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Author Topic: Eligoh's Resignation  (Read 8152 times)


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Eligoh's Resignation
« Reply #45 on: October 15, 2004, 03:12:54 pm »
And that's why I gave up, we've both got our views, and in the end we're just gonna be repeating ourselves a lot.


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Eligoh's Resignation
« Reply #46 on: October 15, 2004, 03:19:38 pm »
OK man let's call an end to it then.
/me shakes Syntax's hand.
No hard feelings?


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Eligoh's Resignation
« Reply #47 on: October 15, 2004, 03:21:34 pm »
aaaayyy! Never any hard feelings :D



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Eligoh's Resignation
« Reply #48 on: October 15, 2004, 03:25:04 pm »
Ok cool.  :D

Let's get this back on track. Eligoh, you will be missed.


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Eligoh's Resignation
« Reply #49 on: October 15, 2004, 05:24:10 pm »
And perhaps the best observation......

You wouldn't have been allowed to have this discussion  in the Reich.

Until you have walked the grounds haunted by those dead, had a woman come up to you crying and show you her tattoo'ed number...and refuse to let you go because you wear the uniform of the Army that saved her....until half your family left their home, came here, and went back to fight and die in the towns near where they grew up on because they recognized that evil and KNEW it had to be fought......I just don't even really give two shakes what you think.  It might be "nasty" but, any assertation using GOOD and HITLER in the same sentence is just plain stupidity. Unless it is about him offing himself and the Reich being wiped away.

If I piss on your leg, it WILL get wet.  Fact of life you cant dispute. Same with this putzwad evil summnabich.

 I've never met a skinhead or other POS who they haven't had to pull me off of yet.  Grow up with kids asking you if YOU are a facist , or evil, because your family emigrated from Germany.  Yea,  I really take issue with any defense of Hitler.

The issue is ABSOLUTELY NOT about  some supposed good  he did no good.  The way to hell may sometimes be paved with good intentions, but  a black hole express lane to Lucifers confrence room is opened by machinations such as his.  

The issue is.......WITH all that tragic is it that it was all used for pure unmitigated evil??  The issue is, how sad is it that he managed to accomplish what he did.   The issue it possible to find a way so that it never happens again.  

I never heard Eligoh go off on the topic, and I hope the kid looses that fascination.  The purest evil sometimes wears the sweetest smile, Death often deals the softest kiss.  Nothing but black down that road.  The first hit is always free....

I would have had something to say, yea.

But.....that never came up.  Wishing for understanding on that topic won't  go over with me, either.  

Feh on the "Im ignored on Teamspeak".  When I have a question, I ask.  I banter, sometimes people say something....sometimes they don't.  Ok.  Nobody has been rude yet.  Other than that....its there. I hang out.  I wasnt aware it was a popularity contest, but, until you log umpteen hours and bust your butt for FA or the game.....shadddap.

Sooooo..........hadda  rant, sorry. Seen toooooo much of it in my life not to.  

Hope the kid has fun on MXO, hope he looses whatever fascination/admiration he has for that evil POS.  Best wishes, c-ya.


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Eligoh's Resignation
« Reply #50 on: October 15, 2004, 05:40:14 pm »
Thus is the product of ignorance ^
But I can say the same about Eligoh.

Columbus was alot worse, and you dont see people walking about bashing him :P


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Eligoh's Resignation
« Reply #51 on: October 15, 2004, 07:15:51 pm »
Christopher Columbus was worse than Hitler?  

Uhm, I dont think Im buying that one.

He didn't "discover" America, but that "spin" in the books , colonialism,  imperialism, manifest destiny, etc that lingered well after him was not the legacy or result of a single man.  Nazism (more or less) was.

The common thread between Central and Northern Americas (in that regard) are that European empires colonized them.  That evil spread slowly, and lingered longer.  Hitler and 20th century facism was a much more aggresive cancer, and was cut out.

Span did their own thing down in Central America.  I'd have to read up on ole' Chris, but....I don't think he was the Fuhrer of Spanish Colonialism.  I think they had a king, oh, and that cooky Catholic Church.  Somehow I'd be willing to bet that 'Boys-R-Us' had more to do with it than Christopher Columbus. "Gots ta get dem savages sum reeeeeligin! Oh, and if they have any gold....lets be sure to take that too. "

Uhm, but........if you are going to even BEGIN to tout the virtures of Hitler.....well, while nowhere near innocent....Id again cast  my lot with the rest of western civilization.  

Not like ANY civilization can claim Utopian innocence.  The Greeks, the  Native American Tribes, hell, the US of A.....all had Civil Wars, all societies have stains on their history.  They are, after all, human.  People make choices. Some choices, some people, some lives...are just really bad karma.

Hitler was just a wholly evil human.  Nope, you wont convince me of any good that man did. You just wont.  No, I cant divorce some very strong emotions on the topic.  I admit it.  If Im 'ignorant' because of that fact....t.hen....well.......ok.  I'll gladly take the hit on this one.

Eh. Anywho.   If you want to start a discussion about CC....ok...sure...Im open.  I might have my whole head around this wrong.

Not  Hitler, though.   Not able to.  I admit it.  If nothing else we will have to agree not long as I don't see a swastika, or Hitler in a sig.....I guess I can just walk away from the topic.


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Eligoh's Resignation
« Reply #52 on: October 15, 2004, 08:47:32 pm »
Quote from: "Sevker"
I'd like to publicly thank our grandparents for surviving the worlds most darkest years.  I'd also like to give out  a nice hefty FUCK OFF to anyone who sees any good in Hitlers rule, thought process or fuck'n day to day activities.

*edited for your profuck'n tection*



What we all have to understand is that we can't look at this emotionally. We have to be objective. Objectively, Hitler brought hope. The people were willing to let other individuals die, to be killed in the most horrible of ways for hope.

That is just about the most fucked up statement I have ever heard.  In my universe, hope does not find sustenance in the death of the innocent and the annihilation of an entire people.

Why the shit are we talking and arguing about this?  In my opinion, if someone wants to be a Hitler admirer, that's fine.  But it better never intrude into my life because it's a repulsive and sick world view.   There are just some things that you don't share with your faction members.  This is one of those lines, imo, and he crossed it, even though I never really confronted him on it.  In the Germany that Hitler apparently blessed with his brilliance, btw, it would be fucking illegal right now to speak in support of Nazi-ism - that's how much Germany thanks what Hitler did to them as a people.  We still live in regret and embarassment that we ever let something so evil happen to our people.


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Eligoh's Resignation
« Reply #53 on: October 15, 2004, 08:56:33 pm »
Sorry.  I'm making a judgement call here, and it's over.  Eligoh is gone - take your closeminded arguments elsewhere please.  We all have different point of views, and that is to be respected.

Simply take it to PMs or IMs.

Hacked by AcidicPlague.  Transmission killed .....



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