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Author Topic: Possible FA party proposal  (Read 3006 times)


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Possible FA party proposal
« on: April 29, 2005, 06:13:18 pm »
All right so we a conversation on TS and theres been a few about the lack of any type of social events on this server. So we've been thinking that another zion party like we did in beta would be great but this time we could do it in Club Hell.  All we would need is at least one person to get a mission to spawn but there might be a way to do that. Next we'd just invite people to the mission team and then once they enter kick them from the group. We could control to a certain degree who enters the party. We would still need a good securtiy force to boot out any mervs or machines that also get a spawn mission in there but I think by holding them at the choke point of the entry into the mission area. Also a few of our rezers and healers on hand wouldn't hurt.

Why do this?

Well social reason for one. We could defenelty use our time at the party to get to know some of the newer zionist as well as get up to date with a few older ones that we've known. Second point is that we havn't done anything real big recently to get our names out there and if we could hold the party at merv central and help the zionist cause it would kick some ass.

We've tested booting people from the mission team and letting them stay in the area and it seems to work. It does need to be test for a longer time period but that shouldn't be to hard. Next myself or another need to test about getting into club hell but I believe it won't be to bad.

If it all works we should defently get an invite list going and activities up and ready. I'd also like to plan the event around a time one of our DJ's is playing on RFZ. I don't realy want to include them in it but seeing as it is a central point for a few people it wouldn't hurt for the pr. Of course the last part would be great if our fear less leader could make a speech and such because it had a realy great effect last time.

I know this would be a repeat of our big party during beta but alot of the new players wern't there. Plus we could use this to strength bonds with some of the other zionist out there. I also remember the party (roughtly around the time I joined FA) as being a big hit not just for the community but for us. I for one felt a bit closer (not close enough to let nemi hug me but still you know what I mean)

So post your thoughts and opinions and shoot it down if you see any big holes in there. Please leave the spelling and grammer out of it (well damn thats going to garentee a post on it but any ways that won't bother me to much :P)


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Possible FA party proposal
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2005, 06:29:20 pm »
I think this would be a cool idea.  I'm not sure how well I'd do as security at lvl 39.5, but by the time we actually do this, I'll probably be around lvl 41-43, so I should be available in that capacity if needed.


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Possible FA party proposal
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2005, 06:35:22 pm »

tivod, you dirty whore! *cries* (it's ok, i still love you)

actually, truth be told, for the past few weeks, the members of the Carpe Diem have been planning on hosting an FA-only party

i was planning on releasing it to the faction TODAY

um .... guess it's time for me to release that information, huh?

**scrambles to find post in Carpe Diem forums specifying the event**


The member of the Carpe Diem cordially invite you to the First Annual FA Bash!! (okay, the name sucks, it was thought up in approximately 2.5 seconds)

Times and dates are subject to discussion.

We plan on making this an all-day event.

Current activities include:
Combat Tournament (Two tournaments, one solely Operative, one solely Hacker)
FA Best Dressed (Several categories and live judges)
Kareoke (Break out the Champaigne and tune in to TeamSpeak!)
Scavanger Hunt (Actually has an in-game purpose that will be revealed after the event is done hehe, including help from non-Carpe Diem member MasterYoda)

Our current plan for location is Club Masamune in International. Reasons for this choice: the area is secluded and International tends to be less laggy than other areas. Plus, the place is BITCHIN. We have escorts to get access keys and the access node, as well as a bouncer to keep out reds and keep lower-levels from being attacked by the surrounding mobs. The only bad thing is that the club was mentioned in the article about Ookami, and there is a mission contact in there. Hopefully, however, the traffic will be minimal.

HA!! One step ahead! ... or ... one behind .... depending on how you look at it. So ... yeah ... if you'd like to be involved, sign up, help out, whatnot, please send me a PM. w00t! :p


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Possible FA party proposal
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2005, 07:12:02 pm »
i think you both have some good strong points that cud be merged into one solid idea. as for the idea about hosting it at club hell, as much as i WOULD like to see it happen. dont missions have timers? even if we set the mission to Long the mission will eventually despawn and we may have a hard time getting a mission to spawn in there again. it could become a problem. i dont know. but if we can get it to happen that wud be SO awesome. EFF YOU FRENCHIE!


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Possible FA party proposal
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2005, 07:56:40 pm »
Masamune is cool! It's named after Masamune Shirow, the man behind Ghost In The Shell and some of the best cyber-punk Anime/Manga... and one of the greatest influences on the technologies of the Matrix.


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Possible FA party proposal
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2005, 08:40:23 pm »
The mission that I think I can get to spawn there will be canceled yes when the timer runs out but it should be able to be recalled. This of course needs to be tested befor I can state either way.

Good to see you/ve got all that in order Grim. I do suggest that you considering it in club hell. I"m going to try and test it out and post what I find. The reason for club hell is we can control to a degree who comes in and nuke those who would cause problems. All thought the club you chose is great we would run into a constant battle just trying to hold the place as we've got a few enemys that would love to spoil the fun.

Either way what every you need that I can help with just let me know.


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Possible FA party proposal
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2005, 09:54:10 pm »
sounds like an excellent idea tivod, if it is possible... however you realize that as soon as the first asshat with a enum character gets word of this they're going to scream exploit.... it's inevitable, still a great idea and i say fuckem and lets do it :P it's not like our character's are gaining levels or info by doing so


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Possible FA party proposal
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2005, 10:13:41 pm »
well, the reason we had said masamune was mainly because of the level barrier. the mobs around club hell are i believe 31, and we still have a considerable amout of members below that level, or even right around that level. there are mobs inside the parking garage where the club is, too, and the respawn is pretty fast. plus, getting members the access key and then the access node for that area will be much more difficult as well. it's a great idea, and the club is the shit, but we have to make it as easy as possible for all members. when we did the mixer at deus, most everyone was 50 and the node didn't require an access key. and being as those aren't sellable or tradable ... perhaps we can start doing parties more often, and use club hell later when more of us are higher level and have had the chance to get those nodes?

p.s. i thought the club was named after masamune, a kind of samurai, which definately came before an anime creator, being as supposedly the sword is dated back to something like 600BC ....

EDIT: no matter where we go, we will have company. it's just a matter of how discreet can we be about it and how well we handle it no matter what club it is in.


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Possible FA party proposal
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2005, 10:36:08 pm »
Sounds like fun to me =)


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Possible FA party proposal
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2005, 11:15:38 pm »
I, too, have secretly been planning an event for quite some time now.
Unfortunately, it was before I knew we were going to end up on a hostile server.
So now one of the old-school dancefoor style parties doesn't seem so practical anymore, as it could very quickly turn into a complete and total gankfest.

But I like your ideas. One thing is: Can we still spawn missions in club Hel via recycling? I remember sitting for a couple of hours only to hear later that they had taken it out.

Offline Kosila

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Possible FA party proposal
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2005, 12:31:46 am »
Awesome idea! :)

The guy calling/maintaining the mission should be out of sight and should have a patcher near by.

I think agents spawn if you don't compelete the mission after a certain time. If you have to recall the mission (because of agents), then I think it's impossible for another mission to spawn in the exact same area until everyone gets out of the area. But like you said, we gotta test it out and see what works.


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Possible FA party proposal
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2005, 12:47:59 am »
yay more events. *does a happy dance* grim your event sound like a great idea to get FA back working together and just getting to hang out with fellow angels. something that hasn't really been done in a while. the community event also is a great idea, as we've begun to bring our name back up in the ranks :) oh i'm so excited. if you need help with anything. let me know.


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Possible FA party proposal
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2005, 01:14:25 am »
For the Club Hel idea: Level is of no concearn. We were testing the Recall Mission Team abilities and you can pull members straight into the mission area. So as long as you clear out any mobs inside (I don't think there are any though, as it is a "meeting" mission) there is no worry at all for the lower levels.

For the Masamune idea: Sign me up for a bouncer shift, and if I have farmed MA by then I may do a few duels. I'll also be sure to display my reds and win the best dressed. If that don't work, just remember: I have a shirt with Pizazz.

I think they are both fine as seperate ideas. The Club Hel one was gonna be a Zion party anyway, or so was orignally stated in TS. It was, If I am not mistaken, going to be a big Zionist slap in the face to the big bad Merovingian and his cronies.


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Possible FA party proposal
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2005, 01:23:41 am »
Quote from: "GrimKitten"
p.s. I thought the club was named after masamune, a kind of samurai, which definately came before an anime creator, being as supposedly the sword is dated back to something like 600BC .....

are you sure you're not thinking of the sword of kusanagi? or the samurai mushashi? =X nevermind, you're not talkin about either...oops..guess you meant the sword of masamune the swordsmith..

I think that's the one you're talking about...even his swords or one of them was in the first highlander film(or talked about)...but it could work out both ways....masamune the swordsmith and his swords, and masamune shirow the cyberpunk master of japan.. (google: masamune)..he's all over the place,muramasa.html

for historical references

Offline Fuse

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Possible FA party proposal
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2005, 01:40:29 am »
I DJ mondays at 7pm-9pm FAT.



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