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Author Topic: Quick Notice - Posting on MxO Forums  (Read 5892 times)

Offline Fuse

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« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2005, 05:29:05 pm »
I was thinking the same things grim, just didn't have those words to say it.


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« Reply #31 on: April 10, 2005, 05:44:23 pm »
Since I'm one of the noobs, I thought I'd be nice, but I think we needed the slap in the face that grim just put down.

Offline Tbone

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« Reply #32 on: April 10, 2005, 06:02:51 pm »
Yup, some things need fixing, no doubt. Broin and I were talking before the event last night about setting up some new things. Seriously, if you guys have a problem just talk about it. Don't wait until we're at our lowest point and then decide to kick us in the face. Some of you have approached me privately which is why we've been trying to change some of our methods (mainly how we integrate new members). Let's try to keep a positive outlook on this and work on improving ourselves instead of tearing ourselves down.


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« Reply #33 on: April 11, 2005, 05:18:50 pm »
I can't explain how happy that grim has brought this out in the open. It's something I've wanted to say for a while, but since most people don't really know me and I'm probably still considered a noob, wouldn't really be taken to heart. I've tried expressing my opinions to those I thought could understand the situation and do something about it, but it only seemed to get worse. I thank you grim for putting it as blunt as possible, I probably would have tried to fluff it up a bit so it didn't look too negative...but nonetheless, well said.

I hope we can resolve some of our internal problems soon so we can go back to being the FA I grew to know and admire during the last couple months of beta.

Offline Avzeke (Khr0n1k)

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« Reply #34 on: April 11, 2005, 05:57:13 pm »
Grim i so agree with you and I really didnt fell like saying it because the same reason as benevolence. I mean im guilty with alot of the stuff thats going on to but damn there is some of us who are friggin filled with this thought thinking that the devs owe us somthing and all this other bullshit. I mean sometimes a unknown faction will ask us for a meeting or somthing and I reamember a specific metting and hearing in TS about people constantly saying lets just leave these n00bs and get back to doing somthing else. If thats not nonFA like i dont know what is. But to be honest i do see alot of it coming from our "higher up" or vetern people but not all of it i just see the most of it coming from a few of them. I dont have a issue with any specific people. But there is a few that are cool at times then they just become egotistical. I mean come on this is a VIDEO GAME. yes a game this is not real life.Also being a game there is fierce competition but that doesnt mean anyone needs to get a big head or more of this shit will start happening again till eventually we will be RIP in everyones eyes I already see that happening and some people have even stratight up said it. It is awesome to have a good group of people to be associated with and to team up with but damn dont ruin it by being stuck up or egotistical.

Topherous Jedi Sentinel
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Offline Ketamininja

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« Reply #35 on: April 12, 2005, 04:05:25 am »
Hovercrafts are the key, we must allow groups to be led by captains, and the captians to receive orders from Tbone.
I think if we can start doing this, it creates squads, rather than just a big army that gets out of control.

We must break people down into managable groups otherwise there will never be control.
It is interesting tho, during Beta the story line was not so present, and the community events were more so, at which point we had no problems. Now we have grown, and there is real competition for all events, we need to hone our roles.

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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« Reply #36 on: April 12, 2005, 08:01:04 am »
I want to say, I have grouped with most of you now and I have seen the good and the bad.  I agree with what Grim has to say here.  Although no one likes to hear things that hurt, I think it needed to be said too.

Now I know there will always be higher levels, I think I play quite a lot but I'm still just 27.  I do wish we had a little more organization not just with teams but with information.  You wouldn't believe how many times I have jumped onto team speak to hear a topic, ask about it and then get silence or someone saying oh no not this again.  Well since I never heard it in the first place and I'm interested in the subject I ask, however lately I just end up being quiet because it seems to anger people if I would like clarification on something.  Again this isn't everyone, but it is a vocal minority.  

I can imagine how intimidating Teamspeak is to new members or people who don't not speak well in a group or are a little shy.  If we were all a little kinder in Teamspeak I think we would have alot more participation from the newer members. Again this is my 2 cents take it for what you will, I have only been in this team from day one of the 3 day head start.

Also one suggestion I have so as not to ask the repetitive questions in teamspeak that everyone doesnt want to hear.  Maybe we could add something to the website if we dont already have it like a coder items list.  There are many items im sure I don't have which could be better then what I am using, and of course I'm not just asking people to make me things for nothing.  I have a ton of red frags, and info I would be more then willing to give it to coders in exchange for items.  I just think if there was a list where we could say this is what we need and what do you need to make it for us it might be easier then asking in game.  

I'm sure no one likes to be inturrupted from what they are doing to code something for somone.  This way if you are posting it the coder could make it when they had time and let you know when it was done.

Overall I like this faction very much, but I would like to see more of a team atmosphere.  One last thing, I want to say is I do hear much chatter about other team memebers on Teamspeak and I just want everyone to think, would you want something you are saying about an individual getting back to them?

Some people have thick skins and others do not, so think before you speak, you never know who might be close with that individual you are talking about.

Offline Tbone

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« Reply #37 on: April 12, 2005, 11:29:26 am »
"The grind" is always a stressful time. There are less team events and more of just running missions. As everyone gets to a level they are comfortable out, the stress will even out and we'll settle back in to where we were before. The last beta wipe was a stressful grind as well. I think that's just the nature of the grind. As for talking shit, yeah, I hate negativity as well. I'm guilty of it too sometimes, but we seriously gotta stay positive and make an effort to get to know the new guys. We're working on a few things, so yay...


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« Reply #38 on: April 12, 2005, 11:41:24 am »
grim's right, and we should make a separate thread for this one... so everyone can see this...


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« Reply #39 on: April 12, 2005, 03:26:08 pm »
I Think that too.


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« Reply #40 on: April 12, 2005, 03:27:48 pm »
Maybe You should Sticky another Topic For it>?


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« Reply #41 on: April 12, 2005, 03:32:04 pm »
I'll also have to agree with Archon on his points as well. TS is not a very friendly place to newer members or those who haven't been around a lot of the veteran members. Hell I can barely get a word in when I have something to say, I'm always being talked over or answered with complete silence. I'm not one of the most outgoing people in the faction, but I do have information to share every now and then, but if it doesn't come from one of the older members, no one seems to care.

I do see that TS has also become a place for general discussions even while in game and it's hard to organize anything with a mission team or the faction when this extra conversation is going on (let alone trynig to get a word in over hot mics). I think it's wiser for mission teams to move to their own channel and to have the ordinary chat in the specified channels (yes, TS channels still do have descriptions). Or even the concept of using the hovercraft channels for meetings with the crew or the actual crews running missions together.

I just feel that TS is very busy and unorganized to the point that no one without a big voice can be heard and we lose all logical communication with each other during an event because of people whining about being in combat and killed. I see that Tbone is working with the other captains and such to adjust a few things to make it better, hopefully, but I just thought I'd elaborate on Archon's point a little to point out what I'm seeing when I step into TS.

Offline Avzeke (Khr0n1k)

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« Reply #42 on: April 12, 2005, 03:54:36 pm »
hey benevolence if you want to say somthing do what some of us do and just yell where no one can hear everyone else and then they only hear you. everytime its been done its worked as far as i have heard it has. but yeah i know what you mean with the prob with that but thats a soloution for now.

Topherous Jedi Sentinel
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« Reply #43 on: April 12, 2005, 11:21:48 pm »
please stop posting in the boards guys... its just making it worse


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« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2005, 03:53:17 pm »
Agreed, let us just avoid the boards for awhile longer. We have already seen how they attack each other when we are not there, let them do that for a bit more before we jump back in.



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