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Author Topic: Bounty hunting?  (Read 3379 times)


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Bounty hunting?
« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2005, 04:09:03 am »
Yeah, definitely signing up


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Bounty hunting?
« Reply #31 on: April 23, 2005, 04:20:59 am »
one thing to clear up: by "ganking" i meant killing for no real reason, except that they felt like it, or in this case, just killing for money. sorry, but i fail to see the RP in that

other wise, people have to consider the chain reaction that this will cause. an angel signs up, is hired to kill someone, that person sees the furious angels tag and now has a grudge against the faction. everything we do is being watched, so that will in no way escape people. keep doing that and we will have a rather large base of enemies for no real reason other than people like to kill or want money. just something to think about

as far as the idea of people already hate us so let's do it anyway, that's not what this faction is about. last i remember, we are about the community and helping, not killing and making enemies. not everyone will like us, and that's fine, but did we chose a pvp server just to go out and look for trouble? i thought we were the good guys :)


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Bounty hunting?
« Reply #32 on: April 23, 2005, 05:10:13 am »
We are the good guys. And even as Tyndal put it, there are some enemies of Zion that must be dealt with in unorthodox manners.

And to be honest (And blunt), I'm tired of having to tiptoe through the damned tulips with all these people crying exploiter at us. I bought the game to have fun. I'm not doing it to senselessly kill people, and make a buck off of it. I'm doing it because we are Furious Angels. Even in heaven, there is an Archangel of War. I'm simply applying for that Archangel's position


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Bounty hunting?
« Reply #33 on: April 23, 2005, 08:24:16 am »
i'd be careful kayda, i think thats all shes saying.


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Bounty hunting?
« Reply #34 on: April 23, 2005, 09:42:13 am »
prof said it best

Offline Fuse

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Bounty hunting?
« Reply #35 on: April 23, 2005, 11:51:07 am »
To each thier own is NOT a valid point here. If it was we would all be allowed to post what we want on teh message baords. One persons actions effect the faction. I am surprised at you T, for saying we can do what we will on this case, yet we can not defend FA, or even make a post UNREALATED to FA without being kicked out. I am not against PvP, I'm against "Oh look, there red-Kill it!", even if they are the same lvl-unless there good RP value, or personal reason for it, I don't attack. If they want a fight, they bring it on and I fight.  Some of you don't even think about RP/Story/reasons why you kill a red, which is what I consider the asses of the MMO world. They kill just to kill. We came to this server for the RP and story potential, how is having hitmen part of that? as I said before, RP wise-kill for honor and defense-not such a selfish reason as info.

Offline Ketamininja

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Bounty hunting?
« Reply #36 on: April 23, 2005, 12:00:32 pm »
nothing there to say a FA member can't collect bounty on an FA member ;) /duel

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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Bounty hunting?
« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2005, 12:08:31 pm »
This isn’t omg its a red lets pwnz0rz it1!!!!11!!!  

the point is that the people we do hunt(and we don’t even have to hunt a single on) have done something to deserve getting a bounty on their heads, so we are not "killing for the sake of killing". For example, one person who might have a bounty on their heads is psycidelicos. We would most likely kill him anyway for what he has done but now not only are we doing that but we are getting paid for doing it, and possibly getting a good rep for the people setting the bounties.


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Bounty hunting?
« Reply #38 on: April 23, 2005, 04:00:13 pm »
archangels of war killed for God, not for themselves, or for money. if you are going to put up that theory, then you would be killing for the faction, not for someone who puts out a bounty on someone else. archangels' purposes and honour were the exact opposite of bounty hunters.

as for killing someone because we'd be killing them anyway, it's enough for me to just kill someone i don't like. wanting money for it is just greedy, in my opinion. if you're not having enough fun in this game killing and being killed on your own personal turf for your own reasons, without bringing in other people's wants and needs to have people killed, i suggest trying another game. don't make enemies for the faction, because you inevitably will, whether you want to, intend to, or not.

i understand this is not a "if they're red they're dead" setup, because you will be after specific people. but the more successful you are at being a bounty hunter, the further you are bringing the faction down by giving us a bad name. saying that our name is tarnished anyway is just rediculous, we'll be digging our own graves. we can't be a part of the community if the community hates us.

we're better than this, people. there are better ways to make a name for ourselves.


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Bounty hunting?
« Reply #39 on: April 23, 2005, 05:13:27 pm »
I hate to burst yalls lil bubble of protection from the PvP world....but i'm going to go ahead and take this oppertunity to "enlighten" you as to what actaully goes on out there, out of the comfort of Coder Park and mission areas.

It's war out there, thinking otherwise is being naive. Do you know how many factions, out of every merv/machine faction there is, that want to kill FA on sight? Every single one of them, besides the Jokerz. So don't go assuming that if we don't attack them they won't attack us. You know how many of our guys get ganked on a daily basis? You ever been in an all out war, notice most of the reds going after FA? Why? Because we are powerful, because we are effective.

Help the community? The community which openly flames us? The community which blacklists us? The community which calls us exploiters? Which community were you referring to exactly? Perhaps, the community which smiles in our face but never supports us when we need it most? Hmmm... Yes that's a rather cynical way of looking at it, but what can you expect at this point. Furthermore, for all you know at this point in time, this Bounty service may very well become a part of the community, just as RFZ is.

We know what we are, I'm not here to blow sunshine up the community's ass and go out of my way to impress them, we already bend over backwards for this unforgiving community as it is. We make one or 2 mistakes and we get branded, all of our prior accolades forgotten. I'm not trying to make enemies... You've never heard someone thank you for saving their life? from being ganked? From clearing out a hardline of gankers? It's very rewarding, and that is the kind of thing that will win some of the community over, by being there, showing that we care, showing that we are here to help...

Bottom line. From what i've read, it appears you have the choice of what bounties you'd like to persue, you can either accept or not even bother with them. Therefore we'd have the choice of killing someone who we know deserves to die, or who we would kill on sight anyhow, so why not collect on that? How is that greed. That is luck, not greed, getting paid to do what you are good at, in this case, killing.

Killing a ganker, avenging someones death, is not going to bring the Faction's name down. We're on a Hostile server, kill or be killed, wake up and smell the bloodshed.


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Bounty hunting?
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2005, 10:13:51 pm »
We all know its a pvp server there is no reason or point to make a post that attacks other peoples veiws or opinions. We should all have enough respect for one another to state our reasons with out being sarcastic or an ass to one another.

The point I said had nothing to do with fighting, it was the cause behind the fight. From my point of veiw we are FA, the good guys. We fight for a reason and not a price tag. Avenge death, kill gankers I had no idea we needed a cash insentive to do so. If we accept the prize then weather or not at the time of attack we did it for the cash. To me that taints the ideas behind any fight but thats not my call.

Tbone has stated the rules and I follow his command. Anyone should feel free to post thier ideas and arguments but try and do it in a constructive matter. We should have enough respect and honor to one another not to go down that road.


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Bounty hunting?
« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2005, 10:53:43 pm »
Here is a great example of what I just said. The first bounty ever put out was on, the one, the only, Mek. We would be killing this guy anyway.


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Bounty hunting?
« Reply #42 on: April 24, 2005, 01:15:32 am »
I apologize if my post may have seemed rude or taken out of context, I'm just trying to tell it how it is, nothing more. I'm not trying to pick a fight or disrespect anyone, especially not another angel. Just trying to get a point of view across... I respect everyone's opinions, and I generally get where everyone stands on this topic, but everyone should be as understanding towards everyone elses opinions.

I still say we wait it out before coming to any concrete conclusions, obviously i myself am intrigued by the idea, while others may be completely against this... i think it has some potential if operated correctly... there will always be goods and bads to everything, nothing is perfect.



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