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Author Topic: APB Newbie Guide  (Read 1242 times)

Offline Tbone

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APB Newbie Guide
« on: October 30, 2009, 04:06:06 pm »
Some users put this together. If and when you get a key, look this over. It answers a lot of questions that I was still trying to figure out:

Rough Newbie Guide

"Where do I get my mail"
To get your mails you have to find the "mail-computer" (Look at the bottom for a picture)
The mail-computers can be found at your organization house or at the Ammo Points.
You can find the Ammo Points at the map ”M” with the icon as some bullets
Press the action key ”F” to get your mail.
“Why cant I shot someone”
You can only Kill/arrest the people whichs names are in "RED".
To get someones name in red either witness a criminal as enforce or do a mission and maybe in the mission there will appear a "APB" logo talking you that someone from the opposite site joined the fight.
"Leaning around Corners"
You are able to lean left and right with you are in zoom mode "Mouse 2"
To lean left press "Q"
To lean right press "E"
"How to arrest someone"
As Enforces you have the ability to arrest the criminals by using a tazer or dart-gun.
You should start with a dart-gun but you have to purchase it first.
Go to the nearest organization house and enter the armory "F5" select secondary weapon and in there you should be able to purchase the dart-gun.
When you have the dart-gun and are in a fight with an criminal, shot with the dart-gun until he are knocked out, then run over to him and hit the action key "F"
"Witness a criminal"
As an Enforce when you see a criminal doing something bad you can press the "G" key. IF you are on a mission already you cant do this you have to complete your mission first.
When you dont have a mission you can use the key "G" when you see someone going bad stuff and then there will appear in the top right corner a mission-window and you have to press "Y" to accept.
"How do I customize my car/clothes"
First you have to be in the Social District before you can customize your car/clothes.
When you are in the Social District:
Press "F11" to customize your car.
Press "F10" to customize your clothes.
"How do I get a tattoo" [New update]
To get a tattoo you must first be in the Social District.
When you are in the Social District press "F9".
In here you can customize your character hair, scars, skin, tattoos etc.
In the top left corner you got a “Customization” windows. At the bottom in the menu you got “tattoos”.
When you are in the tattoo menu you can now add tattoos by clicking the green plus icon.
Now a new windows open where you can choose your tattoo.
You can add a single Vinyls or a design you created in the designer.
When you have added, resize and placed the tattoo and are done press the “Purchase” button to add the tattoo.

TIP: You can hide your outfit by clicking the “Show/hide outfit” at the button right corner.
“How do I spawn my car”
To spawn your car you first have to be on a spawing spot.
Those spot are at organizations houses parking spots or at gas stations.
The spawing spot are marked.
To spawn your car press “T” and your car will arrive.
"How do I get missions"
At the organization houses your mission can be founded. Talk to the contact by pressing "F" when you are aiming at them and after that press "pledge" in the new window.
Now mission will come to you. Missions will pop up in the top right corner and you can accept them by pressing "Y"
So you dont have to go back to the contacts after each missions are done.
The contacts are only in the Financial District.
"How do I purchase a car" [New update]
To purchase a car you must first be in the Social District.
When you are in the Social District press "F11".
In here you can customize and add new vehicles to your garage.
Press the “Add new vehicle” button and you should get a list over cars you can buy.
Select your car and press “buy” and you have purchase a new car.
"How do I get new weapons"
When you complete your first mission you will get a new weapon but you dont got it yet, you have only unlocked the weapon at the armory, ready to be purchase.
Enter the armory "F5" select primary weapon, select your reward weapon and press purchase.

TIP: You can only access the armory in the Social District or at your organizations house
"How do I change my weapons"
To change your weapons simple go to your nearest organizations house and open your inventory "I" select that weapon you wanna change and press change founded at the right side in the window.
Select that weapon you wanna change to and press change.
“How to change the chat channels”
The channels can also be found ingame at the Chat Commands (Look under "Chat Option/chat Commands/Emotes Menu" to find out how to access the commands)
District : /d
Group: /g
Team: /t
Officer: /o
Reply: /r
Say: /s
Clan: /c
Whisper: /w
Yell: /y
"Chat Option/Chat Commands/Channels Commands/Emotes Menu"
To find the chat option first press "HOME" then your chat windows will get a black background. (look at the bottom for a picture)
Press the button marked with red and you will access the chat option window.
Console Commands: shows you the slash commands for grouplist, claninv etc.
Chat Commands shows: the slash commands for the channels.
Emotes Menu: show the slash emotes and which ones you can perform.
"Why cant I dance/laugh/brag"
You will start out with the basic emote like:
/wave,hallo,ready,yes,no etc. All your emotes can be found under the Emotes Menu (look under "Chat Option/chat Commands/Emotes Menu" to find the Emotes Menu)
So to unlock the rest emotes you have to complete missions and sometimes some emotes are rewards.

"How to use the Music Player" [New update]
Playback Device: In this menu you can select how you want to play the music.
- Headphones: The music will be enabled when you walk around.
- Car Stereo: The music will be enabled when you are sitting or near a car.
- Automatic: The music will be enabled when you are walking and driving.

Volume: The volume can be adjusted for Headphones or Car Stereo at the bottom right corner.

Playlist: You can make your own playlist and add your favorite tracks.
To create a playlist select “Create” in the top left corner. To name the playlist rename it at the top center after created the playlist.
Now to add the tracks simply select the track you wish to add and select “Add to playlist”

Import: You can import your own tracks to the Music Player.
To import a track select “Import” at the bottom left corner.
Then Select “add” and a small browser windows will appear. Browse to that folder where the tracks you want to import.
Note: You can only select folder and not single files.
When selected the folder press “ok” and select “Start Import” at the top left corner and it will start to import your tracks. This will take a while.
When the process are done all your tracks will be add with the rest of the tracks.
All import tracks will have a little red/white icon right beside it.
Note: If a track information are not correct select “Edit Track Information” to edit the track info.
"Default Controls"
Movement: W,A,S,D
Lean Left: Q
Lean Right: E
Sprint: Shift
Jump: Space
Crouch: C
Walking/jogging: X
Action: F
Weapon Switch: V,Mouse wheel
Resupply Ammo/Vehicle Spawn: T
Call for backup: "B"
Map: M
Witness Criminal: G
Music Player: P
Resume/pause playback: "RCTRL"
Next track: "."
Previous: ","
Fire: Mouse 1
Zoom: Mouse 2
Grenade: LCTRL
Inventory: I
Locker: L
Character Info: J
Menu: O
Quick reply: "Backspace"
Screenshot: PAUSE (screenshot will be added in the APB folder C:\RTW\APB_Beta-EU\APBGame\ScreenShots)
Camera zoom out: "-" (minus)
Carmera zoom in: "+" (plus)
Look behind: "Z"
F Keys:
Primary weapon: F1
Secondary weapon: F2
Holster weapon: F3
Leagues: F4
Armory: F5   
Marketplace: F6
Music Studio: F7
Designer: F8
Character Studio: F9
Wardrobe: F10
Garage: F11
Empty: F12


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