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Author Topic: Quick Notice - Posting on MxO Forums  (Read 5895 times)


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« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2005, 03:02:45 pm »
This is in no means saying that I want to leave the faction, seeing as I'm addicted to you knuckleheads X3

But, in all honesty, I'm fucking tired of hearing about how "FA ruins the community". Yes, we resurrected someone wo died, big fucking deal. If they didn't want players to rez other players, the fucking skill wouldn't be there. And besides, we were all just spamming /shakehands , how could we have known that in the 50-100 people standing around the shaper at any given time would have been someone that was rezzed?

AND if they really wanted to use their fucking heads for once, they would have used Bottleneck Field, Stun, Code Freeze, or any of the other things that cause Stun, Root, Etc. on the person who was "invincible". Not that hard. It's called strategy. Stop the fucking bitching, and use your head. This is war. You do what you have to to survive. We're not going to bake brownies, and let the Machines "borrow" a shaper, tell them to be home before dark, and go about making dinner. NO, we're gonna stomp any little squiddie or froggie who gets in our way.

On the subject of the recycling bug, yes, we found it. We reported it on the DAY we found it. We stopped doing it until we got a reply, which was "Go ahead, it's not an exploit, it's just a strategic way of doing it", so we picked up the pace, and hit the grinder. Then we got a message back saying it was an exploit, accounts suspended, etc etc. And we have stopped doing it.

Anywho, now that that's all out, I'm sorry, but seeing as that was going to be a rather large outburst of mine on the MxO forums, I figured I could just get out all out here :)

However, yes, I am getting tired of doing something legitimately, busting our asses for a goal, and then have people claim we're cheating, exploiting, and that we did it easily because we're such a high level. Yeah, I remember what TeamSpeak sounded like last night. Orders being barked, coordinates being relayed, requests for rez, field reports of opposing operatives on sight. It was insane.

And I must have died like 15 times all within the first two shaper deliveries because of all the hackers bombarding the area with destructive  AOE.

I wish people would understand that although we do win almost every single time, it's because we busted our asses, giving it everything we had to win. It was far from a cakewalk


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« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2005, 03:33:43 pm »
I agree with Omegus, I could not care less what is thought about us on those Forums. I have been through alot of MMO forums, and this is easily one of the worst, particularly in regards to dev moderation. Despite the constant FA flaming and hating I read on the forums, I rarely see that carried over into the actual game. I still get alot of respect from the passing players I meet, even alot of our enemies for the most part. The only forums I care about anymore are these, right here.

I honestly am not completely sure how I feel about last night's event. It is easy to get caught up in the moment but in retrospect I have a few doubts about how the whole thing went down. But be that as it may, we still have to consider that we are playing an unfinished product. This game that we are now paying to play, is far from a complete client and is run by a half-assed dev team. Though we were discussing the option of dying and rezzing, the one player we did end up having the shaper follow to the goal had honestly died and was honestly rezzed. We did not start talking about it in hearnest until we realized that it was happening. There is no reason the devs should not have foresaw the idea that perhaps some people are going to want to rez their fellow comrades, and perhaps someone who was rezzed may still want to participate in this event. This does not excuse us from talking about exploiting this, but the case in question for the actual score was an honest, "Oh shit your dead? One sec, I will pick you up." "Hey, thanks let me go back to trying to get this shaper, oh hey wtf? I am untouchable."

Furthermore, from the best we could tell that shaper had a person playing behind him. How does a dev controlling an event character not see something that blatantly obvious? Since the devs are having us run these events on a buggy client that can hardly even handle the load, it is their job to try and work around the bugs they have yet to fix. I see no reason why that shaper could not see what was happening, stop, and say that he had to follow someone else. I do not even know if we could have handed the shaper off to someone else, once he followed someone he did so until that person died for the most part.

It is important that we judge our actions amongst ourselves, without any outside influence. We are all humans and we make mistakes, and we will continue to grow because of them. However given our position of power within this community, it is easy to shoulder more blame or fault then we may actually deserve. Many of the problems we have been having recently, from the mission recycle to not paying as much attention to our lower lvl players, can be traced back to the fact that we are trying like mad to keep up with a broken game(with bad CSR) that, instead of starting off slow to work out the kinks, is steaming full force forward and is damn close to leaving even our hardest working players behind.

The important part is that we as a community, our own little community outside of the entire enumerator community, stand together to get us through these times and into the times when we will be playing in a stable client, where our top brass has gotten to where they need to be and can concentrate the non-story event time on assisting the lower lvls, and maybe, just maybe, we have a CSR team that can give us the service we need and perhaps even(ok this may be pushing it) moderate the forums and get involved in the community.


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« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2005, 03:53:00 pm »
ok not to sound like a total idiot, i just want a play by play on wtf happened that night?!?! jesus crist lol ive never seen so many posts hating us than right now, wtf just happened?!? all i really got was rez then we were untouchable...wat!?  i agree with professor, dev and csr team need to pick it up a couple of notches to get off their ass and work at this game, its got potential but if we have players that are able to just post this random bs on the god! sorry i just saw like 5 posts right at the top as i went into if someone can explain to me what happened. thanx


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« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2005, 04:01:25 pm »
I too would love to hear what's up. I'm totally lost and have only been gone about 27 hours. This is my only complaint of MxO, you aren't ingame for a day or 2 and you can really fall behind on what the hell is going on.

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« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2005, 04:05:20 pm »
You know what, it doesn't matter anymore. What happen, happened. The shit hit the fan and now we are the scape goat for taking all of the crap. The CSR can’t back us up because it seems they show too much favoritism to us already. (Because we did this legit and turn in CSR reports.) The dev’s and WBIE/Monolith have fucked us over because they did release a half assed product. These bugs, whether used intentionally or unintentionally, ruined the game for a lot of people. The Merv’s and Mach’s for losing and us for having to take all of this crap. (The only people who are winning right now is the rest of Zion.) Did we exploit? No matter what excuses or reasons we can come up with, yes we did. As of now there is nothing we can do about it. Am I pissed because now I have to look over my shoulder and give reasons for everything we do? Hell yes. I decided to make today my staying out of the game and TeamSpeak server day, as well as bump my 6 month long subscription to MxO to a one month subscription. As everything is going down right now, MxO is going to earn the rank of another SWG.

The only thing we can do is take this like a human and accept what we have done. The only suggestions I can think to fix the problem rather then fueling are all bunk. There is nothing we can do about it but wait and see what the CSRs decide to do with us. The rest of the community can hopefully forgive us in time, but I find that unlikely. So yes the shit hit the fan and everything is fucked and guess what. We can’t do a damn thing to fix it.
"Have you ever tried to dismantle a snowball?" - Linus, Peanut's Gang.

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« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2005, 04:15:48 pm »
Story of what happened.
Orcale told us that shapers where the only people that could reconstruct Neo's RSI.
A few hours later Niobe told us that the Shapers are around and that they need to be lead into Subways.
About 20 minutes later we got a system message saying that a Shaper is at X, Y, Z.
We all go there, find and see this Shaper. After basically being told be the Shaper we found we needed to shake his hand and he would follow us.
We shook his hand we started to lead his to the nearest subway and had to redirect to the subway he wanted to go to.
While leading him, Jokerz and other faction were following and trying to kill us.
[Start shit storm]
The others did kill a few of us, we rezzed those who had fallen. (It turns out that you are NON PVPable once you been rezzed until you fight or type /pvp. Did we know about this? Yes, for the most part.)
We then just started spamming /shakehands with the Shaper and whoever got it first would start leading the Shaper to his subway.
(The first time, I think, we did this clean. The second time, Tbone, who was just rezzed got the Shaper. The third time, we had burncycle (level 11[right?-eroz] AKA unPVPable) lead him.)
Now in the aftermath the mach's and Merv's are pissed because we won using a glitch in the system at least once if not twice, if not three times over. This in turn has caused us to turn on ourselves and have to be on the defensive about fricking everything.
"Have you ever tried to dismantle a snowball?" - Linus, Peanut's Gang.


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« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2005, 04:16:46 pm »
I'm sorry... but i do believe it needs to be pointed out... than all of the posts flaming out are by known trolls, exploiters and enemies of zionists... at this point it seems to me that this is a cheap tactic to eliminate the compition... i bet you money if FA was banned they'ed start up on the next zion faction down the line.

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« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2005, 04:20:40 pm »
In regards to the missions cycling, I think we handled that in the best way possible. None of that was our fault.

Last night was a mess and it will probably haunt us for a while. What it boils down to is the situations that occurred made us look really bad, and we probably should have made a bigger effort to avoid it.

The goal was to get this guy to shake your hand and lead him to a subway. The whole time, however, you were under attack by the opposing organizations. We were smart enough to have a rezzer ready and even had him invisible so that he'd be ok. I was leading our first goal when I got attacked and died. I was rezzed and was able to get back to him and shake his hand again and lead him the rest of the way. Shortly after the first goal I realized I wasn't attackable. Turns out the rez "non-pvp" effect never wore off. I don't know if it's supposed to be that way or not.

It was quickly brought up that this could be used to our advantage - we could /suicide and rez. I told everyone not to do this, and it was agreed we would not take advantage of it. We battled out for our second goal, but in the end it was someone who had died in battle and been rezzed that got him to the subway. In this instance, we should have tried to do something different, but we didn't.

The third time we were once again battling out and burncycle got the guy to shake his hand. Burncycle is level 10, so his PvP flag was not turned on.

None of it was planned but it happened. We probably should have taken more steps to avoid it but we didn't. Now we're dealing with the consequences. We didn't purposefully cheat, but in the end it was a cheap bug or method that secured the goals. In one way we were a victim of the way the PvP system is currently setup - in another way we probably could have taken more steps to keep from ending up using the cheap way.


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« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2005, 04:22:45 pm »
I will say a few words because I've encountered this very issue in each and every gaming team/group I've run.

Before I start, I am not saying here that member(s) purposely did anything wrong, but the following is why we should be very conscious of how we play because as proven here, even unintentionally actions can have a lasting negative effect.

We cannot get so caught up in the moment and/or caught up in the  race to be bigger, better, faster, stronger.....or whatever, that we allow our standards to slide and our character to come into question.  We cannot be willing to compromise the reputation of our faction to get ahead and expect people to respect us.....for what?  Being able to kick ass in a faction battle?  Respect require much more than that.  Looking for short cuts and easy ways to "get the job done" is doing exactly that: compromising the reputation of FA.  

I may not say much, but I listen in on discussions, conversations and chatter on TS more than you think.  I hear alot of people making excuses for actions we probably should have stayed away from in the first place.  Staying away from even the appearance of exploiting is just as important as not blatantly exploiting.   As you noticed, even the mere mention or appearance of doing anything dishonest, in game, brought on a shit storm that probably could have been avoided had we stopped to think,  "Ok, this seems like a loop hole or a short cut  that gives us an advantage that was not intended by the game designing team. Before we use it AT ALL, we may want to point it out and clarify with the gaming staff and get an official word on it."

True, some of our members have been unjustly treated, even by the gaming staff and FA, as a whole has taken some undue flaming, but it all stems from how we initially handled each of these situations.   Bottom line is that we need to take responsibility for our part in this whole mess and I dare say that that part is much bigger than any of us would like to admit.  We need to make sure it doesn't happen again because it is very easy to lose a good reputation, but is is extremely difficult to lose a bad reputation.  We can blame this all on the community and how they handled it, and in many cases, we'd be correct.  However, this community is no different than any other community and we should know what to expect from people given the circumstances.  This should have surprised no one.

Another thing that people notice is that we have this horrific brain buster of a screening process for potentials to prove that they mentally, have what it takes to join the Angels, we spout all this philosophical mumbo jumbo at them, in the name of a faction with a higher purpose, but does this actually carry over into how we play the game?   or do we only pull it out when its convenient for us?  Do even we, ourselves, even believe this whole spiel that we give our potentials?  If so, then lets prove it by our actions and methods of playing in-game.  One of the things I kept hearing last night was that we didn't think about it at the time, how it could be construed, we weren't purposely trying to use a game flaw....etc...etc....  Well, we, as Furious Angels, need to start thinking about this stuff before the fact.  Any time you have a good thing going that attracts lots of attention, you live in a glass house and under a microscope.  This may not be how it SHOULD be, but that is how it is.  If we want to keep this good thing going, we will have to learn how to deal with everything that comes with it (good and bad) in a manner that allows us to maintain our good reputation and our dignity.

Be proud to be an Angel, but always keep a measure of humility as well.  We should take care not to come off as arrogant pricks.

I am enjoying being an FA member and I'll be here for the ups as well as the downs, but we need to always be conscious that our actions are representative of the image that FA's leadership has given us to uphold.

For now, we should do as Tbone has said and not feed the trolls in game or out of game.

To better days ahead, for the Angels....

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« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2005, 04:29:59 pm »
To better days ahead.....
"Have you ever tried to dismantle a snowball?" - Linus, Peanut's Gang.


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« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2005, 04:31:26 pm »
I'm sorry but... im not the kind of person who can keep his mouth shut... if I am to be punished for it so be it...

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« Reply #26 on: April 10, 2005, 04:33:09 pm »
Damn Hindsight.
"Have you ever tried to dismantle a snowball?" - Linus, Peanut's Gang.

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« Reply #27 on: April 10, 2005, 04:45:50 pm »
I guess we just will have to wait to see what Aether says.
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."


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« Reply #28 on: April 10, 2005, 05:09:20 pm »
Thia faction has grown completely out of control.

We are no longer organized. Last night was the best example. When Sevker was here, one of his very first posts was regarding TS and how it should be run. I believe Tbone even made it a sticky. It is obvious that no one reads it because no one follows it. On TS, sure, there are times for goofing off and pointless chatter. In events like last night, however, there was no organization. It was the messiest pile of crap I have ever heard in the 9 or so months that I've been here. And that's just TS!!

Teaming up with people is bullshit to anyone anymore. I'm talking to all of the people in their high 30s up to the level 50s. We addressed this in a post in the staff room and all we did is yell at each other. People don't care about leveling anymore, they want a place in the storyline. Which brings me to the next issue.

People have gotten big-headed, in everything and every way. Every single one of us is guilty of it, me as well as the next guy. We KNOW that we are a powerful faction, and so we ACT like it. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Look around!! Do you see anything but corruption? Look at the recent threads!! How many of them are us bitching at each other, pointless chatter, or giving ourselves big pats on the back? And you wonder why the devs have been "ignoring" us lately? Hell, I don't know how many times during this storyline progression that I have heard on TS or seen in faction chat: "Let's see the devs leave us out NOW!!" ..... how much more egotistical can we get?

Half of the problem I believe is due to the balance of the old vs new members. Generally speaking (there will always be exceptions), we have a handful of old members and an overwhelming bulge of new members. Of the old members, there are a handful who really are those arrogant, stuck up bastards who think of nothing but themselves, and they know it, and they don't care. Why do you think so many people have left after being here for several months? Of the new members, half of them have no clue what is going on, while the other hald see what the old members do and try to mimic them, thinking it will gain them some spot in the faction, and for some it does.

How can we be pulling in so many new members and telling them all of these great things about us ("We are positive gamers," "We care more about maturity than age," etc.) when we are falling apart on the inside?!? For the most part, TS is rarely used for actual gaming purposes. It's used for pointless chatter and for flaming people behind their backs. I have heard so many people talk smack about other members that it makes me not want to have anything to do with them. Pride is the first and most dangerous of the Seven Deadly Sins, and it is tearing this faction limb from heart. Before we "get on those interviews" and keep reeling in "fresh meat," we need to start stitching up our own problems and talk to people we have direct issues with face to face, not behind their backs on TS where "they'll never know."

The "laid-back" attitude of this faction has left it in nothing but shambles. I'm not talking military preciseness, but we need to have more organization and more control over OURSELVES than we do now. People bark orders at each other and yell and bitch and whine and complain, and it does NOTHING. Get off your asses, look around, stop talking about each other and DO something about it. We're a fucking mess.


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« Reply #29 on: April 10, 2005, 05:26:18 pm »
I'm accually going to have to agree with grim on this one... Although I am a reletivly new member... I have seen a downfall... There is a lack of organization... and a change in attitudes as well... I believe that this is partly in fault of stress over the grind of leveling, farming frags, flamebaiting in the forums and in game... and the lack of moral... We need to seriously get our butts back in line... I know im just a regular member of FA... not a captain or  a staff memeber... but you guys gotta get your heads together before we fall apart



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