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Should we work for locke to attack all those factions who "blacklisted" us?

3 (8.3%)
33 (91.7%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: April 17, 2005, 03:21:47 pm

Author Topic: should we work for Lock?  (Read 2691 times)


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should we work for Lock?
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2005, 08:30:36 pm »
Not meeeeeeee, ill be the one to start the Quasi Religion devoted to Neo....I can see it now....we follow Morpheus till the end!!!!!!


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should we work for Lock?
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2005, 09:02:04 pm »  least that's what Locke thinks.


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should we work for Lock?
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2005, 06:47:32 am »
i just plan to kill everyone so no probs here


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should we work for Lock?
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2005, 11:40:06 am »
well, way i see it is this. i have my fair share of experience in games past both running and being in units that are the "top of the food chain." FA is at the top of the food chain of all MxO. and its really this simple. if you are at the top of the food chain. everyone will hate you. everyone will envy you. dont bother trying to rectify the situation. there is nothing we can do or say to get those factions to stop hating us or envying us, wether those feelings are justified or not. they want to BE us and the only way they can be us is if we're not here anymore. if some unruly individuals in FA have taken some undesirable actions, then let those individuals be dealt with, internally. but dont even bother trying to apologize, trying to explain, or trying to rectify any situation with that piece of the community that envies us, because our cries will fall on deaf ears. it really doesnt matter who's said what that made us look bad, because the day they cant make a legitimate claim on our reputation, they will simply make it up. case in point: "all the devs are in FA" lets do what they cant do. lets stop focusing on them, and keep the focus on us. lets maintain our focus on growing stronger by the day, and maintaining that strength. THATS how FA will continue to be at the top of the food chain. let them envy us all they want, they cant do a thing about it.

as for siding with morpheus and locke. again, dont focus on them, focus on us. what do WE want to do? I dont know about the rest of you, but my primary concern in the storyline is the resolution of Neo's fate. what happened to his body, and what exactly can be done with those RSI fragments and the shapers if theres any chance of restoring him. Why wont the machines return his remains? I think this is the part of the storyline we will want to impact and affect most. and if thats the case then there is only one obvious choice. Morpheus. If we side with locke i doubt very much we will have any chance at all to deal with Neo's predicament. ofcourse thats assuming that such a split will ever occur, which at least for the moment is merely speculation.


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should we work for Lock?
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2005, 03:20:54 pm »
wow how old are you neo, i think we found a new likwidtek =P


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should we work for Lock?
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2005, 08:35:50 pm »
i am the ripe old age of 23.


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Concerning Recent Events
« Reply #21 on: May 22, 2005, 06:02:24 pm »
I know, I know... "you bumped a month old thread!"

I feel that the current times are different and I didn't want to start a new thread just to do the same thing.

Now that Zion != Morpheus, we should solidify our stance on this issue. Zion command (Lock) wants Zionites to have nothing to do with Morpheus. However, we have pledged allegiance to Morpheus since the beginning. I'd like to make a few brief points about this.

Siding with Morpheus means we will be siding against Zion command.
Once Morpheus dies, (we know he will), we will be at odds with Zion command and, in essence, be like a fourth organization carrying out Morpheus' goals in his absence (against Zion command's wishes).

Are we sure we want to do this? Morpheus is doing his Code Bomb thing, and if we want to ally ourselves with his rages (for lack of a better word), we might be putting ourselves in a bad position.

Am I getting too into this, or is this something we need to discuss before the storyline picks up without our discussing this topic? I feel that it's an important issue that needs to be resolved before the event ends next Monday.


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should we work for Lock?
« Reply #22 on: May 22, 2005, 06:35:22 pm »
Morpheus seeks the truth at all costs.  This, gives him purpose for his existence.  Now what Locke would propose is that we just not rock the boat and exist in this supposed truce like good little doobies without question.

First off, that is nothing more than a lesser form of slavery to the machines.  If we pride ourselves in being freed minds and seeking The Truth, then that is what we should continue to do. Seek the truth.  Find out what is going on that we do not know about.  

The Machines may be up to something simply because with this truce, they no longer serve the purpose for which they were created and that does not jive with thier programming.  They were programmed to maintain total control, which they do not currently have.  It is inevitable that they will do what they can to regain complete control as some point.  This is the nature of machine programs.

Mervy-poo?  Well, we know he's always up to something.....most likely several something, none of which is probably in the best interest of either machine or human.

Something is gonna go down one way or another and the more truthful information we have on what it is, the better we can serve Zion and humanity when the shit hits the fan.  Or we can sit there in our safe little city of Zion like good little kids and be kept in the dark about what's going on.

Is Morpheus a little extreme?  You bet.  But has Morpheus' been wrong yet?  His search to find "The One" in the first place was considered to be completely off the wall, but he was successful and ultimately, Zion was saved for his efforts.  Where do we go from here?  Well, we definatley don't sit on our asses and let either the machines or the mervs gain the upper hand.  

Locke only know what he can see and acts or does not act based on this limited knowledge.  Morpheus actively goes in search of that which he does not understand so that he can see beyond the surface of the situation, to The Truth.  Therein lies the true view of the big picture.

Offline Manic Velocity

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should we work for Lock?
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2005, 10:07:50 am »
Morpheus' recent actions have made me lose some respect for him.  Threatening the truce and detonating bombs all over the place isn't helping anybody.  Sure, rescuing large masses of blue pills means more soldiers for Zion, but it could also mean more soldiers for the Machines and Merovingian.  And what about the blue pills that choose to stay in the matrix?  Ejecting people from the matrix against their will is wrong.  He is showing a complete lack of regard for everyone.

I don't want to work for Locke, but Morpheus isn't exactly showing himself to be an ideal leader either as far as I'm concerned.  There are much safer and reasonable ways to go about finding Neo's remains.

Who knows.  Great men are always considered crazy at first.


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should we work for Lock?
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2005, 03:53:30 pm »
first of all manic. dont take everything for face value. it is obvious to us at this point that we dont have all of the information available to us to make an informed opinion of morpheus's actions. one thing you have to realize is you can NEVER take anything morpheus says or does at face value. as for ejecting all blue pills from the matrix, that is all of zions goal, not just morpheus.

as for what phienyx said, who says the machines arent completely in control? they can pull the plug on this little "truce" whenever they want, theyre still in complete control. if they have decided to be merciful for the time being, it is of their own choosing and we still really have no say in what goes on in the matrix. nor are we any significant threat to them that should be dealt with, at least for the time being. the only person who can give us any control, or make us any form of threat to the machines, is Neo, or a future version of The One. until such a time comes that either one resurface, we are still their little bitches.


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should we work for Lock?
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2005, 03:57:24 pm »
I follow Morpheus till my RSI has no breath left in him.  He found the One, trained him and guided him.  None believed Morpheus and fellow Zionists called him a fool.  I Know he is doing the right thing and it disturbs me that the Machines do not give up Neo's remains.  I want an answer to why!  Morpheus follower to the bitter end.


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should we work for Lock?
« Reply #26 on: May 23, 2005, 04:34:17 pm »
I am going to follow Morpheus no matter waht.  I was wondering why Tbone hasn't addressed this thread.  If we had an official stance maybe we could contact Morpheus during this event and let him know we want to side with him and we'll do whatever it takes.  Now that's affecting the storyline.


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should we work for Lock?
« Reply #27 on: May 23, 2005, 04:49:56 pm »
Think about it: if Morpheus would of never have found the One, there would be no truce and there would be no Zion like we know it today. If we would of all followed Locke, we would of all been dead for sure. So yah, Morpheus may be crazy, but i would much rather follow him than follow someone like Locke who doesnt know what the hell he is doing....plain and's a fact....



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