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Author Topic: Very important information (macros, commands, emotes...)  (Read 1106 times)


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Very important information (macros, commands, emotes...)
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2005, 11:02:16 am »



These emotes require you to target another human player. The other player must
then accept the emote before it is performed.


-*- MOODS -*-

These moods can be turned on whenever you want. They effect what kind of mood
your RSI appears in when they're standing, walking, running, or sitting. They
all have level requirements, so you won't be able to use all of them right

/mood normal lvl 01
/mood drunk lvl 03
/mood hurt lvl 04
/mood shy lvl 05
/mood fidgety lvl 06
/mood bouncy lvl 07
/mood casual lvl 08
/mood cautious lvl 09
/mood stoic lvl 10
/mood shifty lvl 11
/mood aggressive lvl 12
/mood regal lvl 13
/mood sly lvl 14
/mood sultry lvl 15
/mood cocky lvl 17
/mood sexy lvl 20


These commands usually have practical uses and can be input into the chat box.
Brackets are used to indicate when a name or other word is required. When
inputting such commands, the name does not need to be in brackets. If, however,
the name is comprised of more than one word, quotation marks are often re-
quired, especially in circumstances where multiple names or messages are in-
cluded in the command.

- Chat Types -

For chat messages, you only need to put a space between the command and your
message. For tells, put a space between the player's name and your message.

/t [name] Tells a private message [aka whisper] to [name]
/tell [name] Tells a private message [aka whisper] to [name]
/tc Sends a message to Team Chat
/team Sends a message to Team Chat
/fc Sends a message to Faction Chat
/faction Sends a message to Faction Chat
/shout Shouts a message heard by more people than area chat
/i [name] Ignores messages from [name]

- Team Settings -

/lootrandom Random team member can loot kills
/lootbylooter Whoever chooses to loot a kill can do so
/lootbykill Whoever kills an enemy can loot them
/lootalpha Looting rights are cycled through the team in alphabetical
/disband Disbands the team

- Utilities -

/ccr Opens the bug report menu
/bug Opens the bug report menu
/who Displays the names, levels, and types of up to fifty
redpills in the immediate area
/who [name] Displays the full names, levels, and types redpills with
[name] in their handle in the immediate area
/who [number] Displays the names, levels, and types of redpills at level
[number] in the immediate area
/loc Displays your current coordinates
/whereami Displays detailed information about your location for bug
/random Generates a random number between 1 and 100
/random [number] Generates a random number between 1 and [number]
/jackout Exits the game
/exit Exits the game
/quit Exits the game
/suicide Returns player to the Loading Area with all the conse-
quences of death
/stuck Moves player to another location if stuck
/time Displays the current date and time
/addblip [name] Marks the player's current location on the map with a
marker named [name]
/removeblip [name] Removes the blip called [name] from the map
/release Sends player back to the Loading Area after death
/printsimulacra Displays the current status of the player's simulacra
/play Displays the total amount of time the player has spent in
the game
/netstats Displays data such as ping, packets, loss-rate, and fps
/netstats 0 Removes the netstats display
/netstats off Removes the netstats display
/addwaypoint [name] Adds a waypoint to the location of a team member [name]
/awp [name] Adds a waypoint to the location of a team member [name]
/removewaypoint [n] Removes a waypoint from [n]
/rwp [name] Removes a waypoint from [name]

- Interaction -

/invite Invites the currently selected target onto the player's team
/follow Causes the player to automatically follow the currently
selected target
/face Causes the player to face the currently selected target

- AIM -

/tellx [AIM screen name] Sends a tell to [AIM screen name]
/tx [AIM screen name] Sends a tell to [AIM screen name]
/ix [AIM screen name] Ignores messages from [AIM screen name]
/cax [group name] [AIM screen name] Adds [AIM screen name] to [group name]
/crx [group name] [AIM screen name] Removes [AIM screen name] from [group
- Macro -

The macro function is considerably more complex than most regular functions.
Macros can string several different commands together into one command,
allowing you to instantly perform several actions in a row. The syntax is as

/macro [macro name] /[command 1] ; /[command 2] ; /[etc.]

This creates a macro command in the form /[macro name] that will execute
[command 1] and [command 2] and any other commands in order, and also creates a
hotbar button for quick use. As an example, if a player wanted to both say
"Whoa" and use the /whoa emote simultaneously, the following macro could be

/macro saywhoa /whoa ; /say Whoa!

To use this macro, the player only has to type /saywhoa in order to run it, or
click on the hotbar button. Removing the button from the hotbar deletes the
macro. As a second example, if a player wanted to clap, cheer, then whistle,
the following macro could be formed:

/macro woohoo /clap ; /cheer ; /whistle

It would then be able to be run by typing /woohoo into the chat window.


  • Guest
Very important information (macros, commands, emotes...)
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2005, 01:35:47 pm »
also to add to that for those who dont know, you can use hotbar items in your macros too.

/macro [name of macro] /use [slot number on hotbar] [hotbar number]

for example if i had a set of clothing that i wanted to change to instantly and the clothes were in hotbar 2 on slots 4,5,6.  I could write a macro that would instantly change the clothes.  It would look like this.

/macro codingclothes /use 4 2 ; /use 5 2 ; /use 6 2

hope this helps some, i know i have several good macros that i use.

Offline Fuse

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Very important information (macros, commands, emotes...)
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2005, 01:42:14 pm »
My most common one I use...
/macro UCB /use 3 1;  /say Uppa-Cut BIATCH!
Ahhh, gaurd breaker.

That and /Macro YDB /say You dead BIATCH!



  • Guest
Very important information (macros, commands, emotes...)
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2005, 02:06:24 pm »
I had heard something about using macros to use items from your inventory, not from the hotbar, is this possible? and of course, how does it work?


  • Guest
Very important information (macros, commands, emotes...)
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2005, 02:09:04 pm »
i am not familiar with being able to use items from your inventory in a macro.  Maybe someone else here does.

Offline likwidtek

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Very important information (macros, commands, emotes...)
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2005, 02:43:45 pm »
drag the item to your hotbar
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."

Offline Fuse

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Very important information (macros, commands, emotes...)
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2005, 03:14:49 pm »
What likwidtek said...

Drag a pill to 10th spot on your 10th row and do a /use 10 10 to use it



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