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Author Topic: Suggestion to add CODER STORE to //operator section  (Read 757 times)


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Suggestion to add CODER STORE to //operator section
« on: April 05, 2005, 11:37:14 am »
Requests for coding new skills and clothing come all the time.
Maybe we could make it easier for coders by having a Marketplace on the FA site where abilities, items, weapons, clothing, and utilities would be listed, and players could put in an order on the item and the system will automatically do the organizing for the coder.
This way, when people like grim, tivod, gabe, professor... etc are in game, and have their coder abilities loaded, they can just go off of their checklist.

-Coders could have assigned abilities. (ex. Grim- Clothing coder, Tivod- Ability coder, Professor- Item coder, Gabe- weapon coder). Instead of having to upgrade all their code abilities, this would free up LOTS of Info for them to upgrade their non-coder abilities.

-An official Code Bank would be estabilished. Like we do now, players will continue to voluntarily deposit on a continual basis. While most items would be listed free of charge, rare or high-risk-of-failure items could be sold at some reasonable price of info + parts.

-Elected assistants could help with receiving code parts from players to keep the code bank in stock as well as coding things when the main coder isn't around.

-Coders could also have the ability to "open" or "close" their store when they are or aren't availible to do any coding. Like how we can see who is on TS on //voice, we could see who is open or closed to do coding on "//code store"

-The system would improve the organization of requests, rather than having them on forums. FA would have their own Market Place.

-The system would automatically simplify those requests into a nice, easy-to-read list.


  • Guest
Suggestion to add CODER STORE to //operator section
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2005, 12:19:38 pm »
sounds solid to me, but we talking about inclan or public? im all for in clan shopping, would make it easier and the coders assigned to the different abilities that are needed could update when they have them ready, so all you have to do is look on the site and see that your item is ready to be picked up.


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Suggestion to add CODER STORE to //operator section
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2005, 12:23:28 pm »
MEMBERS ONLY of course, what we have in FA, stays in FA


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Suggestion to add CODER STORE to //operator section
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2005, 12:30:12 pm »
I've got all the skills except weapons up to date. For the most part this would work but if people just pop on the coder section creat a thread about what they need then coders when they've got the free time can stop check the threads and do what they can. No one can cover all requests and currently only a few of us can handle he high end stuff. What would be realy good is if people would come prepared when the coder monkey time comes. What this would mean is if you are going down a tree then you know what abilities you are going to need so pop on the cls 2.0 check up the abilities and find out what red fragment you're going to need. If you've got this taken care of and have the red fragment in hand when any coders are doing there thing then its that much faster.... and get this the cls tells you were you can find the red fragment just by leaving your cursor hovered over the frag.  Can't say that enough, if people know what they need and how we can feel the order then it'll be realy realy realy realy (is the point clear yet) good not to have to hunt down the info for the person.


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Suggestion to add CODER STORE to //operator section
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2005, 03:11:29 pm »
I think this store idea would be good, be nothing to fancy. Constantly using threads can get a bit messy, and eventually it will be easy to miss or look over some requests. Like Tivod, I have all my coding abilities maxed to my level, with the exception of tools, so at this point there is not much need to specialize. The idea of each coder having a focus was more to just get us started, so in the early days we did not spread ourselves thin. Now we have gotten off to a great start, and all of us whom are coding are pretty much set as far as funds go. Things would go smoothly as is if everyone makes sure to research the red frags needed to code the desired abilities/apparel, but if we could impliment a //coder store section, I would suggest just having a request system where it will be easier for those coding to check up on orders. It could show who wants what, if they already have the required material, and perhaps the difficulty of the desired code. I try to keep up with the forums, and write down people's request in my notebooks, but it can be a bit troublesome to keep track of everything.

Either way, I just want to reiterate what Tivod said, "come prepared when the coder monkey time comes." That will help us more than anything else. Even bring a few extra if you have the time, the more we have stockpiled the better we can help you.


  • Guest
Suggestion to add CODER STORE to //operator section
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2005, 04:31:27 pm »
Maybe then, integrate a system that mediates b/w the player and the coder.

Player would select their needs


 "Items                                                                  Select items:
 Enhanced Pugilist Gloves                                     x
 Red Magenta Shirt
 White Plain slacks
 White Fedora                                                            x
 Black Dress

The program would list what objects are required before any futher notification to the coder is made once retrieved the player goes back to the program to authorize a msg sent to the coder.

"The following objects are required in order to complete your request:

clothing interface
clothing interface
variable frag u04
variable frag u08

When accomplished, please click here. An itenerary will be sent to a coder. "

Coders can check into the coder store to check the itineraries. If a coder can complete that itenerary he/she would finish it. If the coder doesn't have enough objects he/she leaves a msg on the itenerary stating that coding will have to be completed the trade. Regardless, the coder will be reimbursed for the red frag they lost.

This is pretty much the same thing you guys are doing right now, just less messy, and a lot less hassle.



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