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Author Topic: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.  (Read 9993 times)


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« on: May 15, 2004, 01:42:05 am »
I'm a major Role Player. I have the experience co-running an enormous Star Wars RPG known as NSU, which for a good year had over a thousand members in it. I was involved in NSU for over three years, until we shut down as a result of an enormous amount of really, really stupid people joining, or should I say invading? As a result, most of our intelligent player base left, and I lost a lot of interest in running an online RPG of that magnitude. So I took several friends from NSU and I've been hosting much smaller RPG's in the Star Wars universe using the official Star Wars d20 rules published by WOTC. I've been doing this, as the head GM for about two years now, and I'm constantly being complimented by several members at how in depth my RPG sessions are.

At anyrate, I've been thinking about hosting a Matrix RPG for a while. If I do it, it'd run at least up until MxO comes out, and if we're still going strong enough that the players are interested in doing both, or if MxO just turns out to be a major dissapointment, the RPG could continue even after MxO is released.

Several things have to happen for this RPG to get started though. First, I'll have to create the rules. The Core Rulebook for the SWRPG is nearly 400 pages, and they've got about 15 extra books, so all in all there's probably close to 2000 pages of rules and stats and all that crap. Forgive me if I don't get that in depth with mine, but fuck doing that. My RPG will keep things simple, with probably between 15-20 pages of rules, and maybe another 5-25 of stats for equipment and all that.

Rules and heavy-statistics aren't truly important to me. I tend to run heavy on the Role Playing side, so if you want to join, don't expect constant dice rolling in combat situations. Don't get me wrong, in the current RPG I run, there's a shitload of combat. I'd say a good 35% is combat, and sometimes it goes as high as 75%. I've even had more than a couple sessions that were simply all out combat, in small scale war situations.

I'm pretty damn good at multitasking, and not to brag, but as a GM, I'm the shit.

At anyrate, if any of you are interested, you can let me know in this thread. If enough people want to do it, then I'll write the rules for it, tweaking as appropriate, and we could probably get this thing started as early as next week.

If you want to join, there's a few things you need, or need to know:

I host my RPG's on AIM. It isn't perfect, but it's easy to use, most people have it, it's got chat room dice built into it, and it allows for multiple font types and colors without hassel which is good for people expressing themselves (I know it sounds silly, but it's true) and it helps me differenciate between who's saying what quickly, without having to always refer to the screen name, I can just read the text and know who's talking.

So until I find something better--better being something as easy, or easier to use, easily accessable, free, more stable and less hassle--I'm going to be hosting the RPG on AIM. So if you want to join, you'll need that. You can go to to get it, if you don't already have it.

Besides, if MxO is going to incorporate AIM into their game, nobody can bitch at me for using it in mine.

The only other thing you need besides AIM, is time. I'm serious about my role playing. I'm not a dick about it, and it's not like I think my RPG should come before your real life, that's not what I'm saying. What I AM saying though, is if I'm going to spend 3+ hours creating details, NPC's, plotlines and an indepth story for you guys to play in, I'd expect you not to waste my time and not show up for half the damn sessions.

I'm an easy going guy, and I can work with everyone's schedule as much as possible, and if we can only host one session a week due to people's conflicting schedules, that's okay. I'd just hope that the people who tell me that they'll be there on a specific day actually show up, so that I don't plan a particular story session around a specific character, and have that guy not show up. I don't think that's terribly not-understandable.

So that's what you need in order to join. As far as things you need to know...

I'm looking for smart people. If you're incapable of typing out completed sentences, without reverting to retard-speech of "u ppl r 2 kewl 4 wut im sayin" or anything remotely similar, I don't want you to join. I'm not trying to be a dick, but nothing spoils the creativity more than me setting up a beautifully articulated scene for you, putting an image in your head of exactly what you're seeing, what's going on, and then have Player F say "y r there no agent ppl around 2 kill?"

Even using one or two of these words every once in a while can spoil things. "Neo walks toward Smith, the rain pouring upon them only to accentuate the Matrix code breaking down, and falling apart upon their skulls. Neo slips over 2 the side of a manhole, careful to not b caught in any possible trap Smith may b plotting. Slowly, Neo prepares himself for the fight of his life, but deep down he hopes he doesn't have 2 fight every Smith in the Matrix. He glances from side to side, unknowing of how many ppl r trapped behind the shadowy vision of those square black sunglasses."

That could be very rich, but the few points of using 'b' instead of 'be' or '2' instead of 'to' or 'ppl' instead of 'people' pulls your brain out of the mood. It just fucks all that up.

So in other words, if you're incapable of talking like a mature, educated person who can take creative writing seriously, don't join.

And really, that's my only rule. As long as you're not a dumbass, or at least you don't sound like a dumbass, and you're willing to use AIM and you've got at least enough free time to stay committed to at least one session a week, I'd love to have you join.

The RPG would take place both inside and outside of the Matrix, though I haven't really thought too heavily on what the storyline would be yet, I have a few directions I know I could take it, that I think would be very enjoyable for everyone who participated.

Also, if enough people from the Angels join up, I could have the storyline of the RPG focus around our Clan. That could, in fact, be a very good thing for us as a whole, as I'd imagine there'd be quite a few people who'd look fondly on our Clan simply for being such supporters of Role Playing that we're actually doing so actively prior to MxO shipping.

Anyway, if any of you want to join, let me know.


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« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2004, 01:48:25 am »
im not a big text based but it seems there are alot good luck with it :wink:


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2004, 02:03:32 am »
I might be interested.  You'll have to let me know what time you plan on doing this each week (give a timezone too, please)


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2004, 02:10:47 am »
I run on Central for time zone. I work a full time job and I have my girlfriend living with me, so I'm not exactly made up of time. Any day between 5-10 PM I can work with, and on Fridays and Saturdays I can go much, much later, maybe 5 PM to 1 AM, and on weekends I can start earlier. As far as the best times and days that work for me, Saturdays through Tuesdays after 5:30 PM work great for me. I'm pretty flexible though. If enough people express interest in doing this, I'll ask people what times would work best for them, and I'll just figure out a time that works good for as many people as possible.


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2004, 10:12:40 am »
I'm pretty interested, I used to do alot of Online D&D, and GMed quite a few games, I was part of a text based Matrix RPG a while back, but it was depressingly uncreative, and people were getting the same bonuses as me for writing one sentence, when I had written a whole page.

I have school 5 days a week, work 3-4 evenings a week, and due to exams coming up, not a great amount of free time, but in 4 weeks, no more exams or school, so all I will have is free time.

I know what you mean about the abbreivated speak ruining the mood and stuff, I've used IM things too much and have gotten used to simplifying words, but will try not to as much as psible...<that was done on purpose..


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2004, 10:23:43 am »
heh turn it into a mud and i'd be interested ;)


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2004, 05:05:29 pm »
Making it into a MUD would be probably 50 times more work for me, and about 10% as enjoyable for anyone mildly intelligent. MUD's limit creativity greatly, and honestly I just don't see the benefits.


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2004, 08:50:13 pm »
Are MUDs the text based things where you have like "North" "fight zombie" and stuff like that as commands, cos those become really boring after like 2 minutes.


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2004, 09:00:57 pm »
They can have good RP opportunity, but they take some time to set up, and communication between areas could become a problem too.

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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2004, 02:23:38 am »
I work until 9 p.m. every night (Central timezone), so I HIGHLY doubt I'll have the time. I do encourage all who are interested, however, to take part. The Furious Angels would be willing to sponsor the event - making announcements, etc. Best of luck with it! If I have the time, I will try to at least sit in on a few sessions!


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2004, 04:30:17 pm »
I don't have a lot of RP experience, but I would definitely be interested.  Contact me when you have it all set up.  Maybe it can be put in the newsletter.


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2004, 09:05:31 pm »
I am interested, sounds like a plan!


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2004, 07:19:41 pm »
I'd love to join!  This sounds like a lot of fun...

The only thing I'm concerned about is when I'd be able to find time to RP.

Still, count me in!


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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2004, 07:25:49 pm »
Heh sounds cool. Ive always wanted to join a matrix rp. never could find a good one though.

As i just got fired from my job at Pizza hut, I should havetime to RP. Contact me if you need some help setting the rp up, ive hosted a couple over the years.

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I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2004, 05:04:52 pm »
sure ill join in... im starting out in the RP business so im still a bit new on it and the terms (MUD?? sesssions??)  i should be able to find some time as well to join in. Also a quick question do i HAVE to have  AIM or can i use another client that works with aim (in ex. Trillian)



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