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Author Topic: Quick Notice - Posting on MxO Forums  (Read 5891 times)

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« on: April 10, 2005, 04:20:21 am »
For the time being please do not post on the Enumerator: General forum, especially on topics relating to us. Let's not feed the trolls for a while. Thanks.

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« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2005, 05:03:44 am »

This hurts!



Posts: 2
From: The Syndicate on Enumerator
Registered: 3/31/05
   Re: Monolith you cant cover up this grand screw up
Posted: Apr 10, 2005 2:50 AM   in response to: Psycidelicos in response to: Psycidelicos    
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They cheated by using the ressurection bug, whereby you ressurect someone after a duel, and they are unattackable in PvP. FA did this, they ressurected a fellow member who led the shaper without worrying about being attacked by an opposing organization. Essemtially, they were "invicible" for a period of time.

I love how FA tries to be the great "leader" behind this whole game, but in the end they end up being the same egotistical, sackless chumps as the people they claim to be above. Face it, FA, you guys are weak. Not because of your numbers, god no. Because of your character (or obvious lack thereof). And what pisses me off more than anything is how it all just falls under the radar...oh, what was that? you guys found the cycler exploit?! thank you guys so much for pointing that out to the devs and evening the game out..........after using it up unto the point where OTHER people started to use it.

and one thing that just gets me i haven't seen a single MFing post of an FA trying to redeem or rectify themselves. this is beautiful. mmmm, is that humble pie tasty, FA? I hope it is, because you're gonna need to eat every single last bite of it.

Man we gotta do something.  He's got some points.  We need to put ourselves back where we were.  We're no longer respected and I do believe there is a way to gain their respect back.  We just need to really work hard to get it back.

And to be honest with ourselves guys...  no matter what we say...  we knew it was wrong to cycle those missions for so long... and we knew it would be wrong to have that shaper follow someone who was non pvp because he was ressurected.

Take a look around the enumerator genereal forums guys.  We're no longer respected.  And I don't feel that it's because we're better... I think they are starting to get some valid points.

Just want to get that out in the air that we all need to start leading by action.  I want to be respected and admired in the game... not feared and looked down on because we cheat or play dirty.
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."

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« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2005, 05:05:19 am »
ugh... we need to bring the community together again...
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."


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« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2005, 05:15:23 am »
likwidtek, I've been saying this for the past 3 weeks...but no one listens...I hope your words are heard louder then mine :)


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« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2005, 07:57:23 am »
Tbone is right, ignore them... let them feed themselves.. they start a flame post and if we reply it propagates the post.  If no one replies to this crap, there will be a couple of flames but then it has to just die down.  They're not going to flame if they eventually get the point that we're not going to give them our attention anymore.

There are a bunch of PhD's running around.. that's short for player hating dickheads.. no matter what we do, there are certain people who have and share inherent loathing that will never, ever turn to our favor.  To hell with them.  And stop replying to them, even in jest.  The developers don't even read the Enumerator board because not a single constructive post has EVER come from it.  There are three subforums:  General, Market and Recruitment.

General - Full of flames, no one generates anything constructive, devs don't read.. no reason to post.
Market - Full of people trying to sell the female versions of dungeon loot.  We already have all the gear they're trying to sell.
Recruitment - Even our recruitment thread has been hijacked.. only on Enumerator, not on the general forums.  People know where to find us.

There is really no reason for any of us to use that forum and the more we use it, the more firewood there is.

Likwidtek, the only reason the 'exploiter' thing came around is because we're the only people who have admitted to using it.  And that's the bottom line.   The cycle exploit thing is done.  It will never be done in the court of public opinion but the developers don't seem to be bothering us about it so it's done in the court of justice.

The problem is that we've been feeding them for too long.  We've been constantly on the defensive.. when you're always on the defensive you're always justifiying your actions and you begin to look guilty.  

The Enumerator boards are not an adequate representation of "the community."  I still had two different small faction leaders contact me yesterday and ask if they could be our allies, to which I directed them to the bluepills forum and/or to Tbone.  The Enumerator forum is used by the same 30 trolling assholes all the time.  Look at any post.. you will see the same signatures over and over.  If that's the community you need to impress, I say fuck it.  I've had enough of the Continuity and their continuous inflammatory posts. I'm disappointed with Viral Humanity and their exploiters and Mek for turning his respectable database website into a FA bashing post.  Screw New Method and Arktur's dog with the cigar.  Guru's circular machine ring, Antharas'  green dragon. Rap's stupid gnome Give up on this "community."  They're not worth impressing.

If no one posts anything for an entire week, I guarantee the FA hating posts will decrease 80% because if they see we don't give a shit as to what they have to say, then most of them will stop.  And if they don't stop, at least only the haters will be dancing around their own campfire and we won't be there on the defensive.

I don't ever believe in censorship but I wouldn't even mind if only Tbone posted on that forum for a while on all of our behalf and only where he saw necessary.  But it's just my thought that after seeing the kind of heat I saw there this morning, we should just boycott that forum entirely for a while and see if it cools down.


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« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2005, 08:48:52 am »
in regards to not being respected on the general forums... it does seem to be the same ones leading it over and over again. upon my acceptance into FA, i knew that i would inherit the flack given to us. thats why the question regarding how we would deal with is was asked during the interview. at that time tho, the biggest flack we had was with the collective. and then when they decided to change thier mind, and go to method everyone of us knew that something would step in to take over the rivalry. in this case, its about 10 forum trolls leading it. while the collective kept it mainly to ingame, these hypocrites tend to not be so civil.

i missed this weekend's events due to it being my girlfriend's birthday. so i dont know what the whole shaper event is. however im confident that we played the best we knew how to. everyone that is criticizeing is looking at the situation from the outside. they dont know what was being said on teamspeak, the tactics being used. the teamwork that was involved. maybe just taking a step back from always being on the defensive will do some good.


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« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2005, 10:43:31 am »
They don't know the kind of organization that goes into this organization, they probably shouldn't.. let them think we're all hacking the Monolith database to succeed.. don't let them know that during this event, and due to different time zones and caffeine for 24-hour cycles, we had a team dedicated to farming frags, a team dedicated to preventing the other sides from turning the frags in, an investigative team dedicated to trying to decifer the keywords given to us by the live event team and a team that was supposed to be studying for an embryology final (oh shit that was supposed to be me).

If you look already, by us not defending ourselves they have already started to turn on each other.. they're like piranhas, literally.  Obviously, we're their favorite target due to their playerhating of our organization but when we're not around.. look what they do to each other:

Look and laugh.
You should also see how people are defending us in our stead.  There's a guy named Pauleh who's been real cool about telling people to lay off the flaming and handle things different.  Not to mention that the thread Psych started which he directed at Monolith but secretly wanted to turn into a FA roast has turned into a "Psych, quit whining" thread.

Do we still have people who would actually use the /grovel emote to join our faction?  Yep.  Is there a line of pending interviews?  Yep.  Do people want to be our allies?  Yep.  Do people still just come up to you to /bow or /wave or something just to get your attention when they don't even know you?  Yep.

Just because this shitstorm of a board, which does consist of literally 30 daily posters, has a negative view on us doesn't mean we've lost the community.  Ignore the boards for a week and count the positive vs negative experiences you have in game that are purely because of your alliance to this magnificent organization and then reasses if you think the community really hates us.

I, for one, am convinced that it's just the annoying group of whiners who troll the Enumerator section of the boards because they are actually getting the attention of others and for too long did we, myself definately included, stoop to their level.


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« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2005, 11:22:37 am »
We will only gain respect by the community when we first respect the community. We already do this (or should if not already).

Just remember the Golden Rule. By setting the example, others will step up and the maturity level of the entire server (minus the childish flamers) will step up with us and follow us to a Zion victory on Enumerator.


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« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2005, 11:25:27 am »
As said before it is always the same people as before. If you go read the threads that have been brought up it seem that the flames have already died down. The few that haven't are just turning on each other.  Mek has already withdrawn the full statement on MatrixDojo. (As well as took out the comment section to headlines.) So go team and <soupnazi>NO POST FOR YOU</soupnazi>
"Have you ever tried to dismantle a snowball?" - Linus, Peanut's Gang.


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« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2005, 11:32:40 am »
I for one could care less what this community thinks anymore. From day one I have helped all that I could and had a kind word for anyone I talked to. Where did that get me? All I care about is how we see ourselves. We need to take a good look in the mirror. I agree with both Likwid and Cortico's earlier posts in this thread. Some things have seemed to change since launch and I feel it is important that we reitterate on what helped make this faction what it is today. However, I also feel it would be a mistake to cater to the demands of fags that flame us everyday in the forums. Anyone with common sense can see these guys are flame baiting. Maybe something needs to be said, but let's do it on our own terms, not as a result of being "called out" by a jealous forum troll. WE WILL NEVER BE LIKED BY EVERYONE. Maybe hard to swallow for some of you, but hey, that's life. What is important is that we remain true to ourselves and our ideals. DO NOT START BELIEVING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY ABOUT US. We all know what this faction is about. Perhaps we lost sight of that in this case, but we are all still good honest gamers. This wouldn't have even been half the issue it has become if we weren't in the spotlight all the time. The pressures of community scrutiny can be trying. I hope we can ALL remain strong and stand as one faction/ one opinion on this matter. It is key that we stand together. That's my word.


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« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2005, 12:50:46 pm »
From Aether in Psys thread this doesnt sound good:

Contrary to some of the opinions shared in this thread, the concerns posted to the forums are taken quite seriously.

We are aware of the accusations that a technical glitch may have allowed players an unfair advantage during Saturday's Shaper event. We are currently investigating the situation and once we have definitive data, we will act appropriately to rectify the situation.

Please be advised that any goals that were achieved with unfair advantage will be considered null, and removed from the overall score.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and we look forward to a timely resolution of the matter.

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« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2005, 12:51:08 pm »
I haven't been on in a few days - sure sounds like an FA or group cheated. Any official word on the events for in-faction members who wern't around?

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« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2005, 01:21:54 pm »
Ok, I think I might just boycott them completely.
All the noteworthy posts go unnoticed anyway.

FA is still on top. Just look at how much people be on our "jock" and "hating"... lol
Not to mention the PATH, people are piling in.

Those who don't like us, well, I guess they need to restock their medication. Nothing more, I couldn't care less anymore if someone is pissed off. Forums always end up this way. Personally, I would ban any trolls.

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« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2005, 01:30:59 pm »
and how many times last night while you guys were trying to lead around the shapers where people arguing about rezzing?

"/suicide then let someone rez you"
"no, that's an exploit"
"well wait til you die then"
"no, it's still an exploit."

and you all did it anyway. then you finally made use of poor low level yoyo, who you had been ignoring 100% prior to that time. glad i got left behind last night. it was a cheap way to get what you wanted. your "brainstorming" room turned into mush, you guys had no plan, everytime someone suggested something they were ignored. i don't blame that person for posting that.


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« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2005, 02:29:07 pm »
They did that to Yoyo?! I enjoy working with him, leveling, farming, running missions. We're only two levels apart (unless he made 11 last night) and he's practically the only other person in FA that I've gotten to know that isn't over level 16.

Once we begin exploiting ourselves for faction advantage, we loose our own community and all is lost. What the story characters have all said applies to everyone. Once we all start working together, the common goal will become clear and the path will be there to follow.

Put it in comparison to our own challenge. The path is there, but in our case, we must work together in order to see it.



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