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Author Topic: Character Migration / PvP vs. Social  (Read 8686 times)

Offline Fuse

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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #60 on: May 17, 2005, 04:14:10 pm »
need/have to?

Instance... Mara.

Mara is packed with reds ALL the time. I always hear "Mara is red, we NEED more FA here now!" Bullshit. You NEED to goto Tabor instead of walking into fire. I have no problem helping any faction member, but if I'm in the middle of something I don't need "You should have been here" "If you and others were 50 you'd be more help" to try and make me feel guilty.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #61 on: May 17, 2005, 04:19:22 pm »
Quote from: "Tbone"
Quote from: "Benevolence"
Although what reallty needs to be addressed at the moment, is it possible for those who wish to switch servers to create FA on another server?

It's up for debate, but my own personal opinion is that I don't want FA to stand divided.

It doesn't have to be divided, but to avoid losing those who share lel's and my opinions, it would allow those people to relax and enjoy gameplay as part of FA. If a major event comes up and we want all of FA together, then so be it, it can be done that way. I know you want FA to be very important to Enum and the story, but losing multiple people because they are forced to PvP (just by the rules of the server), I feel is not right.

I personally still level and play on Enum a good deal while having multiple other characters when I feel like taking a break. Who says you can't play, level and contribute with multiple characters, it is possible. I'm just trying to open up options for those who are tired of PvP or just want to have a good time without that added pressure. I'm not expecting a definitive answer here, but just supplying a viewpoint, I understand it's still in debate.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #62 on: May 17, 2005, 04:22:36 pm »
It was not just one big brawl either. Even back before I joined FA, when ever I went into 01 there were FA there fighting. I even helped them out seeing as no one else in my faction would.

This and how I was backstabbed is what led me to join FA.

*Edit* and by need/have to I mean that if we are being attacked like for example someone is camping the proxy or stalking a mission team.

What I disagree with is fighting impossible battles, fighting the assassin for the 5th time just to see him switch orgs when the event has not even started or going to Mara with only 3 lvl 50's are examples.

Offline Tbone

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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #63 on: May 17, 2005, 04:27:03 pm »
Well, we can form tactical groups more. I formed the Investigative Unit, a group devoted to searching for and solving clues related to storyline events. I guess the problem with that is that events are on specific dates (we formed it before we knew how events were going to work). We could create something similar and just form two groups to help in different areas. For instance...

Threat Response Team

These members are focused on responding to possible threats to the Furious Angels. They are to be highly-trained PvP-focused members who act as the front line army for the Furious Angels. People in this group are expected to take part in PvP strikes and, of course, defensive retaliation to threats that arise.

Publicity/Crowd Control

These members are focused on maintaining social relations with other Redpills. They are to be highly-trained in roleplay and should be able to communicate effectively and diffuse most situations by talking it through. People in this group are expected to help organize important social events, help in meetings and alliances with other factions, and promote FA through roleplay and recruitment.

This is just a rough draft, but you get the general idea. It would basically help us determine who is interested in responding to PvP situations and who would rather focus on organizing social things. This would also give us specific people to call on, so instead of hearing "Everyone get to *location* now to fight!" you might hear "Everyone in the Threat Response Team please report to *location*". I'll change the title of this thread slightly since we're getting a bit off-topic.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #64 on: May 17, 2005, 04:28:32 pm »
When you say I should have known what i got myself into, before i even joined before prerelease i talked with Eroz about which server FA was going to participate in.  I read over what a Hostile server was and basicly knew that it was like any other Lineage 2 server with gameplay and constant PVP battles.  This has been a great server and I am sticking with FA forever on what ever decision is made.  I purely threw out my thoughts not to be taken to heart that I hate what has become of Enumerator.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion regardless whether they mean it or if they are just speaking off the top of their heads.  Im with FA to the end whether we stay or go.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #65 on: May 17, 2005, 04:29:12 pm »
I don't doubt FA's reputation for PvP or it's inclicnation for PvP. Although my background with FA stemmed from helping others, being part of the storyline events and working together as a team, THAT is what led me to join FA.

Everyone has their own exeperiences and reasons for joining FA, and it's a matter of opinion in the end.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #66 on: May 17, 2005, 04:30:57 pm »
The point I am trying to make also is that (At least in my eyes) FA is and most likely will be a PvP faction. By being a Highly skilled PvP faction we can 99% guaranty our selves that we will be part of this story.

We did not get to the top by just having alot of people in our faction. There are probably many factions with alot more people than us. It is our skill to overcome this and still remain on top that has brought us where we are.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #67 on: May 17, 2005, 08:58:20 pm »
I tend to barely play the game anymore because I think PVP in this game is horrendously stupid.  I freaking hate getting bitched at because I won’t help PVP (sometimes even because I really dont feel like grinding to get levels so that I can get to a point where I can PVP effectivley. hehe.).  If it becomes a simple PvP faction then I have to leave despite the amount of time and effort I've spent in being successful and making this faction successful - and go find another group to hang out with.  Likely on a non-pvp server.

And the only roleplay I've really ever seen is the uniform responses to nonangels asking questions, and then of course when it comes to interacting with the story characters.  And if typing random things while you get crushed is RP (IE ganked), maybe I've been doing something wrong these passed years.   And I agree with Orien when it comes to 'knowing what I got myself into,' because I joined FA before beta and was even one of the first into Beta.

I had high hopes for the RP sense of the hostile server, but I find I have no interest for the game when I am just going to log in and be harassed by everybody.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #68 on: May 17, 2005, 09:05:03 pm »
ok 3 things here.

A: everyone keeps talking about how we've turned into a PVP faction. that statement isnt entirely true. its not a question of us having turned into a PVP faction, its more the other way around. We've BEEN turned into a PVP faction. we didnt do this to ourselves. it was done to us. fact of the matter is you may as well paint a big red and white bulls eye on the back of my spider gi, because thats exactly what the Furious Angels tag is. comming into FA ive learned 2 things.

1: I've learned to grow some really thick skin. You have to. The amount of times ive been greenscreened, archive camped, jumped inside the archives, or just generally chased around on sight. You learn to grow thick skin. If you let the FA haters get to you, then theyve won. Fact of the matter is FA tags ARE a bullseye and you have to learn to deal with it if you want to be FA. If you all thought that being in FA was supposed to be all peace, love, and flowers... guess what. and no matter where you go your going to be a target. wether u can be PVPd or not, you will be harassed. you will be ejected from constructs, and when PVP gets turned on you will be hunted.

2: Ive learned to shoot first and ask questions later. Ive learned to have eyes in the back of my head. Ive become quite the wily one. Ive even attacked ppl while Im greenscreening coming out of my hardline. when im greenscreening the first thing i do is hit my X key. if thats a name i dont like and is within my level cap i go all guns and kungfu on his ass. if its a level above me, ive Hyper Jumped twice before the green screen is over. In constructs, im always typing /who before and after i kill tengu. I see reds, I dont ask questions. I automatically assume whats going to go down, especially if theyre in greater numbers. And sadly I have to admit that maybe I shouldnt be this way. maybe i shouldnt be so paranoid and so hasty to defend myself physically, but thats what constantly being a target inside the matrix has turned me into. and all of FA for that matter. if it werent for being a constant target, im positive we wud have been doing alot more RPing than PVPing. but we've become a creature adjusted to the habitat around us. and that habitat is a vicious one.

B: Im noticing, and maybe i miscounted, but not a single level 50 is talking about leaving enum. Why do you think that is. I keep hearing that the grind to 50 is hard because of the constant attacks. and you're right, it is. Im level 34 and i joined this faction what, a month ago, comming in the gates at level 1. Its been very hard. But once I DO reach level 50, and it WILL happen.... then what? what am i gonna do? im gonna sit there and twiddle my thumbs. Im gonna do Zero One 50 times over. Im going to hunt all the highest tier items from all the dungeons your interested in. Im going to level every single job Im interested up to 50... and then once Ive done all that, which will take u 2-3 weeks at best, then what? The fact of the matter is I hear alot of people who arent level 50 and arent thinking long term. If the devs have planned 1 week events once a month.... what the hell is there to do at level 50 for the other 3 weeks out of the month? its going to get to a point that without PVP your going to play this game 1 week a month. then youre going to say, "hey wait. why am i paying $15 to play 7 days out of a month?" youre not thinking long term. fact of the matter is the level 50's PVP cuz 1: GETTING to level 50 has turned them into constant targets and now they want some payback. and 2: THEY HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO. and you wont either if youre not on a PVP server. the fact is that this server migration came at a REALLY bad time for us because we have so many mid levelers who dont see the big picture @ level 50, wether u speed ur way there due to pressure, or you do it casually and enjoy it. and it also came at a bad time because the fact of the matter is that this comming event is going to be the make or break. we all know what we are doing in this environment now. we're not rookies, and the system isnt new. Its going to decide who's who in the pecking order. its going to separate the men from the boys on enumerator, and its going to determine where we as individuals belong on enumerator, if at all. it came at a bad time, but we have no choice but to choose wisely what we are going to do and try to make the best of it in the end and hope our mistakes dont come back and bite us in the ass later.

C: TBone. I know you didnt plan for this, and I know FA isnt as strong in numbers OR levels as you'd like it to be, or myself for that matter. But sometimes you have to give people room to grow as individuals. Some ppl, no matter what you or i, or anyone says, are going to want to leave. And even if they want to leave, that doesnt make them any less of an Angel in my book. Maybe its time FA had a presence on a nonPVP server. Id rather see all these, ppl, these fucking cool ppl that ive had the chance to get to know, to hang out with, to level with, and to fight along side, continue to count as my brothers, even if they are distanced from me. Maybe we should take a poll, see who wants to leave, and give them permission to start an FA Faction somewhere else, most likely method. Whatever were going to do we have to do it fast as we have til sunday. Come Monday morning i dont want a single Angel or former Angel to have any regrets about whats happened. The fact is if some ppl feel as strongly as they do, then maybe it's time we made a sister faction on another server. Wether we are ready for the losses on Enum or not. Sometimes in life you cant plan every single moment. Sometimes life throws you a curveball and all you can do is make the best of it. I think this is one of those times. are we going to lose lel and the others, wether now, or eventually, or are we going to give them room to grow as individuals within FA?


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #69 on: May 17, 2005, 09:21:18 pm »
w00t! 69th post on this thread. 51st post over all. am i still a coppertop!? YAY! FREED MIND!


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #70 on: May 17, 2005, 09:41:27 pm »
I am lvl 50.

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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #71 on: May 17, 2005, 10:01:33 pm »
After reading all that, I honestly think we are meant to be on Enumerator.  Even tho i've been here only 7 days. I has been a fun 7 days, despite the fact that I've been below 16 until yesterday, This faction is very well organized, even though it seems there are quite a few inactive members.  Working on my RP sheet has been great fun, to know that I can contribute to the madness that I had to go through!! Its wonderful.  I have seen 3 or 4 people in game, that have inquired about us, and have directed them to the followtheangel website, and I have 2 friends that are going to use friends and family keys and I told them if they get the game they should try the challenge.

I look forward to continuing on as a member of this faction no matter what happens.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #72 on: May 17, 2005, 10:05:21 pm »
Hi all.

Great topic, love the show. Been a while since I carelessly tossed my opinion into the mix. But those of you that know me, know I can't resist to attempt to force my will on others so here are my two cents.


Thanks, have a nice day.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #73 on: May 17, 2005, 10:10:32 pm »
Oh btw. I almost forgot to comment on how impressed I am with the views of our new members. I do not know most of you, but from what I have read, it would appear that our recruiting has continued to filter in quality members. Everyone in this faction has a voice, and all will be heard. Thanks.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #74 on: May 17, 2005, 10:12:03 pm »
FA is bigger is bigger than any one or few individuals.  I think that if anyone expecte fhe faction's direction to change based on the personal opinions of a few, then this isn't quite the right place for you.  I, like many of the others, would prefer to stick it out on Enumerator.  This is home and I don't plan on moving.  I think that if you really wish ti go to another server, then you have one of 2 options available to you. 1). Create another character on another server or 2). Your path takes you in a different direction than the path of the Angel. Migrate your character to a diffrent server.  There should be no hard feelings involved with this.  

If the leadership of FA stays the course of their original intent, but a few don't agree, do not expect the entire ship to alter course based on your personal whims or reasoning.  Simply understand that maybe this isn't the faction for you.  Flipping that coin, if the FA leadership  chooses to move to a non PvP server, then maybe my path is different than that of the Angel.

In my past experience as leader of gaming clans/organizations, I am one to stick to my guns with my decisions unless presented with a real reason to change, be it that something just isn't working or for improvement in our established method operations and existing goals.  Never have I changed the course of the entire team or group on a whim or because of personal preferences or ideas.  Before founding any of my gaming teams, I've sat down and pounded out the goals and purpose of the clan and put it down in black and white.  From there on out, every new member was made aware of the goals and purpose before joining.  Any changes made or not made were based on those goals. The goals and purpose did not change to fit the flavor of the week/month, but rather our decisions were made to best serve the established purpose and goals.  This is how stability and a firm foundation is established in any organization.  Granted, many people didn't agree with how things went and many came and left.  That is just the nature of the beast.  You will never make everyone happy; not even within the organization, but those that do remain and support the established goals will be  one of the stongest and most tightly knit groups of people you will ever encounter.

From what I understand of the purpose and goals for FA, the choice to stay on Enumerator is one that is supported by those goals and purposes.

And this is coming from someone with experience with sevaral different MMOs and a former hater full time PvP environments.



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