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Author Topic: Does Morpheus know?  (Read 1799 times)

Offline Manic Velocity

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Does Morpheus know?
« on: May 16, 2005, 10:20:33 am »
A friend of mine posed this question to me, and to my surprise, I didn't have an answer.  I was explaining how Morpheus is doing whatever he can to find Neo's remains, even if it means breaking the truce.  Not sure if this was covered in beta or not.

Does Morpheus know that Neo was the sixth anomaly, and that there will soon be another "One"?

I can only assume that he doesn't know, judging by his actions.  Why would he be so determined to find Neo's body if he knew that another One will eventually come along?  But if he does know about the past Ones, then that must mean there is something significant or special about Neo's remains.

Your thoughts?


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Does Morpheus know?
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2005, 10:51:57 am »
ok well first of all, your making the assumption that Zion requested neo's remains initially for experimentation or to try and resurrect the one. thats not necessarily the case. Neo was the Messiah. his remains were a holy and significant thing to Zion, that was all. to the machines, neo's remains meant little. so why not just cough them up if they didnt mean anything? it was the machines hesitation to just hand them over that has made us all raise our eyebrows.

second morpheus does know. he has to know. at the end of the second movie before teh nebuchadnezzar goes down neo explains everything to morpheus that the war isnt over, the prophecy is not true, zion is going to be destroyed, and that the one is just another system of control. while it doesnt show neo giving a full report, u can generally assume that he had given him a full report prior to the actual scene being showed, i mean after all neo might have been the one, but morpheus was his commanding officer.

thirdly, now assuming that zion and morpheus know something is up in regards to neo's remains, they cant just sit around and wait for another one to pop up. in the first movie morpheus makes reference to the past life of the one, where the one freed the first humans and started zion. he stated in that statement that the year was somewhere near 2199. now the second renaissance took place somewhere around 2080 right? so in the span of 130 years there have been 2 instances of the one. you can generally assume that the first instance actually happened very early on in the matrix and was a fundamental part of the matrixes control systems. the architect DID say the code of the one needed to be input into the matrix mainframe to reset the matrix after all. so this is a logical assumption that the first one in actuality was the one who got the matrix up and running. to add further weight to the fact that the one comes around once a century is the fact that during the prayer in the cave rave, morpheus specifically repeated several times that zion had been there for 100 years. so if it was founded by the one, 100 years ago, and neo shows up now.... the fact of the matter is zion simply cant sit there and wait for another one to show up a century from now. odds are the truce isnt going to last that long, its going to break down, and zion will get pwned again. the balance of power needs to be shifted to zion ASAP. we need the one NOW.


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Does Morpheus know?
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2005, 10:59:46 am »
The 6th anomoly is part of the 6th version of the Matrix.  Those in one version are not aware of the existence of any other version, previous or subsequent. As far as they are concerned, their version is all that ever has and ever will exist. Therefore, Morpheus would not be aware that there were any previous or that there may be another Anamoly=The One.  

Parallel that with our own existence. Could there have been other versions of our existence?  If so, we do not have any knowledge of such....or that there may be another one after ours.  So, anything that happens in our own version of existence is the end all and be all for us.  If you believe in the whole Christ analogy that the Matrix theory follows.  When Jesus died.  They didn't just say: "don't worry, there'll be another Jesus in the next version."  When his body wasn't in the tomb, they freaked out and wanted to know what they did with his body.  AKA: Why won't they give up his remains?


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Does Morpheus know?
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2005, 02:00:30 pm »
You also have to think past just The One and the Anamoly and all that

Neo was probably one of Morpheus's closest friends, regardless of ranking

So, if your closest friend died, wouldn't you want their remains? It helps ease the comfort to know that someone close to you has been properly buried and given their last respects. I can't help think that was Morpheus's original intent, and when the Machines refused, then his hunt for Neo's remains became as intent as his hunt for Neo to begin with. People thought Morpheus was mad for looking for Neo to begin with, so of course they are going to thik he's mad for looking for his remains.

Aside from that, you have to wonder, then, why there has been absolutely no word of Trinity. They haven't discussed looking for her remains. It's very possible that they don't know whether she is alive or dead, although they would have to assume the latter. I personally hope that this can come into play later in the storyline.

Basically, closure is something that we require, no matter how small. It's like leaving a wound open to the elements without giving it the security it needs to heal properly. While Morpheus may not absolutely know for sure that Neo was the 6th version or anything, I have a feeling that he probably has a good idea, even if he's not sure. I mean, hell, if we were always sure of what we did and did not know, then what would be the point?

Offline Tbone

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Does Morpheus know?
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2005, 03:31:25 pm »
Being the anomaly is like winning the lottery. The chance of an anomaly surfacing is very slim. Just because one anomaly is gone doesn't mean that another one will pop up in his place. Don't expect another "One" to be surfacing anytime soon.


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Does Morpheus know?
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2005, 09:36:38 pm »
Also, this 'one' did what the others did not, the architect spoke of the one's code being needed to be reinserted to reset the matrix and such, just as his predecessors did. but he made his own choices, he chose love, he chose to try to save zion, in the end, he chose a truce. thus making him a bit different than previous iterations of 'the one', making him a bit more valuable, a bit more well respected. Zion was going to be destroyed, again, and he stopped it. morpheus knows there's something special about him, and many times has witnessed that neo was never quite what he seemed, and there was always something more to him than what met the eye. One such example is the first time neo faced smith in the subway, or the time neo dodged the agents bullets on the rooftop. another was when neo stopped the sentinels in the real world underneath the surface. so him needing a bit more closure in a situation like that is quite understandable.morpheus now knows there's something more to the world around, matrix or real, than he ever could have percieved before, and doesnt take everything for face value. If I had to guess from what we know of his character, he probably feels pretty confused or conflicted about eveyrthing that has taken place since the time when neo met with the architect. and I believe now he'll stop at nothing to find the answers he's looking for. whether his search is right or wrong I dont know, but I believe that we all have realized there's a bit more to the matrix than we ever imagined...

"where we go from here is a choice I leave up to you..."


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Does Morpheus know?
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2005, 09:46:03 pm »
Why don't you just ask him? :p


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Does Morpheus know?
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2005, 10:31:52 pm »
Keep in mind that Morpheus is not aware of any other "One" or any other version of the Matrix.  He believe Neo to be The One that will save humanity.  However, with this truce, the system is frozen or locked up, if you will.  Minds are being freed at an alarming rate.  Some choose to remain servants of the machines even in their awakened state, some choose to serve Merovingian and some choose to go all out for humanity and side with Zion.  Zion, itself seems to be on the verge of a split.  The very fact that the machines are allowing this, goes against their programming and their purpose and therefore, they have to be somewhat disoriented.  Then you have the exiles playing on side against the other.  If you sit back and think about it, this is one big, multi-faceted cluster-fuck. Nothing is going as it has before.  The machines know this. The Merovingian most likely knows this and Neo is probably the only human that knows this.  

Why does Morpheus seek Neo's remains?  Perhaps he doesn't believe Neo to be truely dead.  Perhaps he merely seeks to honor Neo by giving him a proper burial.  Perhaps he has a feeling that something is up and is as fanatical in his search for the truth as he was his search for The One.   There are too many unanswered question with the situation as it stands and it seems Morpheus is the only one willing to make a few waves to find out what's going on.

The other half of Zion is willing to forgo finding answers to keep the peace and therefore are submitting themselves to a lesser form of slavery.  The Machines are just itching to regain power, control and the upper hand again.  And the Exiles are running amok amisdts all of this having a good ol' time playing their games.

I believe Morpheus had such a drive to find the truth no matter what the cost.

I don't know.  These are just my current thoughts.


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Does Morpheus know?
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2005, 10:39:44 pm »
no. Morpheus was aware of ONE other instance of The One. he specifically mentioned in the first movie how The One freed the first humans from the matrix and started zion in his past life. and when he wud be reborne the oracles prophecy said that the war would be over. he just wasnt aware of the fact that... well this happened 4 or 5 times before, at least before neo saw the architect. Just play the 2nd movie again and watch the part where neo and morpheus are having a conversation after seeing the architect but before the nebuchadnezzar is destroyed and u will see that neo told him everything. as for the machines itching to regain power, they arent. at least from what we know, they have absolutely no reason to honor the truce. they are in power, they can still own us, and we have no One to kick their asses... so whats stopping them? for the time being we have to assume that they are simply honoring the truce.


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Does Morpheus know?
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2005, 10:51:03 pm »
heh, alright, this thread could go on forever. in response to likwedneo: end of revolutions:
Oracle: "and I have your word?"
Architect:"what do you think I am, human?"

I think a big chunk of phienyx's post reiterated a good portion of what I earlier mentioned.
we can keep this thread going for ever playing matrix fanboys, but I think it boils down to this: obviously almost every time we thought we knew exactly what was going on, we we're blown away by something we hadnt seen before. I believe we have a good year of that ahead of us. We've all noticed that all is not quite what it seems, everyone will have their beliefs, sides, and their chosen path. the last paragraph of manic's post is hearsay, and suggests that that's 100% how it is. In response to the original question, from what I gather from the movies (without sitting down and watching them again right now) Morpheus either knows, he might be the 6th, has simply been told that neo was the 6th, or simply just suspects there's much more to it, and is going to find out.



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