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Author Topic: XBOX  (Read 2198 times)

Offline likwidtek

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« on: April 17, 2005, 11:35:41 pm »
I'm behind the times... but I just got an xbox.

I'm looking for a modchip... and I would like your reccomendations with the pro's and con's of that chip.

Someone in TS said there was this one that takes the place of the harddrive... but I want to be able to pop a bigger harddrive in it so I can copy games to the harddrive as well.

Thanks n advance.
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."

Offline Eroz

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« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2005, 12:05:48 am »
Go watch, he made a segment on modding all three systems.
"Have you ever tried to dismantle a snowball?" - Linus, Peanut's Gang.


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« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2005, 12:22:39 am »
Shouldn't this thread be in "Off Topic" or something?

Shame on you, Likwidtek, being an admin and not even knowing the proper posting regulations.

Just run a google search on Modchips. There are a few sites that will sell them to you. Mind you, the whole procedure is a very shady business. Very intrusive, involves soldering lots of wires to things and whatnot.


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« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2005, 12:37:16 am »
ok here is some advice from a pro modder. Get an xecuter 3 chip with a 200gb hardrive. That is the best investment you will ever make.


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« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2005, 12:49:42 am »
Is it really worth it to mod the system?  I've always avoided it because I fear that I would break it somehow.


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« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2005, 12:51:54 am »
Consult your friendly neighborhood Electrician before exposing yourself to such hazards as modding an Xbox.

Remember, kids: Safety first.

Offline likwidtek

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« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2005, 01:40:22 am »
NOTE TO SELF:  from teamspeak.

"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."

Offline likwidtek

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« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2005, 01:40:53 am »
Quote from: "Burncycle"
ok here is some advice from a pro modder. Get an xecuter 3 chip with a 200gb hardrive. That is the best investment you will ever make.

Could you give me some pros and cons about this particular one?
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."


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« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2005, 10:43:44 am »
its great, it doesnt suck, what more do you want to know?


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« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2005, 11:53:38 pm »
I am a pro modder as well, so if you have any questions feel free to holler.

Offline likwidtek

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« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2005, 05:12:55 pm »
ok Scr33m.  I have some questions..  Which chip and why?  what are the pros and cons?

Thanks guys.
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."


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« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2005, 10:55:00 pm »
well ive been out of hte mod scene for a while, but if ur a first time modder, or if you arent experienced with making modifications to hardware via soddering, then i would recommend you go with a screw-on chip. no sodering involved, just a couple of screws and you're good. catch is these tend to get loose every few months no matter how tight you screw them due to the springs giving counter-pressure. its no biggy tho, u just reopen your xbox and retighten. i use a Matrix chip, altho mine is like 2 1/2 years old and i dont think they ever made an updated version of it, but it works fine. i dont know about the xecuter3 but last i remember, all the rage was a chip called.... The Chameleon? i think it was? not sure, its been a while. as for getting a 200gig hard drive, by default the xbox had an issue with its file allocation table i think it was, cant read harddrives larger than 137gigs. newer designs are supposed to have some kind of workaround to this, but im not sure how easy that would be or if it would even be worth it. if u have a DVD-Burner on your PC you may not even want to get a new harddrive for it, just use the 10gig that comes with it and burn all your games. im pretty sure you're going to need more info than we could possibly post on this forum tho, so just go checkout its one of the largest xbox mod sites out there and has everything you could need from FAQs and information to software downloads. id avoid their forums tho. even their admins are bunch of flamers and @$$holes and god forbid you ask a question that was 18 pages down on a 29 page FAQ, that FAQ being one of 347 FAQs, cuz u will never hear the end of it. but run thru their FAQs, software, and forum posts and you should get lots of good info.


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« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2005, 11:00:34 pm »
ok, the way i have mine hooked up is with an XBIT chip. those are the best as they do not need to be soldered, better installation and pretty much idiot-proof. if you want a harddrive, i got a 200GB Seagate HD from for around $100. Any PC HD will work in the Xbox since its a sloppy console, all you have to do is format the HD but there are plenty of online tutorials on how to install the chips and HDs.


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« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2005, 11:22:26 am »
ok likwidtek, I have a couple different options depending on a couple of questions.  I am a professional modder of xbox and ps2's so I do a wide range of installs based on the customer and what they are going to do.  So here are some questions and then the best options below.

1) Are you specifically wanting to play on XBOX LIVE?  There are alternative online services that are free such as XLINK kai, or XBOXconnect.  You can usually play more games on here than regular XBOX Live (such as Halo 1).  The best part is that these services are free.   If you DO want to play on XBOX LIVE check out the MODCHIP option at the bottom.  If XBOX live DOESNT matter to you, or if you would like to use the free services, check out the EXPLOIT section below.

2)Do you want to open up your XBOX?  If you dont mind opening up your xbox and installing (solder or no solder) a modchip or harddrive, which will void your warranty, Then check out MODCHIPS.   If you would rather not open up your xbox, and if you would rather burn games onto DVD-R  check out EXPLOIT,   This will keep your warranty valid if anything ever goes bad on your xbox because you never opened it up.

3) Price.   Do you want to spend money ($50 + for a good chip)?  If you want to spend money go MODCHIP, if you want to save that hard earned CASH for MXO then go EXPLOIT.

Ok those are the basic questions now some info on each.    BOTH  MODCHIP and EXPLOIT offer the same features and functions except with modchip it will allow you to turn off the modchip and play on XBOX LIVE.    Both modchip and exploit will allow you to add hardrives, play copied games, add emulators, install Linux, Mac OSX, or Windows, play movies, DVDs, Mpegs and all other media.

MODCHIP SECTION.  This option is for those who are specifically wanting to play on XBOX LIVE.    As far as suggestions on chips I always tend to use or recommend Xecuter 2 or 3 chips.  They have always been a very stable organization that keeps up to date with the scene and does a good job on updating the bios's and features for their chips.  The Xecuter3 offers some additional options such as the LCD screen.   Xenium is another good chip.   Most of my modchip business uses one of those two chips.  They are the only ones that i would officially endorse because they are very well known for keeping their bios's up to date and stable, not to mention offering new features.

EXPLOIT METHOD.  This is the safest, easiest, and cheapest method of hacking an XBOX.  I always recommend people start out with this,  You can always add a chip later.  All this is, is just a software exploit,  gaining access to the OS and exploiting a couple files.  The best thing is that there are "install packages" that do the whole automation for you.  I mod hundreds of xboxs a year and this is the majority of them.  You DO NOT HAVE TO OPEN YOUR XBOX UP.    All that is really involved it using a game save to automatically exploit the files.  There are different methods of doing this, if anyone is interested, contact me and I will discuss the ways of doing this.  The great thing about this method is that EVERYTHING CAN BE UNDONE.  you dont have to open your xbox, you dont have to solder, if anything happens you can revert, if anyting major happens your warranty is still valid.  You can do everything that you can with a modchip with the exception of playing on XBOX live, however you can play on XLINK Kai, or XBOX Connect  which are free services.

In my opinion always go with software mod first, then if you want a chip, go spend 5O bucks and get an Executer or Xenium.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me through PM, in game, or

Offline likwidtek

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« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2005, 04:34:36 pm »
nice dude.  Thanks.  I replied to your post in PM.  What are the limitations of the exploit method?
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