If you've been following things, you probably saw a little about this in the PC Gamer article. But now more details are on the official site
Jedi Knight Advanced ClassesJedi GuardianA wall between the good people of the Republic and their enemies, the Guardian stands firm in the face of overwhelming odds and dares opponents to attack.
Perfect concentration and use of the Force allows smooth movement even
in heavy armor--making the Guardian a hard target to take down. Leaders
on and off the battlefield, Guardians are known for inspiring allies to
amazing feats, making them invaluable for conflicts of any size.
Interpretation - your standard heavy armor tank. Also sounds like the Guardian has group buffs the way they reference "inspiring others to amazing feats"Jedi SentinelControl and focus are the hallmarks of the Sentinel.
Through years of training the Sentinel learns the art of using
two Lightsabers simultaneously to create an intricate web of damage
that is almost impossible to evade. Manipulating the Force, the Sentinel can
see holes in the enemy defense, potential flaws in their own technique and how best to plan for both.
Interpretation: Melee DPS while sacrificing the Guardian's survivabilityT7-01 CompanionT7 sees himself as protector of his more fragile organic allies, willingly placing himself in harm’s way and always ready to play the hero when innocent lives are in danger.
Although he was originally designed
for repair and piloting duties, T7
has accumulated many special modifications, expanding his potential uses on and off the battlefield. This little droid is much more than a mechanical servant… he’s a friend and ally to the end.
Surveillance, cartography and data slicing
Interpretation: In battle, he seems to be a tank that will take hits for you, which is an odd pairing for a Jedi Knight, who is up in the face of opponents anyway. Out of battle it seems like he can reveal area maps, perhaps points of interest, and can access terminals, etc.