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Author Topic: Character Migration / PvP vs. Social  (Read 8680 times)


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #75 on: May 17, 2005, 10:20:04 pm »
ok fine, you're right to a certain extent phienyx. Enum is where FA belongs, there is no 2 ways about. Enum is the server to be on. Anywhere else and we'd just be a big fish in a small pond. not good enough. we're major leaguers and our key presence must be here in the major leagues. but you have yet to give a valid reason why we cant start an FA faction on another server. some people are going to leave, one way or another. Id rather have them still be FA than not. if you can provide one valid reason why we shouldnt form a faction on another server, then thats another story. but i dont see one. because its going to weaken our presence on enum? were going to lose some of these ppl wether we start another one or not. because some ppl would leave enum if given the chance, even tho they wud stay FA if not given the chance? then your just manipulating the situation to force ppl to do something theyd rather not. your giving them an unfair catch22. i would like to hear one valid reason why there cant exist another FA faction on another server for those who dont like the hostilities on Enum. my place is here. but not everyones is.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #76 on: May 17, 2005, 10:31:24 pm »
I'm level 21. Just made 21 recently too by tagging along with Ristan who was doing a few missions with a small team. I wanted a simple five bars to get from 20 to 21 that day before I went to work.

I'm not grinding my ass off. I'm not planning on hitting 50 within the next two months. I started fresh on Enumerator when I joined FA and it was because of all of you and this faction that I gave up my PvE character to enter the PvP world.

I do not respond to hardline calls for assistance. I want to complete that damn machine gun tree so I can at least have something to my name besides "Gunman." If I'm on a mission team leeching exp, I tend to go Patcher, but even being a mere level 21, my healing doesn't do much when players have 2000+ HP.

I think buffed clothing is cool. My HP has to be about +500 (and then some, but I've capped it).
I think events are cool.
I like roleplaying because I can hop into a character I'm not in real life.
I like having enemies on Enumerator. They give me the sence that I'm not the top-dog, even with an FA tag.

I don't like how those of us who are avid MMORPGers feel about Enumerator. While some (mainly the level 50s) have reached the top, and I'm sure the money grind is a bear, there are others that have focused on one thing, and one thing only. Be it the PvP or the RP, they have tunnel vision and fail to see the entire picture.

When I roleplay, perhaps I will make the person angry. When someone gets angry, they want to fight.
-On a PvE server, this would require /duel or /pvp to complete the RP.
-On a PVP server, one can seek reinforcements to deal with the menance.

In that example, I am not justifying hardline-911-calls. I am saying that with PvP we can make the roleplay so much better than on a PvE server. However, we must remember who we are. We are the Furious Angels.

...We are the Furious Angels.

That name carries a lot of weight and with is comes great responsibility. We are leaders in the community on our server. If others do not like playing by rules and would rather gank their hearts out, remember that they will become so unbearably bored with this same monotomous task that they will either swich servers or cancel their account. We get to make it interesting. We get to set the example and lead by it. We get to form alliances to achieve our common Zion goals.

We stick together to aid our bretheren in times of need and in times of celebration. This is one of those times where we need to help each other ride this hard time out because just over the hill is the beautiful city of Oz. Only be sticking together will the Furious Angels make it through this. We can do this.[/b]


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #77 on: May 17, 2005, 10:35:57 pm »
I agree but saying you dont have the whole picture and making it wrong isnt right.  People have their own tastes and it doesnt have to be everything.  I like RP more than PVP but i handle PVP on a day in day out basis and i have the 2k+ CQ points to show for it.  Saying i have a tunnel of vision because what i feel i want out of my 15 dollars a month is wrong everyone has their likes and dislikes and just because some people like things more than others doesnt make them less of a person.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #78 on: May 17, 2005, 10:43:49 pm »
I don't think I ever said that forming another chapter of FA on another server COULDN'T be done, but lets face it.  It isn't really our call to make.  The direction of FA is in the hands of its founders and if they deem that they'd rather keep the faction intact and on one server, I would personally support that.

Forming another chapter of FA on another server would, in a sense be FA in name only vs FA with one united purpose and vision and working toward those together.   If one is not able or willing to pursue the established vision of FA then having "Furious Angel" above your head on whatever server one decides to go to will merely be a tag and not much more.  For many of us, having the "Furious Angels" tag represents time and effort invested, not only in the challenge, but in the whole idea behind why the Angels were formed.

What this proposes is a separate faction with different goals and purposes than FA, that just happens to call itself The Furious Angels.  They''d have to have a separate communication system, being on a different world and would also have to have separate forums because what's happening on one MxO world might not be what's happening on another.  One might as well start a separate faciton......a sister faction if you will, and call it something else because it wouldn't truely be FA.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #79 on: May 18, 2005, 02:39:29 am »
no way dude. im sorry. i totally disagree. Whats the purpose of FA? the purpose of FA is to impact the storyline. THAT is the single primary base on which all these other pillars are founded on. if people PVP, or they RP, if ppl love us or hate us, if they respect us or insult us, if we are hero's or villain's, saviours or conquerors, all that, everything else, is but 1 side of a D20(forgive the nerdy metaphor). the point of FA is to impact the storyline. its to make our mark on the matrix. and who cares if we do that on Enum, or Method, or Proxy, or Heuristic, or wherever. there is a mark to be made on EVERY server. if we have chosen Enum its because it is the flagship server of the game, its where shit goes down, but if some ppl arent comfortable with ONE aspect of what we do, that doesnt make them any less of an angel in my book. that tag over their heads doesnt stand for anything less than mine does. they can still impact the storyline, they can still be FA, somewhere else. the base is still the same. and if we have to make new forums, or new TS channels or whatever, who cares. Forums and TS channels dont make FA. the ppl make FA, and the goal makes FA. we are the ppl, and impacting the storyline is the goal. everything else is just details.

as for it being entirely in the hands of the founders, again i have to disagree. if you are talking about the external image about FA, yes, that should fully comply with TBone and the leaders views of what things should be. If you are talking strategy, or ingame objectives, wether storyline based or not, again, leaders call the shots about what we do or dont. ive lead my fair share of clans myself, and i understand that theres a line where Im puttin my thumbs up or my thumbs down and thats the end of the story, and then theres times where everyone needs to put in their 2 cents, and i can only do what the ppl want for themselves. TBone is not FA. no one individual is FA. no one individual built FA. FA is a compilation of the hard work that every single person has put into this game, into this name, into the body of FA. FA is like a house, a house that each and everyone of us laid brick. with a roof where each and everyone of us have placed shingles. no matter how many you've put in, every single person here owns a piece of this house, and ultimately they have to live in it. if enough ppl are unhappy about the conditions on Enum, but still want to remain a part of FA, then we should do our best to accomodate them. theyve laid brick and placed shingle just like you and just like me. but theyre not happy. so would you have them leave? is that it? just pack their bags and be off? i dont think thats right. the bottom line is this, ppl are going to leave, some ppl dont like Enum. that doesnt make them any less of an angel, and that doesnt mean they dont have a right to be called Angels and to follow in our goal with us, even if its on another server. it IS up to TBone to come out and say whats going to go down. but this time theres a right decision and a wrong decision here i think. this isnt just another fork in a grey road. theres black and theres white in my opinion. and whatever we're going to do, we better do it soon. we have until sunday to make a decision. are we going to just let these ppl leave, or are we going to help them? are we going to help our friends, or are we going to turn our backs on them?


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #80 on: May 18, 2005, 06:49:26 am »
Orien, I did not mean to attack anyone, I was just pointing out that there are some people (not saying names... well, because I havn't memorized everyone's voice yet) that will put others in an uncomfortable position if they do not assist with a battle.

We are all free to do what we want, this is the Matrix. I just don't like seeing people making their problems fall on the shoulders of others.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #81 on: May 18, 2005, 09:08:00 am »
Well when you join a Faction (organized) group, I was under the understanding that it was for more than to be with the current "in" crowd and to have their tage above your head in game.  Helping eachother and functioning as a team in and out of game is not just a part of it, it is the most important part of joining a clan/team/PA/faction.   As such being a team player, you will at times (not all the time) be asked or need to do things that you may not necessarily want to do at that particular time, to assist your teammates.  If you want to be free to do whatever you want, whenever you want without any repercussions, then the team thing isn't your thing and that raises the question:

"What was your purpose for joining FA?"

I am in no way trying to be nasty or combative by asking that.  It is simply a question I ask when interviewing candidates for any of the teams I ran/run for any game FPS, RTS, or MMO.  If everyone on the team isn't willing to be a team player when necessary to benefit the team, then their membership on that team is kinda pointless and maybe they're not looking for an organized team, but a group of social buddies. There is a huge difference.


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #82 on: May 18, 2005, 12:05:42 pm »
yes, well you are talking about 2 completely different things here. one thing is to "take one for the team" like if im in the matrix, ill stop and help someone out if its needed and not do whatever it was i was planning because im needed. or last night i was right out the door, about to shut my PC off, when eroz tells me were having an interview. what we are talking about is NEEDLESSLY letting members walk out the door because the team no longer wishes to accomodate them. no offense dude, but it seems to me that the only reason you feel so secure with your opinion is because Tbone has already said he has no desire to form another FA on another server. im sure if the roles were reversed and you were the one being left out, and i know you talked about that that you WOULD leave FA, but you'd want your 2 cents to be considered too before making that decision. this is a team, but this is also a collective of individuals. to dismiss members or let them leave because they have been detrimental to the rest of the team is one thing, but these people have done nothing wrong. and it only hurts every other individual when they realize, "what will happen to my place in the team if i feel left out?" i know that thot is running thru my head as we speak. there is no I in team, but a team is also a sum of I's and you can never forget that. it seems to me we disagree on what exactly it means to be in FA. and it seems to me, and im not trying to put words in your mouth, but you're saying that those who are unhappy with the situation but wud rather be accomodated by FA want nothing more than to have FA tags under their name, and that in such a case those tags mean nothing. i have to disagree. FA is more than just a team. it is a spirit, an ideal, and a goal. If these people have been thru the challenge like the rest of us, have fought along side us, have proven they have the spirit of FA, share the ideal's of FA, and want to reach our goal with FA, then you know what, wether they agree with the majority or not, they are no less of an Angel in my book than you or me, and they should be counted in our numbers among us, in an environment that suits them, spreading the ideals of FA to others, and reaching the goals of FA, be it in a place away from us. the needs of the many outweight the needs of the few, and if it were just one or two individuals i would say, that yes, we can not accomodate every single individual, we cant entertain every single notion that isnt inline with the views of the whole team. but i think there are enough ppl who are unhappy, that we need to stop and listen this time.

however phienyx, i have asked for a REASON why we cant make an FA faction on another server. so far i dont see it. all i see is your opinion, that while no less credible or valuable than mine or anyone elses, is that if they dont want to fall in line, then they need to ship out. all i see is opinions. if anyone can give me a logical, factual reason, as to why we cant do this, why we cant make room for our friends to grow as individuals but still be a part of us, i will glady shut the fuck up, and say, you're right boss.

but hey, im staying here on Enum. and im staying here with FA. im not going anywhere. those of you who ARE unhappy here need to speak up. or am i just representing a belief that doesnt actually exist?


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #83 on: May 19, 2005, 06:57:27 am »
i'll go or stay... but i think that we should stay... the reason i started a character on enumerator was to join this faction... so i will go with the faction...


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Character Migration / PvP vs. Social
« Reply #84 on: May 19, 2005, 02:27:30 pm »
Im staying to many good memories on this server and FA is here so my place is here throwing knives in peoples faces.



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