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Author Topic: Having Some Problems...  (Read 2195 times)


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Having Some Problems...
« on: October 29, 2004, 10:29:10 pm »
Ok, I finally got my beta account, yeah, yeah, w00t, w00t...

But only one issue...NOTHING IS WORKING!!! YOu can't imagine how upset I'm feeling lol....Anywayz, I'm planning on going out tomorrow and spending hundreds of dollars because I feel my computer is waay below par...but stil lthe program ran on it, so I'm wondering why it's not working.

When i try playing MxO beta what happens is:

1. Ask me for my username and password Which btw is Eclipser, and not Incidia...

2. Brings up the world screen, and asks me to choose. Then it has an option at the bottom of the window that says play. I click.

3. Then like a blow to the head it says the "specified module can not be found."

4. Then is says file client.dll could not be found, or that an error occurred while loading it....

5. Then, like I didn't know it states to me that the operation is closing down now....I'm fine with it not working, but to have the audacity to tell me that it's going to close down now!!!!

Please, somebody for the love of God, help me remedy this situation!!!! PLEASE!! I BEG OF YOU!!!!

Offline Lithium

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Having Some Problems...
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2004, 10:56:26 pm »
did you submit a ticket to technical support. They can maybe further help you if we can't.

Don't believe everything you think.


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Having Some Problems...
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2004, 12:27:59 am »
Try a full system check while you wait.

Login, check the box in the lower left, then click Play or Create (whichever one is not greyed out) and see what happens.

BTW. If you can click Play, you managed to create a char and then had that problem? Double weird if so... Just curious. :)


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Having Some Problems...
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2004, 09:39:17 am »
Yeah, I'm tryng a full system check, I thought of it yesterday, but it was taking soooo loooong....Gilette, I was able to activate my beta ccount, only thing is when I click play...nothing happens except telling me that the program is going to shut down...

Offline Ketamininja

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Having Some Problems...
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2004, 08:13:01 am »
Yeah the full check takes a long time. Perhaps because its verifying and replacing (perhaps) 3GB!! ARGHH!!

Hopefully you got that sorted :D

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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Having Some Problems...
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2004, 08:36:05 am »

I meant New. And Continue.

There is no Play button on the first screen. :P Silly me.

Quote from: "mxo.eris"
As indicated by the long discussion of what factors contribute to causing this bug, tracking down the exact cause of the "client.dll" error problem has been tricky.

We are aware of the problem and are working on solving it. It has not been forgotten, and any information you send in on a petition about the problem is helpful.

That said, please avoid flaming anyone on these boards, including our Dev team. Circumventing the profanity filters is prohibited. Either of these things can be grounds for removal from the forums and possibly the beta.



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Having Some Problems...
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2004, 08:44:54 am » the devs on the beta boards? Hahahahahaha....

But seriously, onto something more important.....I went out and spent $500 on shit to upgrade my computer...Results:

* Found out the 2 512 sticks of DDR Ram I bought is incompatible, and I need SDR Ram....

* Found out for some reason the 80 Gig Harddrive I bought is somehow not registering or causing my computer to somehow malfunction

* I think that I somehow broke the clasps that hold in my Ram (Dear God I know...)

* For some reason when I try to boot up my computer it first came on and made a clicking noise, and wouldn't boot up my compuer, then after some tinkering around it booted up in standby mood and still did nothing, then after some trial and error it booted up regular but STILL did nothing...

Dear God I believe that all of technology hates me for some reason...Please if anyone has any technical expertise, please help this poor soul...I asked a friend and he mentioned something about my BIOS, but I'm not until then I'm going to have to use my school's computer to keep in touch, exchange my Ram and find out prices for a new BIOS....

Offline Ketamininja

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Having Some Problems...
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2004, 09:21:47 am »
If you require SDR memory then you have an older rig, right?
Some of the older motherboards cannot recognise hard drives over 32GB. I don't know if this is your problem, but if you pop over you your mobo's manufacturers website you should find out.

You can usually upgrade your BIOS, which can be dangerous - so only do it if you need to, but this might get the 80GB drive working.

I hope you got more for your money than just the memory and harddrive for $500!!

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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Having Some Problems...
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2004, 08:41:52 am »
Oh yeah, certainly. The harddrive was 89 bucks, and the DDR was 160 a piece. But, since they don't carry 512 MB SDR I had to return them...IDK if I need to get a new mother I'm basically buying a new computer...this is soo crazy!

I've tried unhooking my 80 gig harddrive and everything like that and it *still* doesn't work....So until then, no beta....and no anything else until I can get my computer up and running at my house....

Keta what I ended up buying for the 500 bucks was

* 80 gig harddrive

* 2 512 DDR Ram sticks

* 2 new speakers with a subwoofer

* and a spyware software cd - cuz I need it badly

Offline Ketamininja

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Having Some Problems...
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2004, 10:57:45 am »
Well, I would get another mobo... it'll be best in the end.
If you're willing to pay this much cash, then another $100(max) for a good mobo wont break the bank?? :D (I'm UK, so I'm not sure on US prices).

It's always hard to keep up to date. If you a "too new" mobo, then your current CPU probably will not fit. Speak to the sales guy, and tell him what system you have - hopefully he will give you correct information.

Otherwise, post the link of the shop and I'll have a look at what they have to offer.
Also, post your FULL system spec.

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.



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