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Author Topic: And the Verdict is...  (Read 1085 times)


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And the Verdict is...
« on: June 23, 2006, 06:37:00 pm »
So... here's what happened:

Wednesday evening:
I spent the better part of my day, after I got off work, meeting with a group for a presentation due Thursday Morning.  On the way back fro the library I decided to stop into Subway (where I work) to see if my roomate needed any help.  AS it turned out, there was  aline out the door.  This was wierd seeing as it was after 10 PM.  So I stuck around and helped him and i decided to stay and help him close the store.  We closed the store and all seemed to be normal.

Thrusday morning:
I get a phone call at 7:30 AM.  It's one of my friends, Sean.  He's a volunteer firefighter and he tells me that he was listening to his scanner and heard that there was a forced entry at Subway Wedesday night, after we closed.  My first thought was, hmmm maybe I wont have to work tonight!  I give my big presentation and manage to pull out a pretty amazing project.  I walk out of my class, looking forward to what looked to be a nice, stress free weekend.  Instead I find two police officers who tell me they would like to speak to me.  I have to ride in the back of the squad car, not a comfortable experience and they take me in this small cement room.

The Interrogation:
They sit me down and tell me right off the bat, "Michael, everything here points to this bieng an inside job, and you should know that you are our number one suspect."  I sit there in stunned silence as he begins to tell me all of the charges that could be facing me, if they find enough evidence to  send the case to a grand Jury.  Let me go ahead and say now... I was not, in any way, involved with this crime.  Never the less they interrogated me as I sat there in my suit (I was wearing it for my presentation).  It felt like a scene from Ocean's Eleven or something.  They kept talking to me like I was a criminal mastermind.  He swore he'd find the evidence to convict me.  They finally let me leave when I asked if they were going to arrest me, but I was told not to leave town.

Friday morning:
I went into work after a night of restless sleep.  I opened the store and while I was at work, the same detectives who had been playing good cop/bad cop with me the day before want me to make them a damned sandwich!!!!  Needless to say I was painfully polite.  The head deective approached me after his meal and told me to come to the station when I got off work.

Friday afternoon:
I arrived at the station with my roomate, the other suspect, and some friends who had come into the store that night to hang out.  They pulled me into the detective's office and told me they wanted to administer a lie detector test.  Now, you could actually hear my heart dropping into my stomach.  I start freaking out,  I think they're gonna aresst me.  They administer the test, which was, kinda cool actually.  It wasn't at all like on TV or in the movies.  Now you just clip a microphone to your shirt and answer some yes or no questions.  It was pretty easy.  They let me go and administer the same test to my roomate.  They tell us we are free to go, and that they wanted to see our friends now.  We get into the car and start heading back to subway to talk to the manager, cause we're both pretty sure we're in DEEP SHIT!  while we are in the store the store phone rings.  I hold my breath.  I knew this would be the call that got me locked up.  My manager hangs up the phone and loks us both in the face in the most angry/confused/sad look on her face.  Then she says, "The DNA tests came back from the crime lab.  Whoever it was, also broke into a bar down the street last week."

That was the happiest moment of my life.  I've never even had a noise complaint filed agaisnt me, let alone been accused of a felony.  So anyways, THIS is why I have been AWOL all week long.  So fortunatly the Verdict is: Statesboro Police department Always gets their man - after they've thuroughly harrased innocent people for 48 hours.

Offline Broin

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And the Verdict is...
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2006, 10:02:18 pm »
Yeah tell them it is a lazy shitty cop who does not even deserve his job that pulls that type of bullcrap.  They thought they'd have an easy case and be able to get one of you guys to crap out and say they did it.  What they should of done was their damn jobs and put everything together before they went spouting off to the wrong suspects.  I hate guys like that.

Go ahead, make my day.

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And the Verdict is...
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2006, 11:06:18 pm »
Wow... talk about emotional trauma. Well, look on the bright side, it makes for one killer story!

Glad you're not a felon :) Or arrested wrongly as one :)

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Offline Heironymus

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And the Verdict is...
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2006, 11:21:59 pm »
well.. lets just say that it is statesboro, ga... A town that wouldn't exist without the college that it surrounds... so.. teenage people thinking they can get away with a little smash and grab when there friends tell them where and how to get into the place is not that far fetched.. the cops probably thought this was the case.... oh well.. Looks like they were wrong again...

Oh yeah.. on Facebook *if your my friend* just to prove my point I am in a "group" titled Cops in Statesboro are F***in Jackass's... and it is a fairly substantially large group.. :( what is it with small college town cops and their power trips... :)



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