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Author Topic: Anyone know anything about Paintball?  (Read 3571 times)


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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« on: May 13, 2005, 03:03:39 pm »
Hey guys... I was just wondering if anyone could give me some tips and information about paintball.. I've never tried it before and I've been thinkin about trying it out this summer with a bunch of my friends...  If any of you could give me some good info, tips, advice, etc.. that would be awesome.. .cause i'm really curious about it...


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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2005, 04:07:41 pm »
I love paintball its the sport of men!!  Are you planning on buying a gun because that is the best route regardless of how cheap it is to rent.  Most of the time rented ones break down in the middle of a cross fire and you do not want that.  I currently have a Tippman 98 custom which is a very good paintball gun and you can customize it to look like a M4.  Its aroun 100-200 dollars depending on the customization you put on it.  Heres a link

Air compression wise there are standard 4 oz 6 oz 9 oz up to about 20 oz CO2 they run out after about three rounds of play.  My suggestion is to go with a Nitrogen powered 20 oz they last longer and are just better to equip.  Heres a link to one:

Painball wise just get your run of the mill thats what i do and i cant complain. If you have a painball shop/place to paintball they usually have good sells about 2000rounds for 60 bucks.

Clothing:  Camo works in the woods type settings.  Short sleeve shirt and some pants work mostly to cover from poisin ivy.  Paint balls do not hurt at all.  If you buy a packaged gun it should come with a suitable face mask, but if you want a better one then check this out:

That should be about it bro hope this helps and have fun paintball is a blast.


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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2005, 04:12:53 pm »
well... seeing that when i go this summer its gonna be my first time... i think i'll just rent the equipment for now... i know its not as good and can be worn out... but... i dont think i should make that kind of investment until i decide if i like it or not... plus... i gotta save up for it =p but thanks for the tips man... i'll keep what you've said in mind if i decide to buy my own equipment... i was looking at a tippman for myself anyways... so i'm glad to hear its a good brand...

Offline Fuse

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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2005, 04:19:00 pm »
I worked at Badlandz Paintball field near Chicago for 6 years, 3 of which I was manager. The Chicago Open, which is the 2nd largest Painball Tounement in the world was held there-the largest being the World Cup in Orlando. It has been about 4 years sinse I have been there, but I know too much. I've practiced with Aftershock (Badlandz is thier home field). I worked for them, and with them. I've captained a team in an amateur touney or two, I've put together and trained an all girl team whom took 3rd of 10 in a good sized amateur tourney, and I've spent way too much of my teen life creating fields, managing pothead workers, creating customer safety guidlines, and organizing events...

I'm going to type up advice, and it may take a while. But know that my advice will be a bit more in-depth and serious than Oriens (no offense bro) =)


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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2005, 04:19:46 pm »
Thats cool dude i used rented stuff and was instantly hooked and proceeded to go on a full blown spree.  Have fun


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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2005, 04:30:33 pm »
Go for it man, Paintball is great fun! Though I highly respect Tippman as a manufacturer, I have always had a special place in my heart for Kingman. You can find a Kingman Spyder for around 75-200 bucks, but the best part is, you can do ANYTHING with it. Spyders are the paintball equivilant of a Civic, you can mod it in any way imaginable. I have seen Spyders outpreform mags on the field, and they are extremely easy to service. If you buy one and put some work into it, you'll grow into a part of it. :)


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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2005, 04:42:01 pm »
paintball kicks serious ass, especially when u got a scope on your paintball gun, have a nitrogen tank (not CO2 tank), and snipe someone very far away.....  :D

only thing that suks though is when u get hit in the nuts, under the arm pits, or the back of the neck no matter what you're wearing'll feel it in the morning.....  :'(

Offline Fuse

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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2005, 04:55:56 pm »
Paintball is a freaking blast. If you have never gone before, go. When you do, rent equipment, bring a friend, and have them shoot you. I'm not bullshitting you-have then stand 50 feet away, cover your balls, and have them shoot once at you. It will sting, but you HAVE to get use to that. WHen you are in the middle of a game your energy level will be through the roof. Your heart will be beating and when you are hit, you will not even feel it... untill your on the sideline and your heart settles down. Get it out of the way early or else you'll be so afraid to get hit it will be too distracting. The first few times you go, rent equipment. It can be expensive, but if it's not something your going to get into on a usual basis, don't bother buying gear for it.

Advice for buying gear:
As I said, I have experience working at a paintball field, but I also worked for Shocktech peiceing together all thier items. 3-ways, rams, grips, valves, beavertails, you name it I had my hands on it. (by the way, did you know the 2002 cocker ram had 12 individual peices to it? crazy!). There are a few types of guns you can get. On the low price, and for good reason IMO, is the tippman-like markers. We had these at our field when I first got there. I've spent waaaaaay too many weekdays cleanign and fixing these devil fuckers. The largest issue that I have with these is that there is no expansion chamber for the CO2 to turn into gas.
++++CO2 is a liquid/gas mix. When in liquid form it is extremely cold and as it expands, the pressure builds turning to gas++++An expansion chamber (resivior to some people) allows the liquid a place to expand and turn to gas before reaching the internals of the gun, and also before reaching your paintball. If too much get into your gun, it freezes and can cause bad effects such as O-ring expansion or breakage, or even freezing the vavlepin to the valve in extreme situations. Now these CO2 issues go across the board with all CO2 powered markers, but the tippman 92 (I think it was) also has a moving valve which I never trusted. I suppose I just didn't trust the valve. It was completely encased inside the one chamber marker and the CO2 hose was piped directly into it. If and when it did break it was a nightmare to get into compared to other markers.

Another step up, but not much up, is the markers like pirannah, spyder, ect... These almost always come standard with an expansion chamber, 20oz CO2 tank, and unlike the tippmans, a 2 bolt system. One bolt to hit the valvepin inside the valve to release the pressure, and a venturi-like bolt in the top chamber to direct the air out towards the ball and barrel. These are very easy to tear down to clean or fix and leave a lot larger room for expansiona nd addition of parts/upgrades. I bought a spyder for my first gun, and I still htink it's a good starter one, even better now. When I got mine, there were 2 Spyders - the Spyder Original, and the Spyder Compact A - made by one company, kingman. Now there are probably 50 kinds made by different companies. Each adding it's own little addition or change int e way it looks. Some of the more expensive spyders (and other classes that work the same way) have even dipped into the electronic fireing market. We'll get into those later.

Work is over, so I have a long drive ahead of me. I will go into the industry standard markers (the autococker & mag) - the electronic masters (Angel, shocker, Electronic Cockers, list goes on) - and also air systems (Right now I'll just say Nitrogen is not actually "nitrogen", it does NOT come in 20oz canisters-thats CO2-and for gods sake do not call it nitrous!)

I'll continue this later.

Offline Fuse

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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2005, 04:58:22 pm »
By the way, I have a spyder I bought for about 150, and put about 700 into it and it still will never compare to any high-class marker such as a cocker or angel. Spyders are great for beginners. I'll sell mine to anyone if interested. I'll get pics and details later.


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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2005, 05:20:55 pm »
I love paintball.  I started playing a few years ago and was hooked after the first time.  I rented the first time I went and it drove me crazy that I had to kind of arc the balls at my opponents.  So before I went the next weekend I bought everything I needed to throw down.  I bought a Spyder AMG LCD and it was a good gun for awhile, the I made the switch to an Outkast Autococker.  Beware of paintball, you will spend a fortune on equipment if you catch the bug.  I have spent about $2000 on my current setup.

Anyway, don't sweat the pain involved in getting shot.  I had one of my friends shoot me as soon as we got to the field my first time so I could get the shock of what it might feel like out of the way.  It stung, but it's like getting snapped with a towel.  Plus your adrenaline will be pumping so much that you'll just be more pissed that you were eliminated than you are about the pain.

I recommend wearing gloves.  I got shot in the pinky once and it swelled to about the size of my middle finger and then the knuckle started bleeding.  I bought gloves the next day.  Also, be safe, go to a field with ref's and a chronograph.  Most fields play at 270fps(feet per second), but some are 300fps, which is 204mph.  Anything above that makes a welt that bleeds and ruins the fun of the game.  There are idiots in every sport, so some people think it's funny to crank their guns up high when you're just playing in the woods.  We had a guy get shot once playing in some woods off the highway and he complained, we chrono'd the other guy's gun and it was at 375fps, uncool.  Oh, and never, ever, ever take your mask off, no matter what.  If your goggles fog up, just leave the field and call yourself out, it's not worth losing an eye.  204mph + eyeball = blind.  Drink tons of water/gatorade, your adrenaline will be going, it's hot, and you're breathing heavy, STAY HYDRATED!!!

As far as gameplay, keep your freaking head down, and if you're crawling, keep your ass down.  Watch out for tunnel vision.  By this I mean look around constantly.  Don't just focus on what is ahead of you, look to your sides and constantly watch your peripheral vision.  This is how I get most of my kills, a guy gets tunnel vision and I shoot him from the side or sneak around behind.  Play as a team, and constantly communicate.  Yell positions of opposing players to each other.  If an enemy moves, make sure everyone knows where they went so they don't get waxed.

I think that's it.  Paintballs owns, so have fun, I'll be out playing tomorrow.  Not unlike every Saturday that doesn't have snow on the ground.


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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2005, 05:28:36 pm »


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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2005, 05:29:19 pm »
Trying to make me look bad eh? lol I actually love my tippmann 98 custom ive put over 200 dollars in extra customization to make it the badass of the badasses. Ive demoed a A-5 and am thinking of trading in at my Hit and Run for it.  But thats me and i have thought about kicking myself for not getting a Dye cause those are the cadillac of painball guns, but damn they cost a pretty penny.


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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2005, 05:42:02 pm »
Haha.  No, my buddy has the A-5 with the response trigger and the flatline barrel and that thing is sick.  Tippmann is a great company and is the best if you don't want to do a lot of maintenance.  I might grab an A-5 for scenario games, but I'll have to trick it out the way he has.


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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2005, 05:48:02 pm »
So whats your fav area to play woodland or tourny style setting?  

I love using woodland play its so much more realistic and fun for hiding and good flanking.


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Anyone know anything about Paintball?
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2005, 06:14:33 pm »
I like wooded play the most, it feels like you're really hunting other humans, and I'm kind of down for that.  Not in a psycho way, but all my in-laws hunt and I think it's retarded, I'd rather hunt a thinking target.

However, I enjoy tournament play, but I use 4 times as much paint playing that way.  And at $60 a case, I'd rather conserve.



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