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Do you love coders too?!?!?!

Yes... but I'm not obsessive compulsive like you are Zsinj...
3 (15%)
7 (35%)
I AM a coder... get away from me... unless you need anything coded that is. *sigh*
10 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Voting closed: May 06, 2005, 08:18:24 pm

Author Topic: Newfound love for coders  (Read 1025 times)


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Newfound love for coders
« on: May 06, 2005, 08:18:24 pm »
Today, I bought a Scattershot ability for 200k from a Firearms vendor in Stamos.

Long story short, a half hour later, I died on a mission w/o uploading the ability.

Not five minutes later, Broin told me that coders are more than happy to code my abilities even if they are available at vendors! (Low level me always heard that I had to buy my abilities from a vendor rather than bother a coder.) Broin spent all of 16k(?) to make the same ability that cost me 200k.

I'd just like to say "Thanks!" to coders for all of their hard work and dedication!

I'd also like to hijack my own thread (can I even do that?) to announce that I finally made level 20, yay! :D

By the way... can coders code $info? ;) I wish. I so want to go down Scattershot, Sniper, Patcher, and Virologist at the same time... But until $info grows on trees or Data Nodes become a lot easier to tap (like in beta when it was similar to a file download... $$$/sec and you actually made some money doing it too!) then it's not gonna happen. Lil ol' to-be Scattershot me.

Anyways, this is a shout-out to all coders in the faction that y'all are now my new best friends! (I hope that y'all don't start to cringe (hey, that rhymes with Zsinj!) at the sound of my voice for that :p )

Happy coding!


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Newfound love for coders
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2005, 10:48:06 pm »

can coders code info??? IF ONLY!!! fuck no, they have to make coding the most expensive tree in the game, not to mention it was ALREADY the only tree that required ANY info for ANYTHING besides leveling up abilities .... now it costs even more *growls*

ok i'm done ranting


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Newfound love for coders
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2005, 10:50:07 pm »
This week is National Coder Appreciation Week.

Give your neighborhood Coder a big hug (or some $i) to show your appreciation!

(No, Nemi, I still won't let you hug me)


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Newfound love for coders
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2005, 12:17:57 am »
/me loves coding

Best goddamn crafting system I've EVER seen in a game. :D


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Newfound love for coders
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2005, 08:09:52 pm »
Just a little reminder....
Coders LOVE DONATIONS!  Especially red frags and info, and enhanced items.
It doesn't hurt to farm a few red frags for us coders all of FA out that way.

and finally.....When you guys ask us to code you something.....DON'T make us WAIT at a HL for you to get patient and wait next to's better than us holding onto an ability for 20 minutes to try to hunt you down.

ok.../rant done...
Glad to code for you guys!


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Newfound love for coders
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2005, 09:26:23 pm »
How about a Red Frag bank for the coders of FA? Pretty much like a place where we keep track of all the red frags people have available and where coders can post that they are most desperate for.

Example: I have 2 Hacker Interfaces and an Operative Patch. I post that up on the Frag Listing.
A coder posts that (s)he is seeking 4 Operative Patches.
We both recieve a PM (or somethig of the sort) telling us that we have a match. This way we can meet up and swap frags as needed. Also, anyone else to post the next three operative patches would automatically recieve a message (along with the coder too) until the coder's request is filled.

Sounds good to me. My PHP skills arn't that developed yet, otherwise I'd code it myself and have a gift for the website staff. :p


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Newfound love for coders
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2005, 09:01:04 am »
I would say its a great idea, except that 1) I go through a LOT of frags in a full day, so it would be hard for me to keep an accurate track.  2) I don't know what frags I will need/not need until i am in game, not in forum.

I think if anything, we could designate Certain people to hold certain LIVING banks.  I hold all weapon frags, Tivod all clothing, Broin all operative and so on and so on.
just my thoughts.


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Newfound love for coders
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2005, 01:32:44 pm »
That's an even better Idea Yoda. Then, those of us who don't code know exactly who to give what frags too so we're not wasting them.

(And I wouldn't have to put any more money into the coder tree :p )


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Newfound love for coders
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2005, 09:41:17 am »
best to continue to distrupt to all the coders a certain amount of frags that way we don't have to have one person on to catch them at the right time. Its a good idea if people have access to the account but this past week I had to be away and if someone was counting on me to have certain frags to help them out I wouldn't be able to.


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Newfound love for coders
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2005, 01:57:03 pm »
Respect all Coders Or you will have a hard Job Finding Abiltys



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