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Author Topic: Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition  (Read 2241 times)

Offline Tbone

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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« on: April 19, 2005, 04:17:16 pm »
I submitted this petition to the MxO Staff. It probably won't affect anything, but I figured I might as well. I'm just tired of it. Here it is:

"Let me preface this by saying this is a unique situation, but one I think needs addressing. This is Tbone of the Furious Angels.

I would first like to point out EvilMonkey's post in "The Mission Experience Changes" thread in Broadcast Depth. I posted constructive feedback for the devs and got this from EvilMonkey:

"Tbone why are you even posting here, you have been level 50 since the first or second week. In beta you said " what are the exploits we want to report them to fix them" now im thinking its "what are the exploits so we can use them after release then have them fixed"

not trying to personally attack you here, but you have to see where im coming from. almost all of your faction is lvl 50 or close except the new recruits, they gank at hardlines, and now with this mission nerf your guys can sit back and relax because they know nobody will be able to rival them. its hard to believe some of your faction are not devs themselves."

Before you say this isn't harrassment, this is what Walrus posted on the issue of players insulting other players on the forums:

"Making negative posts about specific players or factions is a form of harassment and is also considered flamebaiting--both of which are prohibited on these boards.

If you have an issue with a player either work it out with that player, ignore that player, or report the player via the customer care system if their behavior constitutes a violation of the Guidelines for Player Conduct or Terms of Use. Do not voice accusations about specific players or groups on these forums."

His post is off-topic and flame-baiting.

Now this leads to a more serious matter. These kind of posts happen every time myself or my faction try to post anything. I am harrassed all over the forums and have reported numerous threads, only for it to be completely ignored or shrugged off. Threads titled "Congrats FA for exploiting" don't get deleting or edited, even after being reported. Here's what really makes me mad, though.

The situation is we originally found the "Sweetspot" exploit and reported it IMMEDIATELY and ceased doing it. I received a reply to my petition stating that it was NOT an exploit and that missions could be spawned using this method. We started using the method for a period of about 24 to 48 hours. Meanwhile I replied to the petition stating my concern for it not being an exploit.

Instead of a reply to my petition telling me that the Staff had changed their minds about the exploit, some of my members were pulled aside while running missions and told PUBLICALLY that they had been caught exploiting. The Staff misled us into believing it was ok, and then repremanded us in public when they changed their minds. Because the CSR spoke to them in area chat, others heard it and that's how the rumors got started that Furious Angels exploit. We ceased doing missions using the "Sweetspot" method right after that, yet we have not been able to live down the reputation due to the Staff's mistake. I talked to CSR Twitch and he informed me that he would keep an eye and make sure we weren't harrassed over the matter. We have been ignored ever since, though, and basically been left to be fed to the wolves.

To make matters worse, we accidentally ran across the RSI bug during the Shaper event. Prior to that, I was not aware that the PvP flag was bugged after being rezzed. Once I realized it, we tried to make sure our PvP flags stayed on, and I reported the bug right after the event, but people had already started calling us cheaters. The Staff got on the forums and informed everyone that they were investigating us for cheating during the event.

I never heard from a CSR, so I can only assume that the investigation led to them seeing that we did not take advantage of the bug - it just happened because we kept dying and had a Patcher handy. However, our name was never cleared in the matter, and people once again assume we are guilty due to the misleading words of the Staff.

I emailed Walrus to try to get some personal feedback, but he never responded to my email. I tried calling customer service, but I called at the wrong time.

If the Furious Angels had earned this reputation themselves, then I would accept the consequences and deal with it. The only thing FA is guilty of, though, is trying to help by reporting a potential exploit and being ignorant to a bug that the devs had not taken care of. It was the mistakes and double-speak of the Staff that has earned us our bad reputation and the harrassment we get, and so I would at least like to get some feedback on the matter. Could you forward this to the head of the CSR department or someone who can effectively look at this? Thanks."


Ok, now before the FA haters who are in our own faction get on and say that some of it is our fault in the Shaper event, that's a different issue. The truth is we didn't do a good job of keeping the PvP flag on during the event and that is our fault, but we didn't intentionally /suicide or exploit the bug in a premeditated attempt to gain an edge. While we may be guilty of not thinking clearly and getting carried away, we aren't guilty of exploiting the bug. We used rez how it was meant to be used. The reason I didn't clarify that in this petition I sent is that it would take away or deflate my argument. If it is brought up by them, then I will clarify, but I already submitted another petition all about that. Heh.



Thank you very much for reporting this violation of the Guidelines for
Player Conduct. The Matrix Online team takes the GPC very seriously,
and the details of this petition will be investigated and handled
accordingly. We appreciate you taking the time to bring this matter to our

Concerning the second half of your petition, we understand that you are
upset about past communications with CSR staff, and your treatment by
other players on the board.  We will take your feedback and complaints
into consideration, and present this information to the appropriate

Thank you,



"[Edited for violating the GPC. Making negative posts about specific players or factions is a form of harassment and is also considered flamebaiting--both of which are prohibited on these boards.]

Plain and simple, this patch is the worst thing to happen to MxO, if the devs care about their customer base, they will address the issue.

I'm sure the customer service people had a good day at work today.

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Offline Ketamininja

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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2005, 04:24:01 pm »

another fine petition. Its a shame that its probably not going to go anywhere, but I support it!!

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2005, 04:28:15 pm »
Kudos. I hope this gets the due process it deserves... finally.


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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2005, 05:04:16 pm »
just keep throwing hammers at them, even if they do go un-answered

Offline likwidtek

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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2005, 05:21:54 pm »
good job tbone.  Wouldn't it be nice if they posted an announcment thread clearing our name.
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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2005, 05:27:51 pm »
Wouldn't it be nice if they posted an announcment thread clearing our name.

No no. That would suck. That would prove the following in the minds of the morons:

1) We blow the devs.
2) The devs blow us.
3) We are devs.
4) Considering #'s 1, 2 and 3, we therefore blow ourselves.
5) Andy and Larry are really in the faction.
6) Larry had a sex change to assist with #4.

You can't make stupid people smart, no matter how hard you hit them with a bat.

Nonetheless, it would be nice for them to start to take some action against the constant flames... I'm just sure that any action they could take would lead to more flames... But at least we'd feel a bit like someone actually pays attention to these things.


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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2005, 05:29:10 pm »
A+ I hope this time they read it and dont toss it aside.   Good Work Tbone and thank you for being the best commander ever!

Offline Tbone

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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2005, 06:19:51 pm »

Thank you very much for reporting this violation of the Guidelines for
Player Conduct. The Matrix Online team takes the GPC very seriously,
and the details of this petition will be investigated and handled
accordingly. We appreciate you taking the time to bring this matter to our

Concerning the second half of your petition, we understand that you are
upset about past communications with CSR staff, and your treatment by
other players on the board.  We will take your feedback and complaints
into consideration, and present this information to the appropriate

Thank you,

Offline Avzeke (Khr0n1k)

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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2005, 06:23:08 pm »
ohhh ohh a semi personalized response!

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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2005, 06:25:15 pm »
Tbone, Now reply back to his reply even if it has been closed down. That way we get a personalize respone instead of that prefab. Also if you put in a CCR and put For Walrus: TITLE. It will go to him.
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Offline Fuse

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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2005, 06:49:09 pm »
I think from now on we should make an automatic response petition,

"Dear mxo.devman
Thank you for replying swiftly to my concern. Your reply will be read and reread to understand exactly how you have helped me, and exactly how I can help you help me. If it does not seem to answer my questions, you will be notified by a petition, by email, or my constant nagging in game until the matter is solved - in the most efficient, professional way, obviously. Shall you have anymore concerns with my behaivior, or other general concern with gameplay, please fix the issue or notify me immediately with a tell so that we may all enjoy the wonderful world of the Matrix Online."


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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2005, 08:15:52 pm »
Fuse, im replying to all of my open ccr with that its funny as hell


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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2005, 08:51:34 pm »
Quote from: "Ratio"

3) We are devs.

I wish that were true, man.
There would be a whole lot less things wrong with the game if we were.

One thing I wanted to bring up (albeit this is probably the wrong place):
Devs = people who made the game.
GMs = people who police the game.

Unless I'm terribly mistaken, I'm pretty sure that nine times out of ten we're dealing with the people who police the game.
(I don't ever recall ever having direct contact with a Dev before, do you?)

I would be a bit scared if the GMs = the Devs.

Offline Kosila

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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2005, 11:07:37 pm »
Nicely put Tbone. :)

Quote from: "mxo.mastema"
We will take your feedback and complaints
into consideration, and present this information to the appropriate

I hate mxo.mastema! He's one of those stupud people Ratio was talking about! If he can do something for us, then I will stop hating him.

Quote from: "Ratio"
You can't make stupid people smart, no matter how hard you hit them with a bat.

My dad said that to me once :P

Quote from: "Ratio"
1) We blow the devs.
2) The devs blow us.
3) We are devs.
4) Considering #'s 1, 2 and 3, we therefore blow ourselves.
5) Andy and Larry are really in the faction.
6) Larry had a sex change to assist with #4.

That reminds me of a line in Jurassic Park.

Quote from: "Jurassic Park"
God creates CSRs,
God destroys CSRs,
God creates man,
man destroys God,
man creates CSRs.
CSRs eat man,
woman inherits the earth.

Maybe that's why Larry's a woman. Was it CSRs or dinosaurs? I forget.

Quote from: "Fuse"
I think from now on we should make an automatic response petition,

HAHAHAHAHA! Brilliant! :D

On a final note: I think they hired new CSRs because I'm seeing new names around. Where did mxo.subseven come from?

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Harrassment Due to Staff Actions - a Petition
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2005, 11:49:56 pm »

"[Edited for violating the GPC. Making negative posts about specific players or factions is a form of harassment and is also considered flamebaiting--both of which are prohibited on these boards.]

Plain and simple, this patch is the worst thing to happen to MxO, if the devs care about their customer base, they will address the issue.

Im sure the customer service people had a good day at work today.

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"Thanks Mastema!  You're my new hero!"



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