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Author Topic: For the dog lovers of FA  (Read 1197 times)


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For the dog lovers of FA
« on: May 03, 2005, 01:37:51 am »
After the topic being brought up. It was said that FA is a bunch of cat lovers.....but this is not so i love dogs so i am wasting some space to show mine off.

Name= Gidget (girlfriend named her)
age= will be 2 years in october
Beagle- bluetickfamily


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For the dog lovers of FA
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2005, 02:45:47 am »

alrighty, i'm bait

here are my very first dogs. there is that large, ferocious doberman, Sheena, then the two poodles, black=Adam, white=Trixie. that's my older brother, Dan, in the pic as well (he's 23 now). Sheena lived 11 years, the poodles we had to sell when we moved, so not sure how old they were, but they were around when I was born. We got the dobe 2 months after i was born:

then we moved blah blah blah, got this mutt, Trudy, and yes, she's a Bears fan. :p there's some border collie and maybe doberman or rot (coloring), can't really tell. by far the most well-behaved, well-tempered dog ever. passed away at 9 years old right before i left for college :(

ok this puppy isn't mine, but these dogs were so precious, they looked like baby polar bears. it was my friend's neighbor's purebred ... something. don't remember the breed. and yes, i used to wear glasses. made swimming a bitch. good thing cats don't like water :p

aaaand then there's my current puppy. the mom was a purebred siberian husky, and the dad was ... umm ... a traveling salesman. you know about as much as i do haha. we got her right before i left for college, and she's almost 2. her name is Scully (like from x-files):


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For the dog lovers of FA
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2005, 04:32:20 am »
This thread is now officialy hijacked.
By a cat lover :D



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For the dog lovers of FA
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2005, 08:35:23 am »
My dog died a while ago, and I won't get another one until I have my own house,
but  I had a Siberian Husky named THOR.
He was big, strong, and one of the smartest creatures I ever had.
The best thing about him was that he almost NEVER barked....he just didn't feel the need to....but yet, he always got his point across of what he needed.

ah well, very cool thread.


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For the dog lovers of FA
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2005, 01:48:59 pm »
:( my puppy ( i say puppy, she was 15 years old) she was put to sleep on January 27th of this year....but I've got pics I can show. :) She was a Black Lab Golden Retriever Mix, she was also the runt of the litter, weighing in at a lovely 45 pounds, her brother was 110 pounds.

And as soon as I get the pics on my computer I'll show them. But I'm as much a cat lover as a dog lover. I love them both. Just cats smell better :)


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For the dog lovers of FA
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2005, 12:24:26 pm »
YAY desync woot woot!



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For the dog lovers of FA
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2005, 03:10:14 pm »
I got a female liver dalmation (i say a liver dalmation because she's got really dark brown spots, not black ones) thats 12 and will be 13 near the end of this June. She's the laziest but most lovable and sweetest thing I've ever laid my eyes on. Wish i had a pic to show, but my damn scanner isnt working at the moment.........oh well.  :D


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For the dog lovers of FA
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2005, 03:56:55 pm »
I have a breed that alot of people haven't heard of, but they've got to be some of the most cutest puppies I've ever seen.

They're full blooded Japanese Shiba Inu...

No...Thats not Garfield,  but close!  Here's Tojo trying the classic how-long-til-this-cat-swats-me test.

How cute is that! (And I don't even talk like that)


A-goo-goo-boo-boo-doo-doo....Ok, get a grip man.
*checks to see if male parts are still present



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For the dog lovers of FA
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2005, 07:13:59 pm »
beleev that dog is absolutely gorgeous

looks like a lil white fluffy wolf :p

my brother has a dog that's 70/30 wolf/german shepherd named timber. the dog looks very thin but it's 100% muscle. she's very creepy if she doesn't like you. kind of wierd, when i first saw her, she was in her cage, and me not thinking, i walked up to the cage and put the back up my hand up for her to smell and was talking to her, and she just licked my hand and wagged her tail. my brother was stumped, saying she was not a people-dog at all, and usually when people approach her she just stares at them with this evil glare haha. she must have known i was related or something

pretty puppy :p


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For the dog lovers of FA
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2005, 07:56:24 pm »
Whoa, dogs with part wolf can be quite unpredictable. My relatives had one, but it was very timid...its instinct to be afraid of humans.  The only person that could really even pet it was a younger girl...So maybe theres something about younger women that they find approachable.   Hmmm, maybe man and wolf have more in common than we thought? lol

I like dogs, but am in no way a nut about them.  However, my mom is BIG TIME!  Once she paid a dog psychic to determine what was wrong with one of her dogs....over the phone!  And the Psychic was like...yes, she's very depressed, yada, yada.  I think my mom may have us all beat.


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For the dog lovers of FA
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2005, 08:06:50 pm »
Well, I’m allergic to cats/dogs so here is a picture of my pet rock


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For the dog lovers of FA
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2005, 09:00:26 pm »
Cats are so much better than dogs. =P Theyre smarter, cleaner, and they handle their own shit. And if you forget to feed them, fair enough. You'll just find half a dead bird in your front yard tomorrow. Dogs are great for defending the home and what not and yada yada yada, but I mean c'mon how often does that situation come up? The cat works for his share of the rent year round, scaring the bejeezus out of lizards, rats, spiders, roaches, and all kinds of pests, and letting the fuckers know they aint welcome in here.

My cat The Cheat (yes, named after Strongbad's partner in crime) is going to be about a year old now. We found him at the local Dennys mid June of last year and Id say he was about 6-8 weeks old then. He is very sweet and sociable contrary to popular beliefs on cats. He greets every single person that walks into the house with a good old rub on the leg and a purr. And he is EXTREMELY smart. I guess he figured out that people knock on the door to be let in. So whenever he is outside and wants in he starts clawing on the door to be let in.

Then theres Tuxedo. Always dressed to impress the ladies. Too bad the poor guy lost his balls. Black all over with a white belly and white paws. A bit larger than most cats. The most paranoid little fucker alive. He is deathly afraid of humans. We picked him up from a vet, and he was already fairly big by then. We dont know what happened to him but my guess is somebody hurt him. That level of fear of people isnt natural, its learned. Poor little guy.


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For the dog lovers of FA
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2005, 09:57:59 pm »
haha i actually do not have a preference of cats or dogs, i love them both. but since my brother is allergic to cats, and i have more experience with owning dogs .... yeah. i've always begged for a cat, but we could never get one. :(

as far as dogs with wolf blood in them, my brother's dog is actually very well-behaved, and even sweet, if she lets herself warm up to you. she's killer smart, probably too smart for her own good. but then, so is my husky, Scully. darn that puppy figured out how to open the back door after we'd had her for 2 days haha. :p

cats are great house pets, and dogs are great for taking out in public. i've known several of my guy friends who have bought fuzzy little puppies simply because it automatically turns them into a chick-magnet haha.

by the way, The Cheat is my hero :D


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For the dog lovers of FA
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2005, 10:20:04 pm »
The Cheat is a pimp. "Shut up, or I'll gnaw your face off!" -Teh C. If I had a catchphrase like that I know I would get all the chicks.



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