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Author Topic: For all us cat lovers  (Read 1809 times)


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For all us cat lovers
« on: April 13, 2005, 10:09:35 am »
As there seem to be an abundance of cat lovers in this faction, Desync came up with the idea that we should start a topic on this, to let everyone show of their darlings.

So I will start.

First there is Maya, 6 years old. You know the mood bouncy? She has that on all the time. Happy, cheerful, and has an enormous need for cuddling. I love her to death, but even I can get fed up sometimes, and then she charms the hell out of me again. Give her love and food and she is yours forever. And she loves to play catch. This is a cat who does't have a survivalinstinct. When she last met a baby, she let it literary climb over her, and yanking her tail, and she was spinning all the time!!

Then we have the king in the household, Akira, who is 7. Gracefully he has accepted us as his family. A giant, 7 kg but not an ounce of fat on him. Extremely intelligent, and there is not a door he can't open, if it's not locked (he's not a genius), and he always greats me with at the door to tell me about his day. His greatest joy is to lie in my lap, to be really near his mother. Acts like the jealous big brother when Maya is around.


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For all us cat lovers
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2005, 10:33:29 am »
Cats are selfish and vain creatures.  They only pretend to love you because you feed them.
You need a dog.


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For all us cat lovers
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2005, 11:00:13 am »
This is Prince. We've had him since he was able to fit in the palm of my hand. Now he's so big that I can wrap him around my neck.

I've been around a lot of cats in my life and I've never seen one so energetic and responsive as him. After he had surgery (de-clawed and neutered :S ) he was still jumping all over the place and trying to run even though his paws were all busted up. Sometimes he'll listen to me If I tell him to roll over. We play catch, he'll run and grab whatever I throw and bring it back to my feet and then he'll pant like a dog with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. When he did that for the first time, I was laughing like crazy. Sometimes I call him my cat-dog.

He'll be 1 year old in May.


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For all us cat lovers
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2005, 11:27:09 am »
Ok, first of all, someone hit Cortico with the ban stick! He's hijacking our thread! :D

Now, I have 3 beautiful felines :)
You already know one of them, my Avatar, my Rita :D

Rita is deaf, crazy in a good sense, she's got a fetish for shadows (that's why she's crazy) seriously, she CANNOT see a shadow! she just runs and jumps trying to catch the shadow! And.. you got it, even her OWN shadow... eheh
Here she is

Diana, Goddess of the Hunt.
Diana's a sweet loving cat. She just wants to be cuddled all the time, sit on my lap, and she literaly YELLS at me if I don't give her enough attention. She loves to sit on my lap and play with the mouse pointer whenever I play MxO eheh. I'm glad I'm not using voice activation on Team Speak, or else you would hear a lot of swearing and cussing in Portuguese, hehe.
And here she is;

Last but not least, Kinder. Kinder is a very traumathized cat. I picked her at the stairs of my buidling, I thought she belonged to one of my neighbors, knocked on every door, put fliers on every coffee shop nearby, and nada. So I adopted her :)
I can only imagine the suffering she went through while she was lost in the streets, because I have no doubt that she was a Pet cat, not a stray one.
Even today, 3 years after, I still cannot make any sudden movements or loud noises, she'll just start racing across the house looking for shelter. Other than that, she's very sweet and docile.

I don've have pictures of Kinder here at work, but I'll upload them later.


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For all us cat lovers
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2005, 11:59:38 am »
Don't make me post pictures of my doggie dizzle and officially jack your thread.  DeSync, that happens to be one cute looking cat, for a species of mostly ugly creatures.


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For all us cat lovers
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2005, 12:45:44 pm »
He looks thoroughly pissed off to me. My cat is just a lump of lard with a small brain perched precariously between the fluff he calls ears. I mean, all he does all day is eat and sleep. Oh well, He makes a good pillow :)


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For all us cat lovers
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2005, 01:10:32 pm »
i have two cats, the first one:

Corky is my male 4-5 year old cat, but i dont remember exactly, hes orange and white and is only calm when we feed him.  hes pretty big size if i can get some pictures ill post em up when i get back home.  we believe he has two families that take care of him since he can be gone for weeks at a time and then show up randomly out of the blue, he doesnt enjoy being picked up and for free time he likes to lay in the middle of everything and beat up on my dog.

then there is Lilly, she is about 2 years old, cutiest little thing ive ever seen, shes in love with me and wont leave me alone for a sec if i give her attention,she loves to sit on the stairs and watch people as they pass by through my house, she loves affection and any kind of it but at night she always sleeps with me, under the covers next to my stomach, by morning shes in the middle of the bed and im in the corner or clutching on the side hopeing not to fall off.


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For all us cat lovers
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2005, 02:33:14 pm »
My cousin has a ragdoll, it's actually really cute because it's a giant floppy thing with a beautiful coat.  Talk about a diva though.. the cat knows how expensive it was.


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For all us cat lovers
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2005, 02:57:34 pm »
aaw So Cute Ive got 4 cats Muhahaha Beat you all and Ive also got two Dogs


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For all us cat lovers
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2005, 04:18:56 pm »
Quote from: "Cortico"
Cats are selfish and vain creatures.  They only pretend to love you because you feed them.
You need a dog.

Are you implying something, dearie? :) You all know that I am only here to try and take over the faction and steal all your food (Evan will vouch for me on that haha).

I actually have never had a cat, mainly because my brother closest of age to me is allergic to them. :( Oddly enough, I get along with just about every cat I've met .... so mainly we have dogs. Wait, I lied, we've always had dogs. In fact, we call my mom the Dog Whisperer (if you've read or seen the Horse Whisperer) because she can train any dog. First we had a Doberman, and for a big dog bred to be mean, she was the sweetest dog. We had 2 miniature poodles at one time, don't remember them too much cuz I was too young, but the girl thought she was a cat ..... when we moved we got a mutt, a runt actually, looked like a border collie with the markings of a dobe or rot, and TONS of hair. she died right before i left for college :( and then we got our current puppy, who is half husky, and has more energy than all of the people in this faction combined. and boy, does she run :) she only is cuddly if she's sleepy or wants something haha. i've only met a handful of brighter dogs, she's too smart for her own good. she figured out how to open the back door after we'd had her for a week. :p


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For all us cat lovers
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2005, 04:24:41 pm »
Wow, grimKITTEN just hijacked the cat thread to pimp her dogs!

I used to have dogs, but a few years ago I took in 2 cats and they converted me within a few months. I love my cats, even though they live a spoiled lazy life with my parents now. I will post a few pics when I get off work.


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For all us cat lovers
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2005, 04:55:35 pm »
Cortico, I pity you, that you cant enjoy the exquisite pleasure when the cats curls up in your lap and spins.
I will not go into the cat-dog thing, because I love dogs too, and that discussion leads absolutely nowhere. Have had that sooooo many times)


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For all us cat lovers
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2005, 05:05:46 pm »
"a small brian" - Ajax

Where can I find one of these small Brians? I hope they help out round the house lots..


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For all us cat lovers
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2005, 05:09:52 pm »
They do say pets reflect their masters...

Offline ArchNemesis

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For all us cat lovers
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2005, 07:49:22 pm »
i had a turtle once... Oddly enough it ran away... and no i'm not going to explain how.




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