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Author Topic: Mission XP Reduction  (Read 4509 times)

Offline ArchNemesis

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Mission XP Reduction
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2005, 09:10:56 pm »
No... bad neo wannabe... bad.


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« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2005, 09:16:36 pm »
Know yourself.


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« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2005, 11:52:06 pm »
Only one outburst is sufficent for  this atrocity:


Offline Tbone

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Mission XP Reduction
« Reply #33 on: April 19, 2005, 02:46:38 am »
AntiVirus, a dev, started a thread on Broadcast Depth about this. They've been paying close attention. Here is my feedback:

"If you are trying to correct the "sweetspot" exploit, I would suggest creating a penalty for declining a mission. Maybe if you decline two in a row you get reputation and XP taken away from you. This would keep people from re-rolling missions. As for them spawning in the same building, you just need to code it so that can't happen. I can't tell you how to do that, but I'm assuming it would be something similar to disabling that building from being a target location for that group once a mission has spawned there once.

If you think that people can fly through missions too fast using shortcuts, you need to add more objectives. For instance, you could add the objective "Search for potential clues" or something like that that makes you search a certain number of desks. Or "Kill any witnesses" after you have to search a computer. Other than that, all you can do is cut out the spy tree, the speed clothing, and anything else that you consider a "shortcut". I assume that if they are in the game, they are there to help. You are currently punishing people for earning the speed clothing or mastering the spy tree.

The problem with the new system is that time does NOT equal quality. Now you're just telling me that I should complete the mission objective and sit down for a cup of tea after I'm done until my time is up. AntiVirus, I would suggest grouping up with a team of players to get a REAL feel for how much time is needed. In a team of 6, I can kill everyone and search everything at a very quick pace. Of course, the problem is that you are FORCING me to do this when it is not a mission objective. If you want to require us to search every desk and kill every mob, find a way to make it an objective for every mission.

Personally, I think standard missions should be done away with anyway. The true flaw is that you have missions there at everyone's fingertips. Of course, that's a pretty drastic change. Add objectives, create penalties for declining, fix the coding of mission spawning, but don't put everything on a timer. It's like stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Reward the slow gamers and punish the fast ones. Do this, and people lose the motivation to play. Why improve when I earn less the better I get? I can kill mobs quicker! Oh wait, I'll earn less XP if I do that. I can turn invisible and bypass my enemies in Infiltrator missions! Oh wait, I'll earn less XP for that. I can run faster now! Oh wait, I'll earn less XP for that. My hard work has paid off and I can run missions twice as fast as I could when I was weak. Oh wait, I'm still getting the same amount of XP. Improvement doesn't exist. that I think about it, the Matrix has turned to communism!"


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« Reply #34 on: April 19, 2005, 05:42:02 am »
sounds good in theory....


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« Reply #35 on: April 19, 2005, 11:17:27 am »

> Tbone why are you even posting here, you have been
> level 50 since the first or second week.

I just hit lvl 47 yesterday, so either you are thinking of a different Tbone or you are making things up to try to prove some point that has no validation. What level are you, EvilMonkey?


Offline Avzeke (Khr0n1k)

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Mission XP Reduction
« Reply #36 on: April 19, 2005, 03:45:46 pm »
hahha pwnedzord

Topherous Jedi Sentinel
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Mission XP Reduction
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2005, 03:57:35 pm »
Quote from: "Tbone"
Now you're just telling me that I should complete the mission objective and sit down for a cup of tea after I'm done until my time is up.

Hahahha. We did that yesterday..
Remember our little tea parties? Unforgiven, Vonce, Khronik? =P

Offline likwidtek

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my opinion
« Reply #38 on: April 19, 2005, 05:51:24 pm »
OK boys (ohyeah and girls).

This is my opinion on the matter... ready or not.

Do I agree with the nerf?   Yes.  *gasp* *rabble-rabble* *yelliing*  *bullshit!*

OK ok... quiet quiet.  This is the thing.  Do I agree witht their timing?  Hell no.

Yesterday, when I learned about the nerf I went ahead to try some missions.  Solo, tiny, hard, and I went through the missions one by one.  Starting with assasination.

Each one I got full XP and money.  Why?  Here's the trick.  Turn off download mission map for one!  I think that stupid thing needs to be nerfed anyway.  Takes most of the challenge out of missions.  Each mission I made sure to search each room for loot which at the end of the day I sold for a lot of money to vendors.  I killed everything that came in my path which also gave me experience and loot and actually read the mission logs and tried to follow the "story" as repetative as it will eventually get.  I rather enjoyed myself.  I noticed lots of cool things I didn't before.  And I got a crapload of usefull stuff.  Tons of guns to be sold at the vendor, in one mission I got 5 health pill 5.0's which I gave to tivod cause needed them.  Everyone once in a while you'll get nice enhanced items too.

Does it slow my experience?  Yes.  BUT IT SHOULD!  We should not have level 50's in two weeks guys.  I know it sucks some FA are already there .....  I wish I were there... but that's how the cookie crumbles.  You should not be getting a level an hour let alone a level a day unless you are cracnking for 8-16 hours.  I know this pisses some of you off but you have to realize that this game would not be fun if everyone were level 50.

The fact of the matter is... lith and warner did not have 3 years to beta test this game.  We have to understand this because of marketing.  In three years most people would would not have remembered what the matrix was.  We are paying for that and enjoying this at the same time.

What does this whole mission thing mean?  It means get your collective asses out of the mission areas.  lol.  GO PLAY and STOP WORKING.

Yesterday... I went around to a construct which was very awesome.  Got me a cool manson rifle (that cool electric rifle from zero one)...  Me and ProfessorL dueled and learned how to allow him to kick my ass undefeted for a while...  (bastard) ran around having fun with some pvp...  went and hunted collector items to get me a new set of collector dual subs which also gave me experience and money and loot which I can sell for a lot of money....

See...   a lot of you feel that the only way to level is through missions.  While this is the most efficient way to level... try some of the other ways.  For those of you with a level 20 character without any of the cool uber dungeon loot or haven't even gone to any of the constructs...  don't bother with level 50 obsession.  My advice to you is play the game.

I know it sounds wierd comign from me.  Am I level 50? no.  I made level 41 yesterday.  That's right... in all that not mission running I did gain experience.  

My point in all this unorganized thought should be 1.  let them to finally attempt to balance the game.  It sucks but better late then never.  and 2. enjoy the damn game.  Take your time.  Read everything play with everything... look for stuff enjoy stuff.  If you rush through... you'll realize that you've missed a lot.  I was so obsessed with getting level 50 that I didn't even get to see Yuki.  :(

That makes me sad.  I wish I had gone slower.
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."


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« Reply #39 on: April 19, 2005, 06:07:06 pm »

I think likwid actually just said something that meant something.


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« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2005, 07:38:37 pm »
But this is the only MMO that does this cheaply.  Missions based on Time??? come on.  30 min ??? you gotta be kidding me!

Offline ArchNemesis

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Mission XP Reduction
« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2005, 08:10:14 pm »
i said it before i'll say it again, i'm glad they did this. Now people will try to do everything when in missions not just the objectives but everything else Missions have to offer. Albeit this will take some time to get used to (hell even i'm not used to it but hell i think it was right) but all in all everything will be fine. I remember how fucking bored i was as a level 50. I don't want that to happen again.

Offline Tbone

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Mission XP Reduction
« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2005, 08:51:07 pm »
You don't have to do everything in the mission. You just have to go brain dead for 25 minutes after taking 5 minutes to complete and loot a mission.


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« Reply #43 on: April 19, 2005, 10:16:32 pm »
Missions were already monotonous and boring.  Now they're monotonous, boring and a waste of valuable time.

What is needed is a truely interesting way to gain xp other than grinding missions.  If you're going to "force" people to do something they hate, just to progress in-game, you're damned straight they're gonna find any way possible to either legitimately or otherwise do it the fastest way possible.  I think the devs tend to forget that thought you should have to earn your progress, it should be fun as well.

What do you call a game that isn't fun......let hope the answer isn't MxO.


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« Reply #44 on: April 19, 2005, 10:23:19 pm »
Quote from: "Tbone"
You don't have to do everything in the mission. You just have to go brain dead for 25 minutes after taking 5 minutes to complete and loot a mission.

HAHA to the point where you are staring at the screen and drooling on your keyboard.



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