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Author Topic: Character Migration / PvP vs. Social  (Read 8695 times)


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #30 on: May 17, 2005, 07:38:10 am »
i am not sure... i like being able to kill other people but sometimes people just wont back off... we need more opinions...


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #31 on: May 17, 2005, 09:16:59 am »
it seems to me most of you who do want to leave want to leave because the asshats ruin shit for us on Enum. no offense but it sounds to me like youre just running away from your problems. and one thing ive learned is you can never run away from your problems. no matter where you go or what you do there will be an entire set of problems there waiting to piss you the fuck off. i have a character on proxy from before i joined FA, and you'd be surprised what ppl can do to piss you the eff off without PVP. like during the niobe meeting at Tabor Park where literally all of Zion from the server showed up during the Race for Neos RSI event, a few mervs managed to find the meeting place and were spamming to all hell making it very difficult to read Niobes messages. even a few Zionists started casting AOE Cures just to lag every one out...

then theres the consequences that leaving enum would have here. you think we have reputational problems now? just wait. every fucking machine and merv faction on enum will not shut up about how we ran away from enum and how they defeated us and made us leave the server and how they fucked with us and we are just a bunch of pussies for running away and blah blah blah. with what we've seen so far over one stupid little thing like the shaper event, this would fuel the forum flamers fire so big that i dont know if we would ever hear the end of it. FA would lose ALOT of respect, more so than its already lost because of these envious sons of bitches.

ultimately its Tbones decision, and ill go wherever FA goes, but i personally would rather stay right here, fight the good fight, and keep these bitches inline.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #32 on: May 17, 2005, 10:30:22 am »
same here I Sort of like to PvP But not the assholes who Ruin it I would stayBut if it means Moving Ill guess to stay in the FA I Have to move cant have halfs...


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #33 on: May 17, 2005, 10:39:01 am »
I really don't mind the PvP if it's at least a challenge, but all of the pvp scwabbles I get are at least 1 lvl 50 (usually 2 or 3 though) against a bunch of 20s-40s. It's almost pointless to participate in the PvP when they only target the lowest levels in the group and avoid everyone else, unless you're level 50 yourself. I don't know about the rest of you, but I really wasn't planning on hitting 50 within the first 2 months of launch. I've seen most of the lvl 50s trail off here as of late because either they're bored or the amount of time off they took at launch has caught up with them.

Where are they now? I mean no offense to the people I talk about, but it's a point that has to be made. When 4 lvl 50s are camping the archivist in moriah, or the constructs themselves, or even a hardline...there's no lvl 50s on or none to come and help. Then we also ask them to help on mission teams, but all they want to do is PvP...and then there's complaints that people aren't leveling fast enough, am I the only one seeing this? Enumerator is fun if we can work together as a team in mission groups, PvP and events. Although it seems now more people have focused on the constructs to level instead of missions, and I can understand that...and in ways I'd rather do it also. But people need to prioritize what's important, leveling vs. helping the faction. Some may see this as the same thing, but in important situations, leveling can wait.

Being on this server has become a grind fest to 50, and I don't want that. I do have a character on pretty much every other server and I enjoy playing on them. Like a couple people said, it's an escape from the bull and the asshats for a while. It is a tad boring at times, but most important of these's relaxing. What I hate is jacking into OUR hardline and being camped by 15 level 40s-50s and no one comes to help or even tries to regain the hardline. This could be the first time jacking in for the day and I get ganked in green screen. People wonder why some people haven't been on, with this frustration I can understand why. I know most of the veteran pvp'ers or MMO'ers are used to such things and pass it off and tell us to just reconstruct and carry on, unfortunately it is hard for me to do so and I admit that. I want revenge on them, but I'm incapable of doing so, and I'm not grinding to 50 so I can.

I came to Enumerator for the sake of the faction, thinking that we were going to continue what we were doing at the end of beta. This includes being in every event as much as possible, showing up at scheduled events (parties, meets, etc.)...if pvp broke out later on as part of RP, okay no problem. I've just noticed all of the possible assholes have come to enum and joined the mervs and do nothing but gank all day, and mostly while people run missions. This does come down to the amount of active members willing and able to help out, but doesn't mean that we should be demanding members to grind to 50 to do so.

Everyone has their own pace and wishes for their character, each and every one of us are paying customers and we can do what we wish with our own characters. Every level range in the game has a purpose, whether some people can see it or not. As far as which server I would like to move to, it doesn't really matter, even if we move to Heuristic (the other hostile server), Enum has just become who can kill the fastest at a hardline and move to the next.. I've ranted long enough and have made many opinions, so I'll just shut up now and let them be.

Offline Manic Velocity

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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #34 on: May 17, 2005, 11:06:05 am »
I like our home on Enumerator.  Despite the dumbasses that like to ruin our fun, we still have a lot of respect with the other Zion factions, as well as some Mach and Merv factions.  I created my first character on Method because I wasn't experienced at all with this MMO stuff, and I didn't want PvP to ruin my learning experience.  Adrenaline convinced me to switch over to Enum and it's been a blast.  I think moving to a non-PvP server after spending so much time on a PvP server would be boring.  We'd all be standing around bored waiting for the next event.

Let the assholes be assholes.  I've been ganked tons of times, but I don't give them the satisfaction of getting mad about it.  I was getting ganked by Continuity last night in Sai Kung Central.  I shrugged it off and made a small mention of it on TS.  I didn't specifically ask for help, but before I knew it, Broin, Vinzeru and Doan showed up to put Continuity in their place.  I just thought that was really cool.  Then about half an hour later, there were about 20 Zionites at that hardline ready to blast any reds that came out.  The cooperation and teamwork really put a smile on my face.

And on the issue of FA's reputation.  Our reputation is ours to make or break.  We have to work a little bit if we want to earn respect.  I don't think moving to a new server will do much to help us.  I agree with Likwidneo that it may only hurt us in the end.  Every Mach and Merv faction jumping up and down with glee cheering about how they ran us out of town.  Then there's the possibility of other Zion factions losing respect for us for running away.  Worst case scenario is that we will be shunned entirely.  People won't respect us unless we give them a reason to do so.  What happened to that music video we were planning?  Or the parties we were organizing?  Less talk, more action!

It appears that the devs are working on various systems to keep the dumbasses in their place.  But there's only so much they can do before the storyline of the game is taken from our hands entirely.  It's up to us to put people in their place, while keeping our heads cool and not get on a power trip.

If it comes down to us moving, I will go along with it.  I've only been with FA for a couple weeks, and you guys have done a good job of convincing me to stay.

Offline Ketamininja

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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2005, 11:23:09 am »
I thought if we "moved" character, that meant MOVE, ie no character left on Enum.
I also thought it meant you could move when you like as many times as you like :S

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2005, 11:49:33 am »
No, the move is limited to 1 character, per account


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2005, 12:00:51 pm »
Benevolence... you stole the words out of my mouth...

And about our rep... and the fact that mervs and machinists will brag... Our rep on enum isnt great as it is... we are... out of the loop... no longer mainstream... we've been a few steps behind on the storyline because of this... zionists arent sharing info with us anymore... and well... it sucks... ya ya ya... we have always been alone and we can do it and  blah blah blah... but i'm sorry guys... your wrong... dealing with situations like this in an MMO is more often than not a matter of numbers... and we are way outnumbered... if we do manage to make some impacts on the game its going to be a matter of luck... i know you guys don't want to hear that but it's true... staying on enum is going to make life extremly hard on us... and i fear that it will lead to us losing members that we have all grown close to... Ya i know a lot of you enjoy PVPing and the revenge aspect of it... but in the end... what is going to be best for the faction as a whole... not just your personal prefrences... In my personal opinion Enum is dying... the population is shrinking... the very few parties and player events that did exist are growing to be fewer and fewer in between... everyday i see less and less people at the hardlines or in the constructs... all the seems to remain now is the major factions of the server... and once they start going down... losing members... ect... the server is going to fall apart... Another thing... dont think moving to Method will eliminate PVP entirly... i remember having great fun in the constructs PVPing... I enjoy having a more closed enviroment for PVP but thats just me...  and don't forget that you can always just /PVP and i'm sure that the mervs and machinists on method wont be able to resist that kind of temptation =p and also all the big events on all servers have pvp enabled... i dunno i'm just kind of ranting at this point and lost my original train of thought... all i really want to say is dont be too quick to rule options out and jump to conclusions

Offline Ketamininja

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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #38 on: May 17, 2005, 12:40:25 pm »
As you all know, I've been taking a break for various reasons, but one so I can enjoy leveling again, and I wont be going hardcore this time.

I do think that things will turn like it was towards the end of beta. When the truce falls apart again, things will be interesting, and it looks like community events are just starting to get going properly again. Now that people are level 50, they can relax a little and concentrate on the nicer things for the community - ok there are those that gank instead, and this is a problem.. PVP ganking during missions for a level 16 means it is a lot harder than beta was when PVP was in the constructs and you could do missions outside ok...

I see it as a new challenge myself. These big groups automatically level out the levelling up for the PVP servers meaning a lot wont be able to get to 50 so quickly, as everyone has wanted. What concerns me about this approach is your safety. I haven't been in for ages, so I don't know if this is changed, but its quite difficult to get away from a big group who can just chase you... jacking out is not as quick as that, there needs to be some sanctuary... and perhaps where the faction comes in, you need TS to call for assistance, as your low MP level runs starts to run out with all that HJing.

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #39 on: May 17, 2005, 12:47:10 pm »
Ya know our server would make everyone wanna join us.....but they CANT! They will all beg and plead to join the OMGWTFWEPWNJ00 server but we will sit and laugh as we enjoy the royalties of our life!!! Mwuahahahaha!


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #40 on: May 17, 2005, 01:20:06 pm »
I honestly would be willing to either go or stay.  I know that sounds like a cop-out answer, but I just figure there will always be difficulties associated with both hostile and non-hostile servers, as well as simply carrying the title of FA.  Therefore, it matters not to me.  I will go wherever you guys go. :-)


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #41 on: May 17, 2005, 01:28:01 pm »
on the topic of being alone... and zionist not sharing information with us. that problem has already started to disappear. about a week ago, tbone and a few other FA met with members of the AS. they were able to ask us questions about the rumors about FA, and many of them have been resolved. but the true test to the meeting that took place will be this next event... if we're included in the sharing of information. but everyone has to do thier part, FA and the AS. this event is going to be important... as well as fun.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #42 on: May 17, 2005, 01:57:10 pm »
My opinon is that we should stay put, stand our ground and weather the B.S.  We will respect ourselves alot more for this. If we run to another server everytime things get tough, that does nothing for us showing the strength of our character and on top of that, we'll be hoping servers every 2-3 months.  Changing servers will do nothing to improve our situation.  It will only weaken us.  Enumerator is our home.  I don't plan on movnig any time soon.

Has this even been run by Tbone?


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #43 on: May 17, 2005, 02:07:39 pm »
I know to some it seems like we want to run away... but to others its not how we see it at all... my biggest worry since we came to this server was that it would eventually die out... like most pvp servers in other games... and from what i've seen this server is on a downward trend... The last thing I want to see is us stuck on a server with little to no population... IMHO this is going to happen to enum... the community of enum is disappearing


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #44 on: May 17, 2005, 02:45:55 pm »
Why all this talk of moving? Its not like we cant have another character on another server. I do. I'm only level 3 on Method, but the character is there. Vinzerru. Same name, but with 2 r's. I plan on leveling up over there some more, in my spare time (or spare spare time, from the perspective of someone with no life).

This seems to have come out of the blue though, I didn't realize anyone was even considering wanting to switch to method... but really, you can just make another character there, and level it up.  So I don't get what the problem is. If we wanna expand as a group, well why not. That's a great idea. Especially on a PVE server, where all of those "problems" with leveling don't exist.

My character on Enumerator is staying put, no matter what. I don't like the idea of not being able to get back if I do leave, and I'm not one for "leaving" in the first place. IF there there were to be a move to Method... hell, looks like its back to the grind for me.   ;)



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