at the Grand Canyon.


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #50 on: June 08, 2004, 09:15:50 pm »
Tyshalle, you are an extremely intelligent individual. You make we want to reform my posting spelling. And to increase my metaphorical knowledge to put into perspective these things your saying, that are almost profound, but yet it just doesnt make it there. Its this close though. -.-

Edit:To conform with my policy of trying to space posts(like I actually do it, but anyways), Your welcome. When I write for fictionpress or for my local Books A Million(for writers contests, which I actually have), I spend a day trying to think of a new way to convey an idea, and as I usually like to speed type, I have to go over it anyway and I find that sometimes, I add shit that that goes like way over my own head. Then sometimes I find that I add, well, shit.

My point being that if that is you shit, my freaking plateu of insight is your "im doing okay" kind of day.


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #51 on: June 08, 2004, 09:43:10 pm »
Catch me sometime when I'm actually thinking. This is just me bullshitting. But thanks for the compliment all the same. It comes from me taking up creative writing in the 5th grade, by 9th grade everyone knew I was a serious writer, by my senior year in high school I was told by everyone who had read anything of mine that I was the best writer in our school... then in college I was told by two seperate teachers that my writing was on a much higher level than the rest of the class, and one of them admitted that I was the best she had ever taught.

I take writing very seriously, which is why I get very bitchy around people who talk like "ur kewl n stuff b cuz and do u no wut 2 do 4 me plz ppl."

As for my intelligence itself... I'm probably not as smart as I can occasionally make myself out to be. I think my vocabulary is extremely sub par for a writer of my tallents, and I spend so much of my time gaming and living in a world of science fiction and fantasy that I have no idea what's going on in the world, or how real shit works. I do however, spend a lot, and I do mean a lot, of time thinking.

I think about everything. People often complain to me about how I over analyze everything, and how I always go into way too much detail when I'm verbally telling a story.

It's all true I guess, and it's not like I'm a stupid man. I'm just a bit hard on myself because I'm not as smart as I'd like to be. That's just the perfectionist in me though. I make an effort to learn at least three new things a day, no matter how useless they may seem. Hell, I still can occasionally use the "allegators have a second eyelid flap over their eyes to keep out the water" that I learned in first grade. It's useless information, but it's funny how often useless information actually comes up.

But yeah though, if you think my bullshitting water metaphore is pretty good, you should seriously join my RPG when I finally open it. It's going to be the proverbial shit.

Offline ArchNemesis

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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #52 on: June 10, 2004, 09:27:21 am »
hm im willing to join... altough i may fuck up on purpose to test out everything since this is my first RP and all... so i wanna see whats the goods and bads on this suker, lets just hope i catch on quick


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #53 on: June 13, 2004, 10:01:55 pm »
"Fuck up on purpose..."

What in the hell is that supposed to mean?


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #54 on: June 13, 2004, 10:15:36 pm »
it means to do everything wrong, to make wrong disicions which most people would make right, just to test the boundries, like if u were in beta for mxo u'd do things that might mess up the game so the mxo ppl can fix it :) beta testing for a textbased thingy!!!



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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #55 on: June 13, 2004, 10:26:07 pm »
Wow, zink, the boobies still make me almost not read your posts....

And you know beta testing for a text rp makes absolutely no sense right?

I think fucking up on purpose is just saying "I will annoy the frekin hell out of you"


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #56 on: June 14, 2004, 06:29:25 pm »
That's what it sounds like to me.

There's no test phase for my RPG. If the rules don't work, it'll be obvious from normal gameplay. You don't have to purposely do shit just to test the rules.

And playing the game based on the rules is metagame thinking, as in, cheating. When the game starts, just play your character, the rules will come into play by my hand.


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #57 on: June 14, 2004, 10:31:32 pm »
sweeet D&D :)

Offline ArchNemesis

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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #58 on: June 17, 2004, 05:33:20 pm »
umm i wasn't refering to testing but more of a ... well practice... see what i could really do with it.. like i said  i have never RPed in my life so i dont know the first step. thats the reason why i said that ill fuck up on purpose... see how things turn out... kinda like if theres a game with a good and bad outcome... u try em both out to see what they are... kinda like that. Just keep in mind i have never done muchless heard ANYTHING dealing with RPing before.


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #59 on: June 17, 2004, 05:48:43 pm »
Then you are in for a treat, I think.  Roleplaying d&d style is always a blast, especially if you have a good group of people with an experienced DM.  And hey! sounds like we have both.  Plus, it's gonna be set in the matrix universe?  Oh God yes....

Once again, I can't wait for this to come around!



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