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Author Topic: Character Migration / PvP vs. Social  (Read 8687 times)


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #45 on: May 17, 2005, 02:50:55 pm »
I think the devs should let people whoi earned all their levels from 1-50 on a hostile server able to move their character at will


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #46 on: May 17, 2005, 03:19:17 pm »
When we made the decision to serve on Enumerator, we also made the decision that we would eventually have a presence on every server. If we switch out now, we can't come back, we will have NO presence on Enumerator and will have to work 10x as hard later on to get back to where we are.

If you are having problems on Enumerator, create another character on another server and go play there for a bit. relieve yourself for a bit, and then come home. Consider it a paid vacation

Patience!! The game has only been out for 2 months, barely. Yes, it's frustrating getting "walked over" by the reds who got to be level 50 the first few days. And those people will be forever annoying. But as we've already been seen, their continued antics have forced them out of the game, either by being banned, expelled, or they just got "bored," aka DEFEATED. Yes, we won those battles. Those of you who insist we are not heard, that petitions are worthless: this was one small victory in our favor!! That last bit of "humor" from psych and mek reported BY US was the last straw to push them out the door.

Being the good guy is the hard life!! You should ALL know that by now. If you are annoyed by being griefed and talked smack about, or about what people think about us, or how even other Zionists don't like us, that's the way we chose. If we wanted quick power and "easy" gaming, we would have chosen to betray Zion and dishonor Neo's and Trinity's deaths and sided with another organization. That's not what we chose, and every single one of us knew that when we followed the Angel in here. If you want to be the good guy, there are times you just have to bite your tongue, turn the other way, and return later. The best battle tactics are not just running up and killing a red without a word. The best tactics are thought out, planned, and have levels upon levels of stages so that not only is everyone included but also is every option covered. It's those kinds of tactics that win the battles. Not numbers, not reputation. Yes, those play big parts. But I will give you an example that might blow you away. Vereor Nos. Yes, many of those players have lost fire for the game and are waiting for BF2 to come out. But they are a multi-gaming group and they can do that. Everyone knows who VN is. Everyone has seen how they can fight and take people down. They were a strong force for the Merovingian because they knew the tactics. There were NEVER more than 10 people in VN at one time. NOW try to tell me that it's all about numbers. Even WE had to take a step back from them and come back when battling, even though we had twice as many members on the dnace floor.

We will have our chance on the other servers. But don't be so ready to jump out of your seat!! We have front row seats to the ACTION, which is half of the story! If we get up and move, we'll lose those seats, and next thing you know, we're in the back of the theatre trying to look over the fat guy wearing the Dr. Seuss hat. Yes, we have our problems. Yes, we have our struggles. But if you think that angrily pushing them away as minor annoyances by moving to another server is going to make them go away, it will be the total opposite. We WILL have a presence on other servers. We were promised that. Right now, we need to stabilize ourselves on OUR server. Patience is key.

A lot of people have it in their mind that this next event will make or break their decision to stay with the game, stay with the Angels, or stay on the server. Yes, the events play out different on every server ... but not THAT different. Yes, there are no reds around to throw a knife in your back when you are trying to listen to Niobe, but you will have to work through the same peoples' spam and arrogant trash talking just to hear what is being said.

So far the following reasons have been given to switch to Method (or anything but Enumerator):

Let me address these specifically.

RP - If you think RP is all about recruiting and having a good time, then I'm really sorry. RPing is supposed to be making the most reality out of the fictional setting you're in. If you want to RP, then go for it!! There will be people in your way, but that should add to your story! The best characters in a novel develop and grow stronger out of the struggles and downfalls they've had to endure! Play it out!

PvP - Okay, for serious now, if you think PvP sucks and you're tired of it, you shouldn't have joined up with FA in the first place. Everyone knew we were on Enumerator. When the decision was made when the game went live, we all accepted it. If you're not happy with it, find a greener field elsewhere. The people who REFUSE to PvP are the ones who bring in the most gankers from other factions. PvPing doesn't always mean fighting. Sometimes it may mean sending a friendly /tell to the ganker and seeing what's up. I've made a lot of good, secure contacts in opposing organizations that way. Sometimes it's calling for backup. You won't always get an answer. So write down the player's name and we'll kick his ass later. PATIENCE.

Griefing/Ganking/Asshats - Every single server will have this. The random red running by and shooting you might be gone, but that same red will now stop and spam and annoy the fuck out of you for even longer. Just because you're not physically killed doesn't mean that the "community" or the "enviroment" will be better.

Beta/Funness/Parties - Yes, beta was better. In every sense. But beta is gone. It's like your first real party or first time drinking. It was a blast, no doubt! But you can't party every day and drink yourself sstupid every chance you get. Yes, it will be fun for a while, but once you get addicted, people get annoyed with you and want you out, and you turn into people like Psych and Mek who are bent on revenge for the amount of "work" they put into the community. You'll go mad, and you'll drive everyone around you insane. Parties and drinking, that's great. But all play and no work will destroy the faction we've build up for so long. There is still work to be done. We can still have parties. We can still have our fun. But not every day. Some of us have been throwing out ideas for parties for WEEKS now, and some people are all for it, and everyone else just doesn't care. When we ask, "Is this date okay?" we need some sort of a response! Not just, "Yeah, whatever." Silence is the WORST policy! My ship and I worked quite a bit trying to put together ideas for an FA-only party. For US. No one else. JUST FA. And everyone just kind of blew it off. Other people brought up other ideas. Again, blown off. When you say less talk, more action, we can't. We can't progress and make plans without feedback on dates and times and whether people are even going to come! If you REALLY want to have more player events, rustle up those threads and get some fire back in them! Our home is what we make it. If two people want to have a party and everyone else is sitting around watching TV complaining that there are never parties, what do you expect?

Lag - Deal with it. Plain as that. Yes, it's frustrating. Yes, it makes you want to throw your computer off of the tallest building. But it's part of the game. It's not perfect. If you want a perfect game, it's not going to be PC-based or online.

Level - Some people are so worried about getting to level 50 so they will be able to defend themselves. That's fine. For everyone else just trying to enjoy the game, level up however you want. Don't let people force you to grind. Do what you want. Yes, there will be gankers and griefers and you will die. That's part of the game. That's part of life. You can't take your time and enjoy the scenery without building up a traffic jam. Let the fuckers pass you and wave them the Hawaiian good luck sign and let it be. If you're that concerned about it, drop your FA tag for a day or two. Switch your organization. Go play on another server for a while. Do what you want, but also be ready to be called upon when the faction is in need. Simple as that.

Rep - Who the fuck really cares? Yes, we have our enemies. Yes, we are short on allies. Guess who made it that way? WE DID. Yes, all those times we turn our backs to the Zionists, for whatever reason, you just made yourself another enemy. Every time you get bored and want to go pwn some n00bs, you just made yourself a dozen more. And every enemy you make for yourself, you make for the entire faction. Multiply that by how many people we have in the faction, and explain to me how you expect anything different? We put ourselves here, and if we continue that way, we will continue to diminish our own rep. We have stresed repeatedly that everything that is done is done for the faction. If you go and do your own thing, and make a negative impact, then you bring that home with you to the faction. No, we don't have to please everyone. But the minute we decided that the community hates us and we have no responsibility to bend over backwards to please them, that's when people started disliking us. We know better. We know what we are capable of. We are a strong faction. We have our cuts and bruises, but they are minor. We are still the silent, mysterious and vengeful beast that we have always been and will always be. Our vision may be skewed by the hurricane of things going on around us, but we can't let that distrat us. If you want to be the great faction you know you are, you have to work for it. No sliding in on the coat-tails of the guy in front of you. No snapping of tempers when you get frustrated. Every single member of this faction has a purpose and a duty to the group. If you're not willing to work, then you don't belong here. There are times to work, and times to play. It may seem as if we have been working our asses off the past two months since release, but it's not over yet. It's not over til the fat lady sings, and we don't have any fat chicks in this faction, so don't even think that the end is near. We chose Enumerator as our HOME. This is where we LIVE. The community is ours, the allies are ours, the enemies are ours. This is WHO WE ARE.

If we want to continue being the FA awesomeness we know we are, we will put our foot down and stand back up. Enumerator may be falling, but we can stop that. We can MAKE it a place where people want to be. In the meantime, our backup is to create alternate characters on other servers. That was the plan from the beginning anyway. When we are the only ones left on Enumerator, THAT'S when we move. If we want to spread our strength, we have to stablize it here, and then spread. Just simply moving will do us no good. We ARE awesome. We are a GREAT faction. Now we need to PROVE it.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #47 on: May 17, 2005, 03:36:55 pm »
Your right Grim. This is a PVP faction and those who want to really RP or who don't want to PVP chose the wrong place to be. But I thought differently when I joined FA. I guess with that said, I don't have a place in FA anymore. That my beliefs aren't on the same page anymore. Thank you for the time here. Perhaps I'll see you guys around. Take care Angels.

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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #48 on: May 17, 2005, 03:39:11 pm »
Alright, despite my vacation, I've been watching this situation closely. To me this is a pretty easy decision to make...

When we first decided on Enumerator, we had one concern: that it wouldn't be THE server. We were concerned that everyone else would go to Method and we would be stuck on a crap PvP server. We stuck with Enumerator because we thought the big boys would go where we went - and we were right. Enumerator is THE server to play on. Don't believe me? The Collective have been transferring their accounts to Enumerator for a while now. Djsandman even made a petition to try to convince the MxO Staff to let the char transfer work from PvE to a PvP server. If we go to Method, we'll be moving to a dying server. WE have made Enumerator THE server to play on. Factions in Heuristic are also transferring to Enumerator en masse.

As for FA not having a reputation anymore, that's just plain BS. We are still the Mervs and Machinists #1 enemy, hands down. They all hate FA b/c we are the top Zion faction still to-date. As for Zionists, most of the anti-FA Zionites left the game. Dapharmer and the Risen Triad are really the only Zionites still around who openly hate us. Before I went out of town, I had a meeting with a couple of different Zionists to discuss an alliance. We are in the loop. I currently have two emails in my inbox with contact info for some Zion factions. Most Zion factions think that we don't want to have anything to do with them. There was even a rumor that we were going Merv. We are in the process of setting up an alliance section so that if these other "alliance"-type things don't work (like the Zion Relay), we'll be able to start something ourselves.

Enumerator is the major battleground of the Matrix and we are a major player in this war. Soon things that happen in the other servers won't matter to a majority of the community - it will all be about Enumerator. As for inactivity, it is May. Do you realize how busy a month May is for normal people? I've been swamped with real life things myself - finals, family, girls...heh. It's not permanent. We still have more activity than any other faction in-game. Most other factions have suffered great losses due to people leaving the game or splitting into many small factions. At 3:30 on a Tuesday, we still have 10 people in TS and 8 people browsing our website. I plan on being back full force in-time for the live event. I won't know completely how much free time I'll have until I find a summer job, but everyone is in that same situation.

To wrap it up, moving servers would be like suicide to the faction. We still have the reputation and manpower to be the most successful faction on Enumerator. Life sucks and people get busy, but we will still do our best. Alliances are on the priority list and so is group activities (another video? planned party? weekly meetings?). It's just slow-going right now because it is the busy season!

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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #49 on: May 17, 2005, 03:43:37 pm »
Quote from: "Lelyel"
Your right Grim. This is a PVP faction and those who want to really RP or who don't want to PVP chose the wrong place to be. But I thought differently when I joined FA. I guess with that said, I don't have a place in FA anymore. That my beliefs aren't on the same page anymore. Thank you for the time here. Perhaps I'll see you guys around. Take care Angels.

We're still known for our roleplay. Just check out our recruiting challenge or even how we interact with most people in-game. There just hasn't been an opportunity for many roleplay events yet. However, I don't have much patience for those who make hasty decisions such as this one without talking to me personally about it. If you are trying to claim you're leaving to make your voice heard, then that is in poor taste. I hope you find a group that makes you happy Lelyel. I'll give you a day to say your goodbyes.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #50 on: May 17, 2005, 03:46:11 pm »
Unfortunately when I joined FA, the server was not chosen and pvp wasn't entirely on my mind, but was a possbility. I didn't agree with it when the decision was made, but again, unforunately the more veteran members were not being swayed from Enumerator. We also agreed that it would heighten the storyline events, and I agreed with that, in those situations I think PvP SHOULD be a part of the game. I was hesitant about the PvP server because I had a concept in my mind on how it would work, but it did not pan out that way.

I was afraid that it was going to be all out war once a player hits level 16, and that's how it turned out. I HAVE made other characters on other server to get away, and I find myself enjoying them more than my character on Enumerator. I DO get constantly killed, i DON'T like rush into PVP, and I DON'T agree that those who don't like to PvP should be labeled as those who don't belong in the faction. It wasn't until after we chose Enum that we included in our interview process that PvP is part of the game, and I could sense many people hesistant about answering the questions related to it. I know there's a portion of the faction that enjoys it, either for the killing sake or for RP, but I'm just not finding Enum fun anymore.

I honestly think those who find the PvP entertaining and important to be those who are level 50 and like to go out killing every red they see, and they are very influential people which most will follow. I KNOW there are others like me who would rather stay out PvP until the events and have some time of peace to play in, while being active in the faction. It's just getting frustrating trying to open some people's eyes to the other side of the story and to the opinions that are out there, but people will not come out and speak of.

If the only rebuttle is that I should have left because I don't like PvP, I'll spend more of my time on another server, if not all of my time. I joined FA while we were a RPing faction, not a PvP faction, that's what I remember and that is what I wish we still were.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #51 on: May 17, 2005, 03:46:47 pm »
I'm sorry... but I have to agree with Lelyel here... since when has this turned into a PVP oriented faction... definatly wasnt my impression when I joined...

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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #52 on: May 17, 2005, 03:52:57 pm »
Most storyline-changing events are PvP-oriented. That is in every server. Our two goals is to have fun as a group and directly impact the storyline. A major part of impacting the storyline is having the backing of a PvP army- the other half is having the RP skills to roleplay with the live events team and find out clues. I would like to think both can co-exist. I've never demanded that someone be PvP oriented or RP oriented. I only asked that you have respect with how people want to play the game. You cannot change the minds of every person in the faction - it's not possible. If you aren't willing to game with people who may not game JUST LIKE YOU, then perhaps this is not the place for you.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #53 on: May 17, 2005, 03:53:38 pm »
Quote from: "Tbone"
Quote from: "Lelyel"
Your right Grim. This is a PVP faction and those who want to really RP or who don't want to PVP chose the wrong place to be. But I thought differently when I joined FA. I guess with that said, I don't have a place in FA anymore. That my beliefs aren't on the same page anymore. Thank you for the time here. Perhaps I'll see you guys around. Take care Angels.

We're still known for our roleplay. Just check out our recruiting challenge or even how we interact with most people in-game. There just hasn't been an opportunity for many roleplay events yet. However, I don't have much patience for those who make hasty decisions such as this one without talking to me personally about it. If you are trying to claim you're leaving to make your voice heard, then that is in poor taste. I hope you find a group that makes you happy Lelyel. I'll give you a day to say your goodbyes.

Tbone, with all due respect, the only way to get people to listen around here latelty IS to threaten to leave. Those with sensible arguments are ignored and written off as not being with the ideals of the faction. Just what are the ideals of the faction right now, I ask you? We got in an all out brawl the other night in Faction chat and only maybe 2 people wanted to take all the facts into account. There seems to be a dwindling amount of support for faction mates and more concentration on grinding to 50 for this upcoming event. It's stupid to me when all we can focus on is leveling and the next PvP battle.

I've contacted you once before about issues I had with the faction and I was in disbelief in the reply that I received. Since then nothing has improved, we've gotten a whole slew of new members, which are being brainwashes into PvP machines. I love the Angels, but things are not running correctly right now and needs to be fixed.

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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #54 on: May 17, 2005, 04:00:34 pm »
Quote from: "Benevolence"
Quote from: "Tbone"
Quote from: "Lelyel"
Your right Grim. This is a PVP faction and those who want to really RP or who don't want to PVP chose the wrong place to be. But I thought differently when I joined FA. I guess with that said, I don't have a place in FA anymore. That my beliefs aren't on the same page anymore. Thank you for the time here. Perhaps I'll see you guys around. Take care Angels.

We're still known for our roleplay. Just check out our recruiting challenge or even how we interact with most people in-game. There just hasn't been an opportunity for many roleplay events yet. However, I don't have much patience for those who make hasty decisions such as this one without talking to me personally about it. If you are trying to claim you're leaving to make your voice heard, then that is in poor taste. I hope you find a group that makes you happy Lelyel. I'll give you a day to say your goodbyes.

Tbone, with all due respect, the only way to get people to listen around here latelty IS to threaten to leave. Those with sensible arguments are ignored and written off as not being with the ideals of the faction. Just what are the ideals of the faction right now, I ask you? We got in an all out brawl the other night in Faction chat and only maybe 2 people wanted to take all the facts into account. There seems to be a dwindling amount of support for faction mates and more concentration on grinding to 50 for this upcoming event. It's stupid to me when all we can focus on is leveling and the next PvP battle.

I've contacted you once before about issues I had with the faction and I was in disbelief in the reply that I received. Since then nothing has improved, we've gotten a whole slew of new members, which are being brainwashes into PvP machines. I love the Angels, but things are not running correctly right now and needs to be fixed.

All I can promise is that I can look into the matter. I never gave orders or gave approval for people to force others into gaming a certain way. Dragging me into private on TS would be the easiest way to discuss this. By only mentioning it in a public discussion, you leave me in the dark as to what the real issues are. I'm instantly put on the defensive with what little information I may have as to what is actually bothering you.

Grinding is a choice just like Lelyel made a choice to reset her character. Who is to say who is better than the others? We are not forcing people to grind. I've never forced anyone into anything. The most I have done is ASKED if people could collect rare items from construct bosses while they level, but even that was never forced. I agree that there needs to be more of a focus on supporting the faction, but then we'd just have complaints that people can't do as they please. You claim we are trying to force people into PvP machines, yet you also claim we aren't forcing people to support the faction enough.

I've been on vacation for a week now, so I'm sure there is something deeper that is spawning all this concern than just what I know. Until I hear specifics, though, this is all I can go on.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #55 on: May 17, 2005, 04:06:40 pm »
Although what reallty needs to be addressed at the moment, is it possible for those who wish to switch servers to create FA on another server?

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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #56 on: May 17, 2005, 04:08:37 pm »
FA has turned into a PvP faction. That's not a 'bad' thing, but we are not RPers anymore. I have not seen it. As much as we talk in riddles to people, PvP is still the main focus for all those that are high lvl (have th power) in FA. The rest of us just try to either lvl up to them, or try to explain why our 15$ isn't about leveling. I'm sick of hearing about how I should be so-and-so lvl because FA could be so much stronger if we had higher levels to go kill reds.

BUT, FA is indeed a powerful faction regaurdless of the road it is leaning towards. It is powerful on a PvP server because as I had I mentioned, we're proficient at it. It seems as though FA is starting to split between PvP/High lvls who feel the faction needs to be one solid superpower, and those who are trying to enjoy the game in a different manner. It's not comforting, but I can't see myself anywhere else.I love it in FA, but am still worried.


You can't force me to do anything, but the constant nagging of  "LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL!" is a form of attempted control. Your right, T, I don't think I've ever heard you say anything along these lines, but it's around. I personally think it's annoying and understand the complaints, though it will certainly will not change how I play and how I plan to spend my cash. What it does do is make a person feel less welcomed in the faction. Now again I still think it's one of the best places to be, but there are a few members who just don't get that it's a game and they expect everyone to live it as they do.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #57 on: May 17, 2005, 04:08:46 pm »
Before all of you leave or question that FA was never a pvp faction, I want to know because I forgot the date the original 01 construct was shut down. Did any of you join before then and have you chance to fight with us? Because you would know then that nothing has changed besides that fact the now instead of fighting in a construct, we fight wherever we need/have to

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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #58 on: May 17, 2005, 04:12:07 pm »
Quote from: "Benevolence"
Although what reallty needs to be addressed at the moment, is it possible for those who wish to switch servers to create FA on another server?

It's up for debate, but my own personal opinion is that I don't want FA to stand divided.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #59 on: May 17, 2005, 04:13:36 pm »
Thank you Fuse, exactly what I'm trying to communicate. And Tizona, I joined in March so I missed the big brawl that FA had.



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